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Report No. 11, 54th Parliament - Consideration of 2012-13 Portfolio Budget Estimates
The committee tabled its report on 29 October 2012.
View: 2012-13 Budget Estimates
View: Volume of Additional information
The estimates process aids the Parliament in its scrutiny of the Government’s proposed expenditure. Since 1994, committees of the parliament have undertaken the estimates process, by examining and reporting on the proposed expenditures contained in the Appropriation Bill and the Appropriation (Parliament) Bill.
In 2012 the examination of the Appropriation Bill will be carried out by the seven portfolio committees and the Appropriation (Parliament) Bill will be considered by the Committee of the Legislative Assembly.
During the estimates process, each portfolio committee will hold a public hearing from 9 to 18 October 2012 at which Ministers and the Speaker (and certain senior public servants and officers) are questioned regarding the portfolio’s proposed expenditures for the relevant portfolio areas. Other Members of the Legislative Assembly who are not members of the committee may also ask questions, with the leave of the committee.
The Committee of the Legislative Assembly will hold a public meeting, as part of its examination of the Parliamentary Estimates, on 9 October 2012.
When the committee’s hearings are completed, the committee members meet, discuss the information gained and compile a final report for tabling in Parliament. The reports are then debated by the Parliament as part of its consideration of the Appropriation Bill.
Thursday 27 September, Noon | Deadline for the committee to provide their questions on notice to the research director. (SO 182(1), 182(2)). |
Thursday 27 September, 5.00pm | Deadline for the research director to forward the committee’s pre-hearing questions, after vetting by the Chair, to ministers (SO 182 (5)). This will allow them nine working days to compile responses. |
Thursday 11 October, 10.00am | Deadline for ministers to provide the research director their answers to the committee’s pre-hearing questions (SO 182(3)). |
Friday 12 October, 9.00am – 8.30pm | Public hearing in the Legislative Council Chamber (SO 178). |
Tuesday 16 October, 5.00pm | Deadline for ministers to provide the research director with their answers to questions taken on notice at the hearing and any clarifying information (SO 183(3)(b)). |
Monday 29 October | Report tabled with the Clerk (SO189 & 217). The Order of Appointment agreed to by the House on 22 August sets a reporting deadline for all committees of 29 October 2012. |
*SO=Standing Order
Public Hearing Transcript - Agriculture, Resources and Environment Committee – 12 October 2012
The broadcast of the hearing is also available to view by clicking on the movie icon within the transcript.
Estimates transcripts are also available from the Record of Proceedings webpages. Go to this link and then click on the date of the hearing in 2012 to access the transcript: https://www.parliament.qld.gov.au/Work-of-the-Assembly/Sitting-Dates/Dates
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