Past Inquiries

Inquiry Report By Submissions Closed

Committee Secretariat Contact

Parliament House George Street Brisbane Qld 4000


Committee Membership

Ms Sandy Bolton MP, Member for Noosa (Chair)
Ms Jonty Bush MP, Member for Cooper (Deputy Chair)
Mr Aaron Harper MP, Member for Thuringowa
Mrs Laura Gerber MP, Member for Currumbin
Mr Jim McDonald MP, Member for Lockyer
Mr Dan Purdie MP, Member for Ninderry
Mr Adrian Tantari MP, Member for Hervey Bay

Functions of the Committee

The Youth Justice Reform Select Committee of the 57th Parliament was established by the Queensland Legislative Assembly on 12 October 2023 to investigate a wide range of issues, including how to divert young offenders from the criminal justice system, prevent re-offending and better protect the community from the effects of youth crime.

The Committee was dissolved by order of the house on 17 April 2024.

The same order required the version of the latest report put to the Youth Justice Reform Select Committee for adoption, which failed to pass, to be tabled by the Clerk.

That document can be found on the tabled papers database here.