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Committee Secretariat Contact

Parliament House George Street BRISBANE QLD 4000

Phone: +61 7 3553 6606


Committee Membership

Mr Jon Krause MP, Member for Scenic Rim (Chair)
Hon Stirling Hinchliffe MP, Member for Sandgate (Deputy Chair)
Mr Don Brown MP, Member for Capalaba
Mr Michael Crandon MP, Member for Coomera
Mr James Martin MP, Member for Stretton 
Mr Lachlan Millar MP, Member for Gregory
Ms Jess Pugh MP, Member for Mount Ommaney

Functions of the Committee

The Parliamentary Crime and Corruption Committee is established under the Crime and Corruption Act 2001

The committee has oversight of the Crime and Corruption Commission (CCC).

The CCC is an independent statutory body established under the Crime and Corruption Act 2001 to combat and reduce the incidence of major crime and corruption in the public sector in Queensland. The CCC investigates crime and corruption and has oversight of the public sector including police and witness protection. The CCC also has a research function.

The principal functions of the committee are:

  • to monitor and review the performance of the CCC’s functions, by:
    • receiving and considering complaints against the CCC
    • reviewing CCC guidelines and policies and making suggestions for improvement of CCC practices
    • reviewing CCC reports, including annual reports and research reports
    • requesting reports from the CCC on matters which have come to the committee’s attention, through the media or by other means
    • dealing with ad hoc issues concerning the CCC as they arise
  • to report to Parliament on matters relevant to the CCC, including:
    • commenting and reporting on matters relevant to the performance of the CCC’s functions or exercise of its powers
    • examining and reporting on the CCC’s annual report and other reports
    • reporting on any matter referred to the committee by the Parliament
    • conducting 5 yearly reviews of the CCC’s activities
    • periodically reviewing the structure of the CCC, including the relationship between the types of commissioners and the roles, functions and powers of the CCC, the chairperson and the chief executive officer
  • to participate in the selection of commissioners and the chief executive officer of the CCC.

The committee is a continuation of the Parliamentary Crime and Misconduct Committee, established under the Crime and Misconduct Act 2001, and the Parliamentary Criminal Justice Committee, established under the repealed Criminal Justice Act 1989.

Complaints about the CCC and its Officers

The committee receives complaints about the CCC, as part of its function to monitor and review the performance of the CCC. The complaints received assist the committee with its oversight of the CCC.

The committee considers complaints to determine whether the CCC, or any of its officers, acted inappropriately.

The committee examines administrative matters, such as procedural or systematic deficiencies within the CCC, including:

  • timeliness in the handling of complaints, including responsive and timely communications with complainants
  • whether CCC officers have acted professionally in their dealings with complainants
  • whether the CCC has provided information about how a dissatisfied complainant may request an internal review of a CCC assessment outcome or decision, and
  • whether the CCC acted within its legislative powers.

The committee’s consideration of complaints has resulted in the CCC:

  • providing a fuller explanation of its decisions or processes
  • apologising for the manner in which it has handled complaints
  • reviewing its original decision
  • changing its policies or procedures, and
  • undertaking not to repeat a certain action.

When considering complaints about the CCC, the committee does not act as an appeal body against determinations made by the CCC or substitute its conclusion for that of the CCC in relation to a matter dealt with by the CCC. 

The committee has no jurisdiction in relation to any other organisation or body, and does not carry out original investigations into allegations of corruption or police misconduct. 

The committee has a policy of only considering complaints made in writing. Complaints may be forwarded by post or email. Please see the Guide to making a complaint about the Crime and Corruption Commission to the Parliamentary Crime and Corruption Committee.

Powers of the committee

The Crime and Corruption Act 2001 and the Parliament of Queensland Act 2001 confer powers on the committee, including:

  • to call for persons, documents and other things
  • to administer oaths to witnesses
  • to examine witnesses on oath
  • to issue guidelines to the CCC or to direct the CCC to investigate specific matters regarding alleged corrupt conduct
  • powers necessary to enable the committee to properly perform its functions.

Annual Report

View: Report No. 111, 57th Parliament - Annual Report 2023-2024 - tabled 12 September 2024


Committee Secretary

Assistant Committee Secretary

Committee Support Officer


Please note that not all committee hearings and briefings are broadcast.

Watch live and archived broadcasts of the Parliamentary Crime and Corruption Committee here.