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Speech byDr PETER PRENZLERMEMBER FOR LOCKYERHansard 25 May 1999UNIVERSITY OF QUEENSLAND, GATTON CAMPUSDr PRENZLER (Lockyer—ONP) (12.10 p.m.): I rise once again to speak on the issue of theviability of the Gatton campus of the University of Queensland. ...
Speech byDr PETER PRENZLERMEMBER FOR LOCKYERHansard 25 May 1999WEAPONS AMENDMENT BILLDr PRENZLER (Lockyer—ONP) (9 p.m.): Tonight, I will take this opportunity to debunk some ofthe nonsense and hysterical contributions that some members have made during this ...
Speech byDr PETER PRENZLERMEMBER FOR LOCKYERHansard 27 May 1999REGIONAL FOREST AGREEMENTDr PRENZLER (Lockyer—ONP) (6 p.m.): I move—"That this Parliament will ensure that the management plan for the Queensland timberindustry will be based on scientific fact ...
Speech byDr PETER PRENZLERMEMBER FOR LOCKYERHansard 8 June 1999STATE DEVELOPMENT AND PUBLIC WORKS ORGANISATION AMENDMENT BILLDr PRENZLER (Lockyer—ONP) (9.55 p.m.): Firstly, I begin by voicing my strong opposition tothe State Development and Public Works ...
Speech byDr PETER PRENZLERMEMBER FOR LOCKYERHansard 20 July 1999NATIVE TITLE (QUEENSLAND) STATE PROVISIONS AMENDMENT BILLDr PRENZLER (Lockyer—ONP) (5.10 p.m.): The Native Title (Queensland) State ProvisionsAmendment Bill 1999 is another prime example of the ...
Speech byDr PETER PRENZLERMEMBER FOR LOCKYERHansard 21 July 1999LEGISLATIVE STANDARDS AMENDMENT BILLDr PRENZLER (Lockyer—ONP) (9.02 p.m.): This Bill removes the specific reference toAboriginals from the Legislative Standards Act and replaces it such that all ...
Speech byDr PETER PRENZLERMEMBER FOR LOCKYERHansard 9 December 1999WATER RESOURCES AMENDMENT BILLDr PRENZLER (Lockyer—ONP) (3.25 p.m.): I rise with great pleasure to speak on the WaterResources Amendment Bill 1999. It gives me a great opportunity to put on ...
Speech byDr PETER PRENZLERMEMBER FOR LOCKYERHansard 10 December 1999VEGETATION MANAGEMENT BILLDr PRENZLER (Lockyer—ONP) (12.44 p.m.): I am speechless. This Bill is the greatest load ofclaptrap that I have seen for a long time. Who dreams up this rubbish? ...
Speech byPETER WELLINGTONMEMBER FOR NICKLINHansard 3 March 1999PEDESTRIAN CROSSING, MAROOCHYDOREMr WELLINGTON (Nicklin—IND) (10.17 a.m.): I rise today to speak on behalf of the 628 peoplewho signed a petition which was earlier this morning read to the House ...
Speech byDr PETER PRENZLERMEMBER FOR LOCKYERHansard 27 October 1999LIQUOR AMENDMENT BILLMr HORAN (Toowoomba South—NPA) (9.47 p.m.): One of the things that has come through inthis debate tonight and on the previous occasions when we have debated this ...
Speech byDr PETER PRENZLERMEMBER FOR LOCKYERHansard 29 October 1999SOUTH BANK CORPORATION AMENDMENT BILLDr PRENZLER (Lockyer—ONP) (11.21 a.m.): This South Bank Corporation Amendment Billmakes improvements to the South Bank Parklands, including a new retail, ...
Speech byDr PETER PRENZLERMEMBER FOR LOCKYERHansard 11 November 1999COMMUNITY SERVICES LEGISLATION AMENDMENT BILLDr PRENZLER (Lockyer—ONP) (3.30 p.m.): I rise to speak on the Community ServicesLegislation Amendment Bill. Before I begin, I would like to say ...
Speech byDr PETER PRENZLERMEMBER FOR LOCKYERHansard 11 November 1999ST GEORGE IRRIGATION AREADr PRENZLER (Lockyer—ONP) (6 p.m.): I move—"That this Parliament calls on the Beattie Labor Government to provide the infrastructurenecessary to honour its ...
Speech byDr PETER PRENZLERMEMBER FOR LOCKYERHansard 1 December 1999TOWNSVILLE INDUSTRIAL PARKDr PRENZLER (Lockyer—ONP) (6.28 p.m.): Tonight I rise in support of the motion moved by themember for Burdekin. I do so after the tirade of rubbish that I have heard ...
Speech byDr PETER PRENZLERMEMBER FOR LOCKYERHansard 1 December 1999ELECTORAL AMENDMENT BILLDr PRENZLER (Lockyer—ONP) (9.08 p.m.): I rise to speak on the motion moved by themember for Warwick. It is very important that—Honourable members interjected. Madam ...
