The Electoral and Administrative Review Commission (EARC) was established under the Electoral and Administrative Review Commission Act 1989 (Qld) ‘to provide independent and comprehensive review of administrative and electoral laws and processes’.[1] EARC completed its review in August 1993, having published reports on 23 matters. The Parliamentary Committee for Electoral and Administrative Review (PCEAR) was established by motion of the Legislative Assembly on 21 March 1990.[2] PCEAR’s role was to monitor and review the work of EARC on matters within its terms of reference. The PCEAR reports are available on the Queensland Parliament's website. Both EARC and PCEAR were wound up upon completion of their work.

The EARC reports are listed below with hyperlinks to the Queensland Parliament’s Online Tabled Papers:   

[1] G Fitzgerald, Report of a Commission of Inquiry into Possible Illegal Activities and Associated Police Misconduct, July 1989, p 370.

[2] M Foley, 'Motion: Parliamentary Committee for Electoral and Administrative Review: Appointment', Queensland, Debates, 21 March 1990, p 523; P Beattie, 'Motion: Parliamentary Committee for Criminal Justice', Queensland, Debates, 21 March 1990, p 546.