Past Inquiries

Inquiry Report By Submissions Closed

Committee Secretariat Contact

Parliament House
George Street


Committee Membership

Mr Simon Finn MP, Chair, Member for Yeerongpilly
Mr Stuart Copeland MP, Deputy Chair, Member for Cunningham
Mr Chris Bombolas MP, Member for Chatsworth
Mr Stirling Hinchliffe MP, Member for Stafford
Ms Kate Jones MP, Member for Ashgrove
Mr Tim Nicholls MP, Member for Clayfield
Mrs Dorothy Pratt MP, Member for Nanango

Functions of the Committee

The information on this page relates to the committee of the 52nd Parliament, which was discharged after the tabling of its report.


On 14 February 2008, the Legislative Assembly, on the motion of the Leader of the House, resolved that:

  1. A select committee, to be known as the Broadcast of Parliament Select Committee be immediately appointed to:
    1. examine the regimes and systems for the broadcast of Parliament in other Australian jurisdictions, and in those Parliaments in other jurisdictions that have their own cameras, the use of the Parliament’s broadcasts by local media.
    2. assess the Queensland Parliament’s broadcast system to:
      1. determine the quality of material, to ensure it is sufficient for the television media’s reporting purposes; and
      2. recommend any enhancements to the video broadcast coverage of Parliament, if necessary.
    3. consider and recommend any appropriate Standing Orders and guidelines in the event that the committee finds that the current video broadcast system does not meet and cannot reasonably be upgraded to meet present standards of coverage.
  2. The committee have power to call for persons, documents and other items.
  3. The committee report to the Legislative Assembly by 30 May 2008.
  4. That the committee consist of seven members of the Legislative Assembly: Mr Simon Finn (Chair),Mr Chris Bombolas, Mr Stuart Copeland, Mr Stirling Hinchliffe, Ms Kate Jones, Mr Tim Nicholls and Mrs Dolly Pratt.
  5. That this resolution has effect notwithstanding anything contained in the Standing or Sessional Orders.