Speech byDr PETER PRENZLERMEMBER FOR LOCKYERHansard 3 December 1999FORESTRY AMENDMENT BILLDr PRENZLER (Lockyer—ONP) (3.18 p.m.): On many occasions, members of One Nation andother members on this side have spoken about their disapproval of the regional forest ...
Speech byDr PETER PRENZLERMEMBER FOR LOCKYERHansard 232 November 1999PRIVATE HEALTH FACILITIES BILLDr PRENZLER (Lockyer—ONP) (9.36 p.m.): I stand here tonight to offer my support and thesupport of my colleagues to the Private Health Facilities Bill 1999. I ...
Speech byDr PETER PRENZLERMEMBER FOR LOCKYERHansard 24 November 1999HEALTH LEGISLATION AMENDMENT BILLDr PRENZLER (Lockyer—ONP) (12.32 p.m.): I stand today in this House to give my support andthe support of my colleagues to the Health Legislation Amendment ...
Speech byDr PETER PRENZLERMEMBER FOR LOCKYERHansard 24 November 1999TRADE MEASUREMENT AMENDMENT BILLDr PRENZLER (Lockyer—ONP) (5.27 p.m.): I am wondering whether Spud Murphy received fullglasses of beer on the day. They would have needed to be measured also; ...
Speech byDr PETER PRENZLERMEMBER FOR LOCKYERHansard 25 November 1999ANZAC DAY AMENDMENT BILLDr PRENZLER (Lockyer—ONP) (12.30 p.m.): I rise this afternoon to put on record my supportfor the Anzac Day Amendment Bill 1999. I do not think I can stress enough the ...
Speech byDr PETER PRENZLERMEMBER FOR LOCKYERHansard 26 November 1999PRIMARY INDUSTRY BODIES REFORM BILLDr PRENZLER (Lockyer—ONP) (3.49 p.m.): One Nation supports the intent of the PrimaryIndustry Bodies Reform Bill. Our support is rather tongue in cheek ...
Speech byDr PETER PRENZLERMEMBER FOR LOCKYERHansard 1 December 1999LAIDLEY DISTRICT STATE SCHOOLDr PRENZLER (Lockyer—ONP) (10.29 a.m.): Last Saturday, 27 November, my wife Christineand I attended the official opening of the new $5.5m Laidley District State ...
Speech byDr PETER PRENZLERMEMBER FOR LOCKYERHansard 1 December 1999PROSTITUTION BILLDr PRENZLER (Lockyer—ONP) (4.55 p.m.): I rise to speak on the Bill to regulate prostitution,namely the Prostitution Bill 1999. Perhaps the Bill should be called the "Debbie ...
Speech byDr PETER PRENZLERMEMBER FOR LOCKYERHansard 15 September 1999COMMUNITY-BASED REFERENDUM BILLDr PRENZLER: With CIR a mistake would have written off the entire legislation and in essencewould have nullified the purpose and intention of direct ...
Speech byDr PETER PRENZLERMEMBER FOR LOCKYERHansard 26 October 1999SUGAR INDUSTRY BILLDr PRENZLER (Lockyer—ONP) (3.51 p.m.): The Sugar Industry Bill, although providing somepositives to the sugar industry, does have many serious issues that need to be ...
Speech byDr PETER PRENZLERMEMBER FOR LOCKYERHansard 27 October 1999TIMBER PLANTATIONS (HARVEST GUARANTEE) BILLDr PRENZLER (Lockyer—ONP) (10.22 a.m.): I move—"That the Bill be now read a second time."The purpose of this Bill is to encourage the establishment ...
Speech byPETER WELLINGTONMEMBER FOR NICKLINHansard 4 March 1999TREE-PLANTING PARTNERSHIPSMr WELLINGTON (Nicklin—IND) (7.24 p.m.): Today, at the launch of the EnvironmentalProtection Agency, the Premier spoke about business ventures that maintained a balance ...
Speech byPETER WELLINGTONMEMBER FOR NICKLINHansard 11 March 1999USE OF PLAIN ENGLISH IN GOVERNMENT CORRESPONDENCEMr WELLINGTON (Nicklin—IND) (5 p.m.): I move——"That this House request all Department heads to ensure that plain English is used in allGovernment ...
Speech byPETER WELLINGTONMEMBER FOR NICKLINHansard 11 March 1999ANZAC DAY TRADING HOURSMr WELLINGTON (Nicklin—IND) (5.36 p.m.): It gives me great pleasure to second the motionmoved by the member for Gladstone. I thank the Government for allowing this motion ...
Speech byPETER WELLINGTONMEMBER FOR NICKLINHansard 11 March 1999MEMBER FOR NICKLIN'S REPORT ON EXPENSES; CONONDALE BRIDGEMr WELLINGTON (Nicklin—IND) (7.16 a.m.): Earlier this evening, the Premier and the Leader ofthe Opposition tabled reports on relevant ...
Speech byPETER WELLINGTONMEMBER FOR NICKLINHansard 25 March 1999RAINWATER TANKSMr WELLINGTON (Nicklin—IND) (5.30 p.m.): I move—"That this House calls on the State Government to investigate and, if possible, makeprovision in this year's budget for a rainwater ...
