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Report No. 25, 54th Parliament - Consideration of 2013-14 Portfolio Budget Estimates
committee's report
The committee’s report No. 11 on 2012-13 portfolio estimates is available here
The additional volume of information tabled with the report is available here
The estimates process aids the Parliament in its scrutiny of the Government’s proposed expenditure. Since 1994, committees of the parliament have undertaken the estimates process, by examining and reporting on the proposed expenditures contained in the Appropriation Bill and the Appropriation (Parliament) Bill.
In 2013 the examination of the Appropriation Bill will be carried out by the parliament’s seven portfolio committees, and the Appropriation (Parliament) Bill will be considered by the Committee of the Legislative Assembly.
During the estimates process, each portfolio committee will hold a public hearing from 16 to 25 July 2013 at which Ministers and senior public servants are questioned regarding the proposed expenditures for the relevant portfolio areas. The Agriculture, Resources and Environment Committee will convene a public hearing on 19 July to examine budget estimates for the following portfolios:
- Minister for Natural Resources and Mines
- Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, and
- Minister for Environment and Heritage Protection
The Appropriation Bill is available here
The Explanatory Notes to the Appropriation Bill are available here
The program for the committee’s hearing on Friday 19 July 2013 is available here
7 June 2013 | Appropriation Bill 2013 referred to portfolio committees and the Appropriation (Parliament) Bill 2013 referred to the Committee of the Legislative Assembly for examination and report |
Monday 1 July 10.00am | Deadline for the committee to provide their questions on notice to the research director. (SO 182(1), 182(2)). |
Wednesday 3 July 5.00pm | Deadline for the research director to forward the committee’s pre-hearing questions, after vetting by the Chair, to ministers (SO 182 (5)). |
Thursday 18 July 10.00am | Deadline for ministers to provide the research director their answers to the committee’s pre-hearing questions (SO 182(3)). |
Friday 19 July (9.00am – 8.00pm) | Public hearing in the Legislative Council Chamber (SO 178) - transcript |
Friday 2 August | The committee’s report and volume of additional information tabled with the Clerk (SO189 & 217). The Order setting the hearing and reporting dates for committee’s sets a reporting deadline for all committees of 2 August 2013. |
*SO=Standing Order
Archived footage is available by clicking on the movie icon within the transcript.
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