Lapsed - Planning Bills 2014

The Planning and Development Bill 2014

On 12 June 2013, the government announced its intention to reform Queensland's planning and development assessment system, and prepare new planning legislation to replace the Sustainable Planning Act 2009 (SPA).

The objective of the Planning and Development Bill 2014 is to deliver Australia’s best land use planning and development assessment system by providing for:

  • simplified plan making arrangements by reducing the complexity of State instruments, establishing more suitable processes for plan making, and improving infrastructure designation;
  • a streamlined development assessment system by simplifying the categories of development and decision rules; and
  • an Act that is navigable and easy to use; removing procedural and prescriptive detail, and obsolete and redundant provisions of the SPA.

A copy of the Planning and Development Bill 2014 and its explanatory notes are available via the links below:

The Bill

Explanatory Notes

The Planning and Development (Consequential) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2014

The objective of the Bill is to make consequential amendments required for the proposed enactment of the Planning and Development Bill 2014 and Planning and Environment Court Bill 2014 and repeal of the Sustainable Planning Act 2009.

The Planning and Development (Consequential) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill makes the amendments required as a result of the reform of the planning legislation, including updating SPA terminology and references in other Acts and reflecting the consolidation of planning functions within the planning portfolio.

A copy of the Planning and Development (Consequential) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2014 and its explanatory notes are available via the links below:

The Bill

Explanatory Notes

The Planning and Environment Court Bill 2014

The objective of the Planning and Environment Court Bill 2014 is to provide a separate piece of legislation to govern the constitution, composition, jurisdiction and powers of the Planning and Environment Court. The Bill provides the legislative foundation for new Court Rules and procedures to ensure the Court’s efficient operation. The purpose of the Bill is to enhance the role and visibility of the Court as a distinct, specialised and accountable court to hear planning and environment disputes.

The Planning and Environment Court Bill 2014 complements the Planning and Development Bill 2014. Together, both Bills will govern the development assessment dispute resolution system in Queensland.

A copy of the Planning and Environment Court Bill and its explanatory notes are available via the links below:

The Bill

Explanatory Notes

Public Briefing

The Department of State Development, Infrastructure and Planning provided a public departmental briefing on the Bills on Wednesday, 26 November 2014.

A proof transcript of the briefing is available via this link .


Roundtable discussions

The committee held roundtable discussions with invited stakeholders during December 2014 in the following locations:



The committee's call for submissions ceased upon dissolution of the Legislative Assembly on 6 January 2015.



On 25 November 2014, the Deputy Premier and Minister for State Development, Infrastructure and Planning, Hon Jeff Seeney MP, introduced three bills: the Planning and Development Bill 2014, the Planning and Development (Consequential) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2014 and the Planning and Environment Court Bill 2014 (the Bills).

In accordance with Standing Order 131, the Bills have been referred to the State Development, Infrastructure and Industry Committee for consideration.  The committee must provide its reports to the House by Monday, 23 February 2015.

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