Speech byPETER WELLINGTONMEMBER FOR NICKLINHansard 14 April 1999WATER TANK FILTERING SYSTEM DISPLAYMr WELLINGTON (Nicklin—IND) (10.08 a.m.): I rise to draw the attention of the House to thewater tank filtering system display situated at the QUT end of the ...
Speech byPETER WELLINGTONMEMBER FOR NICKLINHansard 28 April 1999TRANSPLANTATION AND ANATOMY AMENDMENT BILLMr WELLINGTON (Nicklin—IND) (9 p.m.): Earlier tonight, members heard concerns expressedas to who is going to claim credit for this Bill. I reflect on the ...
Speech byPETER WELLINGTONMEMBER FOR NICKLINHansard 29 April 1999COAL MINING SAFETY AND HEALTH BILLMINING AND QUARRYING SAFETY AND HEALTH BILLMr WELLINGTON (Nicklin—IND) (3.46 p.m.): In speaking to this Bill I place on record my sincereappreciation to the ...
Speech byPETER WELLINGTONMEMBER FOR NICKLINHansard 27 May 1999VISIT TO MOUNT ISA, MORNINGTON ISLAND AND DOOMADGEEMr WELLINGTON (Nicklin—IND) (7.01 p.m.): My wife and I recently accepted an invitation fromthe member for Mount Isa and Minister for Mines and ...
Speech byPETER WELLINGTONMEMBER FOR NICKLINHansard 8 June 1999STATE DEVELOPMENT AND PUBLIC WORKS ORGANISATION AMENDMENT BILLMr WELLINGTON (Nicklin—IND) (9.50 p.m.): I rise to participate in this debate. I recognise theneed and desirability of a State ...
Speech byPETER WELLINGTONMEMBER FOR NICKLINHansard 9 June 1999WEAPONS AMENDMENT BILLMr WELLINGTON (Nicklin—IND) (8.58 p.m.): I support the concept and operation of a prohibitedpersons register. One of the concerns I have with this Bill is that it will place a ...
Speech byHon. R. SCHWARTENMEMBER FOR ROCKHAMPTONHansard 28 April 1999PERFORMANCE OF MINISTERSHon. R. E. SCHWARTEN (Rockhampton— ALP) (Minister for Public Works and Minister forHousing) (6.41 p.m.): Since the members opposite are so interested in ministerial ...
Speech byHon. R. SCHWARTENMEMBER FOR ROCKHAMPTONHansard 28 April 1999TRANSPLANTATION AND ANATOMY AMENDMENT BILLHon. R. E. SCHWARTEN (Rockhampton— ALP) (Minister for Public Works and Minister forHousing) (8.53 p.m.): I rise reluctantly to contribute to this ...
Speech byHon. R. SCHWARTENMEMBER FOR ROCKHAMPTONHansard 29 April 1999MINISTERIAL STATEMENTDepartment of HousingHon. R. E. SCHWARTEN (Rockhampton— ALP) (Minister for Public Works and Minister forHousing) (10 a.m.), by leave: I wish to respond to claims made ...
Speech byHon. R. SCHWARTENMEMBER FOR ROCKHAMPTONHansard 25 May 1999WEAPONS AMENDMENT BILLHon. R. E. SCHWARTEN (Rockhampton— ALP) (Minister for Public Works and Minister forHousing) (10.01 p.m.): I rise to speak in this debate on the Weapons Amendment Bill as ...
Speech byHon. R. SCHWARTENMEMBER FOR ROCKHAMPTONHansard 8 June 1999MINISTERIAL STATEMENTWater BackflowHon. R. E. SCHWARTEN (Rockhampton— ALP) (Minister for Public Works and Minister forHousing) (9.58 a.m.), by leave: I wish to inform the House that I have ...
Speech byHon. R. SCHWARTENMEMBER FOR ROCKHAMPTONHansard 11 November 1999ST GEORGE IRRIGATION AREAHon. R. E. SCHWARTEN (Rockhampton— ALP) (Minister for Public Works and Minister forHousing) (6.16 p.m.): I rise to second the amendment moved by the Minister. In ...
Speech byHon. R. SCHWARTENMEMBER FOR ROCKHAMPTONHansard 24 November 1999MINISTERIAL STATEMENTStatewide Purchasing PolicyHon. R. E. SCHWARTEN (Rockhampton— ALP) (Minister for Public Works and Minister forHousing) (9.55 a.m.), by leave: Yesterday in this House ...
Speech byHon. R. WELFORDMEMBER FOR EVERTONHansard 3 March 1999REVOCATION OF STATE FOREST AREASHon. R. J. WELFORD (Everton—ALP) (Minister for Environment and Heritage and Minister forNatural Resources) (4.23 p.m.) I move—"(1) That this House agrees that the ...
Speech byHon. R. WELFORDMEMBER FOR EVERTONHansard 4 March 1999MINISTERIAL STATEMENT LocustsHon. R. J. WELFORD (Everton—ALP) (Minister for Environment and Heritage and Minister forNatural Resources) (10.02 a.m.), by leave: Over the past six months, this ...
