Past Inquiries

Inquiry Report By Submissions Closed

Committee Secretariat Contact

Parliament House
George Street

Committee Membership

Mr Joe Kelly, Member for Greenslopes, Chair
Mr Pat Weir MP, Member for Condamine, Deputy Chair
Mrs Julieanne Gilbert MP, Member for Mackay
Mr Robbie Katter MP, Member for Mount Isa
Mr Jim Madden MP, Member for Ipswich West
Mr Lachlan Millar MP, Member for Gregory

Functions of the Committee

The information on this page relates to the committee of the 55th Parliament, which ended with the dissolution of the Parliament on 29 October 2017.


The Agriculture and Environment Committee was established by the Queensland Legislative Assembly on 27 March 2015 as a portfolio committee with responsibility for the following areas:

  • Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Economic development;
  • Environment and Heritage Protection; and
  • National Parks and the Great Barrier Reef

In relation to its areas of responsibility, the Committee:

  • examines Bills to consider the policy to be enacted;
  • examines the estimates of each department;
  • examines Bills for the application of the fundamental legislative principles set out in section4 of the Legislative Standards Act 1992;
  • considers the lawfulness of subordinate legislation;
  • assesses the public accounts of each department in regard to the integrity, economy, efficiency and effectiveness of financial management by
    • examining government financial documents, and
    • considering the annual and other reports of the Auditor-General;
  • considers Departments’ public works in light of matters including, but not limited to the
    • suitability of the works for the purpose,
    • necessity for the works,
    • value for money of the works,
    • revenue produced by, and recurrent costs of, the works, or estimates of revenue and costs,
    • present and prospective public value of the works,
    • procurement methods used for the works, and
    • actual suitability of the works in meeting the needs in and achieving the stated purpose of the works.

The Committee must also investigate any issue referred to it by the Legislative Assembly or under an Act, whether or not the issue is within the Committee’s areas of responsibility.