Mineral Resources (Mary River Dam Site) Amendment Bill 2012 (DISCHARGED)

committee's report

On 13 November 2012, Mr Wellington moved a motion to discharge his Bill from the Agriculture, Resources and Environment Committee and discharge and withdraw it from the Notice Paper. Accordingly, the committee ceased its inquiry.

ABOUT The Bill

On 1 November 2012, Mr Peter Wellington MP, Member for Nicklin, introduced the Mineral Resources (Mary River Dam Site) Amendment Bill 2012. 

The Bill was referred to the Agriculture, Resources and Environment Committee in accordance with Standing Order 131. The committee will now examine the policies the Bill seeks to give effect to as well as the Bill’s lawfulness and the application of fundamental legislative principles, as set out in s.4 of the Legislative Standards Act 1992

The Bill amends the Mineral Resources Act 1989 to remove the designation of two sites in the Mary Valley identified as Mary River Dam Site [Traveston Crossing] and Mary River Dam Site [Kenilworth]. The Bill, Explanatory Notes and Explanatory Speech are available here:

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