Speech byHon. R. WELFORDMEMBER FOR EVERTONHansard 10 March 1999MINISTERIAL STATEMENTCape Moreton Lighthouse Reserve Hon. R. J. WELFORD (Everton—ALP) (Minister for Environment and Heritage and Minister forNatural Resources) (9.59 a.m.), by leave: The ...
Speech byHon. R. SCHWARTENMEMBER FOR ROCKHAMPTONHansard 20 July 1999MINISTERIAL STATEMENTLiberal Party Attacks on Q-BuildHon. R. E. SCHWARTEN (Rockhampton— ALP) (Minister for Public Works and Minister forHousing) (10.01 a.m.), by leave: Recently we have seen ...
Speech byHon. R. SCHWARTENMEMBER FOR ROCKHAMPTONHansard 21 July 1999SCHOOL UNIFORM BILLHon. R. E. SCHWARTEN (Rockhampton— ALP) (Minister for Public Works and Minister forHousing) (10.55 p.m.): Members on this side of the Parliament would not find much on ...
Speech byHon. R. SCHWARTENMEMBER FOR ROCKHAMPTONHansard 17 August 1999MOTIONS OF CONDOLENCEDeath of Mr R. B. J. PilbeamHon. R. E. SCHWARTEN (Rockhampton— ALP) (Minister for Public Works and Minister forHousing) (10.27 a.m.): I join in the condolence motion ...
Speech byHon. R. SCHWARTENMEMBER FOR ROCKHAMPTONHansard 18 August 1999SCHOOL UNIFORM BILLHon. R. E. SCHWARTEN (Rockhampton— ALP) (Minister for Public Works and Minister forHousing) (10.32 p.m.), continuing: Nothing has changed since we last considered this ...
Speech byHon. R. SCHWARTENMEMBER FOR ROCKHAMPTONHansard 27 October 1999APPROPRIATION BILLEstimates Committee CReportHon. R. E. SCHWARTEN (Rockhampton— ALP) (Minister for Public Works and Minister forHousing) (4.34 p.m.): In rising in this debate, I want to ...
Speech byHon. R. WELFORDMEMBER FOR EVERTONHansard 11 March 1999RURAL QUEENSLAND Hon. R. J. WELFORD (Everton—ALP) (Minister for Environment and Heritage and Minister forNatural Resources) (6.08 p.m.) I move the following amendment—"Delete all words after ...
Speech byHon. R. WELFORDMEMBER FOR EVERTONHansard 24 March 1999MINISTERIAL STATEMENTVegetation ManagementHon. R. J. WELFORD (Everton—ALP) (Minister for Environment and Heritage and Minister forNatural Resources) (10.04 a.m.), by leave: I wish to inform the ...
Speech byHon. R. SCHWARTENMEMBER FOR ROCKHAMPTONHansard 27 October 1999LIQUOR AMENDMENT BILLHon. R. E. SCHWARTEN (Rockhampton— ALP) (Minister for Public Works and Minister forHousing) (9.37 p.m.): I was not going to speak in this debate. I have listened very ...
Speech byHon. R. SCHWARTENMEMBER FOR ROCKHAMPTONHansard 14 April 1999MINISTERIAL STATEMENTState Purchasing PolicyHon. R. E. SCHWARTEN (Rockhampton— ALP) (Minister for Public Works and Minister forHousing) (10.01 a.m.), by leave: Honourable members would be ...
Speech byHon. R. SCHWARTENMEMBER FOR ROCKHAMPTONHansard 15 April 1999MINISTERIAL STATEMENTMs A. TorrensHon. R. E. SCHWARTEN (Rockhampton— ALP) (Minister for Public Works and Minister forHousing) (9.52 a.m.), by leave: Yesterday in this House, the member for ...
Speech byHon. R. SCHWARTENMEMBER FOR ROCKHAMPTONHansard 28 April 1999MINISTERIAL STATEMENTWoorabinda Aboriginal Community ProjectsHon. R. E. SCHWARTEN (Rockhampton— ALP) (Minister for Public Works and Minister forHousing) (10 a.m.): Mr Speaker, I seek leave ...
Speech byHon. R. WELFORDMEMBER FOR EVERTONHansard 11 March 1999MINISTERIAL STATEMENTAcid Sulfate SoilsHon. R. J. WELFORD (Everton—ALP) (Minister for Environment and Heritage and Minister forNatural Resources) (10.05 a.m.), by leave: One of the greatest ...
Speech byHon. RUSSELL COOPERMEMBER FOR CROWS NESTHansard 30 November 1999FORESTRY AMENDMENT BILLHon. T. R. COOPER (Crows Nest—NPA) (11.35 p.m.): I noted in the Minister's second-readingspeech that one of the objectives of the Forestry Amendment Bill is to ...
Speech byHon. RUSSELL COOPERMEMBER FOR CROWS NESTHansard 1 December 1999PROSTITUTION BILLHon. T. R. COOPER (Crows Nest—NPA) (2.56 p.m.): Thank you, Mr Deputy Speaker.Mr Reeves: Here is some more scaremongering.Mr COOPER: Who was that? I will decide what I ...
