Factsheet 6.1 - Queensland By-Elections

Factsheet 6.1 - Queensland By-Elections

Queensland's next general election is scheduled to be held on 26 October 2024. At this election, 93 Members, representing 93 electoral districts (known as electorates or seats), will be elected to the Queensland Parliament.

Suitable for: Secondary

View Factsheet 6.1 (PDF - 359 KB)
Factsheet 6.2 - Referendums

Factsheet 6.2 - Referendums

The Macquarie Dictionary defines a referendum as the principle or procedure of referring or submitting measures proposed or passed by a legislative body to the vote of the electorate for approval or rejection. Therefore, a referendum is an example of direct democracy in action.

Suitable for: Secondary

View Factsheet 6.2 (PDF - 356 KB)