Repeal section 29 - Coroners Act 2003

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
Michael Garrels
265 Glastonbury Road
Total Signatures - 532
Sponsoring Member: Shane Knuth MP
Posting Date: 7/8/2014
Tabled Date: 7/8/2014
Responded By: Hon Jarrod Bleijie MP on 8/9/2014
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

The petition of residents of the State of Queensland draws to the attention of the House the ramifications of section 29 in the Coroners Act 2003. This section gives companies in charge at the time of a workplace death a legal loophole to appeal contrary decisions, and ultimately postponing indefinitely a coronial inquest into the death of the family member. This adds to the emotional trauma and denies grieving families the opportunities for closure.


Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to repeal section 29 and allow the coroner to perform an inquest independently of any current legal action.