Speech byHon. RUSSELL COOPERMEMBER FOR CROWS NESTHansard 27 August 1999TAB QUEENSLAND LIMITED PRIVATISATION BILLHon. T. R. COOPER (Crows Nest—NPA) (11.33 a.m.): In common with many members of theOpposition, it gives me pleasure to take part in this debate on ...
Speech byHon. RUSSELL COOPERMEMBER FOR CROWS NESTHansard 15 September 1999SUGAR INDUSTRY BILLMr COOPER (Crows Nest—NPA) (3.38 p.m.): The Opposition supports the Sugar Industry Bill1999 with qualifications. As such, we will be moving amendments during the ...
Speech byHon. RUSSELL COOPERMEMBER FOR CROWS NESTHansard 26 November 1999PRIMARY INDUSTRY BODIES REFORM BILLHon. T. R. COOPER (Crows Nest—NPA) (10.30 a.m.): The Primary Industry Bodies Reform Bill1999 relates to compulsory levies for five organisations that ...
Speech byHon. RUSSELL COOPERMEMBER FOR CROWS NESTHansard 30 November 1999TREE-CLEARING GUIDELINESHon. T. R. COOPER (Crows Nest—NPA) (6.35 p.m.): It is perfectly obvious from listening tothose opposite how little they know about tree clearing, the land, the ...
Speech byHon. RUSSELL COOPERMEMBER FOR CROWS NESTHansard 26 August 1999PRIMARY INDUSTRIES LEGISLATION AMENDMENT BILLHon. T. R. COOPER (Crows Nest—NPA) (4.56 p.m.): The Primary Industries LegislationAmendment Bill 1999 contains a number of important ...
Speech byHon. RUSSELL COOPERMEMBER FOR CROWS NESTHansard 16 September 19991999 STATE BUDGETHon. T. R. COOPER (Crows Nest—NPA) (4.49 p.m.): Yesterday, Standard and Poor's issued apress release headed "Queensland Budget Shows Weakening Finances" and which ...
Speech byHon. RUSSELL COOPERMEMBER FOR CROWS NESTHansard 28 October 1999MEAT PROCESSINGHon. T. R. COOPER (Crows Nest—NPA) (10.15 a.m.): The meat industry is one of the mostimportant industries in this State and, as such, the coalition supports efforts to ...
Speech byHon. RUSSELL COOPERMEMBER FOR CROWS NESTHansard 23 November 1999NATIONAL CROP INSURANCE SCHEMEHon. T. R. COOPER (Crows Nest—NPA) (10.19 a.m.): Recently, two devastating hailstormshave demonstrated the need for the consideration of a national crop ...
Speech byHon. RUSSELL COOPERMEMBER FOR CROWS NESTHansard 23 November 1999LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND OTHER LEGISLATION AMENDMENT BILL (No. 2)Hon. T. R. COOPER (Crows Nest—NPA) (4.50 p.m.): I, too, want to place my thoughts on therecord. The people of the electorate ...
Speech byHon. RUSSELL COOPERMEMBER FOR CROWS NESTHansard 24 November 1999SHEFFIELD SHIELDHon. T. R. COOPER (Crows Nest—NPA) (11.04 p.m.): I endorse the remarks of the member forNudgee. He is one member on the other side of the House who often comes up with ...
Speech byHon. RUSSELL COOPERMEMBER FOR CROWS NESTHansard 25 November 1999ANZAC DAY AMENDMENT BILLHon. T. R. COOPER (Crows Nest—NPA) (12.06 p.m.): Unlike the member for ToowoombaNorth, I would not be game to pull rank on the member for Burleigh. I am happy to ...
Speech byHon. RUSSELL COOPERMEMBER FOR CROWS NESTHansard 10 November 1999SUGAR INDUSTRY BILLMr COOPER (Crows Nest—NP) (3.25 p.m.): I concur with the remarks made by the member forHinchinbrook. He and the member for Mirani are involved with the sugar ...
Speech byHon. RUSSELL COOPERMEMBER FOR CROWS NESTHansard 10 November 1999LIQUOR AMENDMENT BILLMr COOPER (Crows Nest—NPA) (10.33 p.m.): I join with all of those who have chosen to speakto the Liquor Amendment Bill 1999. I commend the member for Toowoomba ...
Speech byHon. RUSSELL COOPERMEMBER FOR CROWS NESTHansard 28 October 1999APPROPRIATION BILLEstimates Committee GReportHon. T. R. COOPER (Crows Nest—NPA) (3.02 p.m.): Firstly, I place on record my appreciation ofthe work of David Thannhauser, the committee ...
Speech byHon. RUSSELL COOPERMEMBER FOR CROWS NESTHansard 28 October 1999MINISTER FOR MINES AND ENERGYHon. T. R. COOPER (Crows Nest—NPA) (6.45 p.m.): When a series of blunders is committedover a considerable period, one thing leads to another. It is timely to ...
Speech byHon. RUSSELL COOPERMEMBER FOR CROWS NESTHansard 10 November 1999MILK PRICESHon. T. R. COOPER (Crows Nest—NPA) (10.09 a.m.): I wish to express the outrage of memberson this side of the House that deregulation of the processing and retail sectors of ...
Speech byHon. RUSSELL COOPERMEMBER FOR CROWS NESTHansard 25 August 1999SES POSITIONS, MERIT SELECTIONHon. T. R. COOPER (Crows Nest—NPA) (6.45 p.m.): This debate is supposed to be aboutprinciples, but all we have seen from the other side of the House is ...
Speech byMr TIM MULHERINMEMBER FOR MACKAYHansard 13 April 1999EXPLOSIVES BILLMr MULHERIN (Mackay—ALP) (3.49 p.m.): I wish to speak briefly to the Explosives Bill 1998."Explosives", as defined in the Bill, covers a broad range of dangerous materials—not only ...
Speech byMr TIM MULHERINMEMBER FOR MACKAYHansard 14 April 1999WORKCOVER QUEENSLAND AMENDMENT BILLMr MULHERIN (Mackay—ALP) (4.16 p.m.): One of the critical issues for this Government informulating the WorkCover Queensland Amendment Bill 1999 has been to ensure ...
Speech byMr TIM MULHERINMEMBER FOR MACKAYHansard 29 April 1999COAL MINING SAFETY AND HEALTH BILLMINING AND QUARRYING SAFETY AND HEALTH BILLMr MULHERIN (Mackay—ALP) (2.38 p.m.): I am pleased to support the Coal Mining Safety andHealth Bill 1999 and the Mining ...
Speech byMr TIM MULHERINMEMBER FOR MACKAYHansard 29 April 1999MEAT INDUSTRY AMENDMENT STANDARD (No. 1) 1999Disallowance of Statutory InstrumentMr MULHERIN (Mackay—ALP) (8.40 p.m.): I rise to speak against the disallowance motionmoved by the Opposition and to ...
Speech byMr TIM MULHERINMEMBER FOR MACKAYHansard 26 May 1999STOLEN GENERATIONMr MULHERIN (Mackay—ALP) (4.29 p.m.): Before I begin, I acknowledge and pay respect tothe people on whose traditional land we are meeting today. As the parliamentary representative ...
Speech byMr TIM MULHERINMEMBER FOR MACKAYHansard 9 June 1999BURNETT WATER STORAGEMr MULHERIN (Mackay—ALP) (6.37 p.m.): What a load of claptrap we have heard from themember for Warrego. He is flashing around the Water Infrastructure Task Force report. What a ...
Speech byMr TERRY SULLIVANMEMBER FOR CHERMSIDEHansard 23 November 1999PRIVATE HEALTH FACILITIES BILLMr SULLIVAN (Chermside—ALP) (9.40 p.m.): Before addressing the main part of the Bill beforethe House, I will make some comments on what the Opposition's Health ...
Speech byMr TERRY SULLIVANMEMBER FOR CHERMSIDEHansard 1 December 1999WALLABIES; RUGBY WORLD CUPMr SULLIVAN (Chermside—ALP) (10.27 a.m.): Together with hundreds of thousands of fellowAustralians, I followed the recent Rugby World Cup with great interest. My ...
Speech byMr TERRY SULLIVANMEMBER FOR CHERMSIDEHansard 28 October 1999APPROPRIATION BILLEstimates Committee FReportMr SULLIVAN (Chermside—ALP) (2.56 p.m.): I rise to support the Estimates committee reportand to congratulate in particular the Education Minister ...
Speech byMr TERRY SULLIVANMEMBER FOR CHERMSIDEHansard 9 November 1999JUBILEE 2000 CAMPAIGNMr SULLIVAN (Chermside—ALP) (12.20 p.m.): I rise to support the international campaignknown as Jubilee 2000, which addresses the unjust burden of debt being carried by ...
Speech byMr TERRY SULLIVANMEMBER FOR CHERMSIDEHansard 10 November 1999FAMILY SERVICES AMENDMENT BILLMr SULLIVAN (Chermside—ALP) (5.51 p.m.): I rise to support the Family Services AmendmentBill. Previous speakers have alerted us to community concerns over ...
Speech byMr TERRY SULLIVANMEMBER FOR CHERMSIDEHansard 10 November 1999ELECTIVE SURGERY WAITING LISTSMr SULLIVAN (Chermside—ALP) (6.50 p.m.): I rise to support the Minister's amendment. Firstly,I would like to comment on what the member for Burnett said. I ...
Speech byMr TIM MULHERINMEMBER FOR MACKAYHansard 10 March 1999MACKAY POLICE CITIZENS YOUTH CLUBMr MULHERIN (Mackay—ALP) (11.15 p.m.): It gives me great pleasure to rise to speak about arecent announcement, which I believe will have far-reaching benefits to ...
Speech byMr TIM MULHERINMEMBER FOR MACKAYHansard 23 March 1999SUGAR INDUSTRYMr MULHERIN (Mackay—ALP) (12.18 p.m.): There is no doubt that sugar is one of the mostimportant industries in Queensland. It is a fact that this Government fully recognises. This ...
Speech byMr TIM MULHERINMEMBER FOR MACKAYHansard 25 March 1999CYPRESS INDUSTRY, WESTERN QUEENSLANDMr MULHERIN (Mackay—ALP) (6.28 p.m.): No doubt the people of Augathella were grateful tosee the Primary Industries Minister. They know that he is always ...
Speech byMr TERRY SULLIVANMEMBER FOR CHERMSIDEHansard 26 August 1999TOWN PLANNING, CHERMSIDE ELECTORATEMr SULLIVAN (Chermside—ALP) (7.25 p.m.): The rapidly growing south-east corner ofQueensland requires good town planning. However, such planning can be ...
Speech byMr TERRY SULLIVANMEMBER FOR CHERMSIDEHansard 14 September 1999EAST TIMORMr SULLIVAN (Chermside—ALP) (10.17 a.m.): Last Saturday, the Brisbane City Hall was filledwith people meeting in support of our colleagues in East Timor. Organised by Amnesty ...
Speech byMr TERRY SULLIVANMEMBER FOR CHERMSIDEHansard 27 October 1999APPROPRIATION (PARLIAMENT) BILLEstimates Committee AReport No. 1Mr SULLIVAN (Chermside—ALP) (12.05 p.m.): Firstly, I thank and congratulate the ParliamentHouse staff who have looked after ...
Speech byMr TIM MULHERINMEMBER FOR MACKAYHansard 11 June 1999INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS BILLMr MULHERIN (Mackay—ALP) (11.37 a.m.): The Industrial Relations Bill recognises above allthe importance of industrial harmony to the State's economic and social future. The ...
Speech byMr TIM MULHERINMEMBER FOR MACKAYHansard 22 July 1999ST MARY'S SCHOOL; 75TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATIONMr MULHERIN (Mackay—ALP) (7.10 p.m.): I had the honour of attending the 75th anniversarycelebration of St Mary's School in South Mackay over the May Day ...
Speech byMr TIM MULHERINMEMBER FOR MACKAYHansard 19 August 1999PROSERPINE STATE HIGH SCHOOL Mr MULHERIN (Mackay—ALP) (7.17 p.m.): I draw to the attention of the House the efforts ofthe teachers, staff and students of the Proserpine State High School and of ...
Speech byMr TERRY SULLIVANMEMBER FOR CHERMSIDEHansard 28 October 1999APPROPRIATION BILLEstimates Committee EReportMr SULLIVAN (Chermside—ALP) (12.16 p.m.): I wish to speak on the Health aspects of theEstimates committee hearing. It is a shame that today we ...
Speech byMr TIM MULHERINMEMBER FOR MACKAYHansard 25 March 1999MACKAY WEST STATE SCHOOLMr MULHERIN (Mackay—ALP) (7.25 p.m.): On Thursday, 11 February, I had the pleasure ofaddressing the 75th anniversary parade of the Mackay West State School. In 1922, Mr ...
Speech byMr TIM MULHERINMEMBER FOR MACKAYHansard 4 March 1999SLADE POINT POLICE BEATMr MULHERIN (Mackay—ALP) (7.12 p.m.): I agree totally with the member for Gladstone, solong as they have got some peas.I am very pleased to rise in the House this evening to ...
Speech byVAUGHAN JOHNSONMEMBER FOR GREGORYHansard 1 December 1999ELECTORAL AMENDMENT BILLMr JOHNSON (Gregory—NPA) (10.09 p.m.): I rise tonight to support the amendment putforward by the honourable member for Warwick. I endorse some of the remarks made by my ...
Speech byVAUGHAN JOHNSONMEMBER FOR GREGORYHansard 3 December 1999FORESTRY AMENDMENT BILLMr JOHNSON (Gregory—NPA) (12.39 p.m.): This afternoon I wish to put on record myopposition to the Forestry Amendment Bill. In speaking to this issue, the Leader of the ...
Speech byVAUGHAN JOHNSONMEMBER FOR GREGORYHansard 8 December 1999WATER RESOURCES AMENDMENT BILLMr JOHNSON (Gregory—NPA) (11.35 p.m.): It is coincidental that I was having a drink of waterand I am about to talk about water. I join in this debate tonight on the ...
Speech byVAUGHAN JOHNSONMEMBER FOR GREGORYHansard 10 December 1999VEGETATION MANAGEMENT BILLMr JOHNSON (Gregory—NPA) (3.50 p.m.): I rise today to speak to this VegetationManagement Bill and, in doing so, I also put on record my opposition to this piece of ...
Speech byHon. V. LESTERMEMBER FOR KEPPELHansard 11 March 1999RURAL QUEENSLANDHon. V. P. LESTER (Keppel—NPA) (6.03 p.m.): I second the motion. Yet again, we are seeingthe early signs of a Labor Government intent on forcing maximum anguish on Queensland's ...
Speech byHon. V. LESTERMEMBER FOR KEPPELHansard 24 March 1999CORRECTIVE SERVICES AND PENALTIES AND SENTENCES AMENDMENT BILLHon. V. P. LESTER (Keppel—NPA) (9.46 p.m.): The public has had an absolute gutful—and Iam not joking—of sentences being imposed on ...
Speech byHon. V. LESTERMEMBER FOR KEPPELHansard 13 April 1999FORESTRY INDUSTRYHon. V. P. LESTER (Keppel—NPA) (6 p.m.): I move—"That this Parliament moves to promote the resource, conservation and heritage valuesof the south-east Queensland forest industry ...
Speech byHon. V. LESTERMEMBER FOR KEPPELHansard 2 March 1999MOTION OF CONDOLENCEDeaths of Mr R. T. McLean, MLA, and Mr L. J. Yewdale, MLAHon. V. P. LESTER (Keppel—NPA) (10.12 a.m.): As a member of Parliament representingcentral Queensland, it is very obvious ...
Speech byHon. V. LESTERMEMBER FOR KEPPELHansard 3 March 1999RICHMOND DAMHon. V. P. LESTER (Keppel—NPA) (10.24 a.m.): I refer to the pending axing of the Richmonddam project as suggested by the Minister for Natural Resources. In one fell swoop the Minister ...
Speech byHon. V. LESTERMEMBER FOR KEPPELHansard 3 March 1999REVOCATION OF STATE FOREST AREASHon. V. P. LESTER (Keppel—NPA) (4.42 p.m.): We have examined all six proposals. They allmake commonsense. On a personal note, I was interested to hear the ...
Speech byHon. V. LESTERMEMBER FOR KEPPELHansard 9 March 1999LAND AND RESOURCES TRIBUNAL BILLHon. V. P. LESTER (Keppel—NPA) (4.28 p.m.): In spite of the constant opposition of the LaborParty at both Federal and State levels, one of the main virtues of the ...
Speech byHon. V. LESTERMEMBER FOR KEPPELHansard 9 June 1999BURNETT WATER STORAGEHon. V. P. LESTER (Keppel—NPA) (6.07 p.m.): I second the motion. It is indicative of this can'tdo Beattie Government that, once again, the Opposition has to come into this House ...
Speech byHon. V. LESTERMEMBER FOR KEPPELHansard 11 June 1999INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS BILLHon. V. P. LESTER (Keppel—NPA) (2.35 p.m.): In this contribution, I wish to talk about thestandard minimum provisions which are provided for in this Bill. They are provisions ...
Speech byHon. V. LESTERMEMBER FOR KEPPELHansard 28 April 1999PERFORMANCE OF MINISTERSHon. V. P. LESTER (Keppel—NPA) (6.05 p.m.): I second this motion with great relish. In lessthan 12 months the Beattie Government has managed to achieve what took the Goss ...
Speech byHon. V. LESTERMEMBER FOR KEPPELHansard 25 May 1999MAHOGANY GLIDER HABITAT, LANDOWNER COMPENSATION Hon. V. P. LESTER (Keppel—NPA) (10.17 p.m.): I draw the attention of the House to the plightof the land-holders being affected because mahogany gliders ...
Speech byHon. V. LESTERMEMBER FOR KEPPELHansard 25 May 1999REGIONAL FOREST AGREEMENTHon. V. P. LESTER (Keppel—NPA) (5.56 p.m.): I move—"That this House undertakes only to support a regional forest agreement based on anincrease in jobs in the south-east ...
Speech byHon. V. LESTERMEMBER FOR KEPPELHansard 15 April 1999WORKCOVER QUEENSLAND AMENDMENT BILLHon. V. P. LESTER (Keppel—NPA) (4.46 p.m.): This Bill is yet another action from thisGovernment based on secrecy and a lack of accountability. In relation to this ...
Speech byHon. V. LESTERMEMBER FOR KEPPELHansard 27 April 1999PARTHENIUM WEEDHon. V. P. LESTER (Keppel—NPA) (10.26 a.m.): I alert the Parliament to the continuing spreadof parthenium weed. This weed, which was imported accidentally from the United States some ...
Speech byHon. V. LESTERMEMBER FOR KEPPELHansard 27 May 1999REGIONAL FOREST AGREEMENTHon. V. P. LESTER (Keppel—NPA) (6.45 p.m.): The Opposition has always supported an RFAbased on science and not on emotion. That is backed up by the huge quantities of ...
Speech byHon. V. LESTERMEMBER FOR KEPPELHansard 9 June 1999ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCYHon. V. P. LESTER (Keppel—NPA) (10.25 a.m.): I am calling upon Minister Welford to explain,apologise and say sorry for the despicable action of officers from his ...
Speech byHon. V. LESTERMEMBER FOR KEPPELHansard 9 June 1999REVOCATION OF STATE FOREST AREASHon. V. P. LESTER (Keppel—NPA) (2.56 p.m.): The Opposition supports this motion. Thereason is that we have carried out a very detailed assessment of the pros and cons ...
Speech byHon. V. LESTERMEMBER FOR KEPPELHansard 20 July 1999SOUTH EAST QUEENSLAND REGIONAL FOREST AGREEMENTHon. V. P. LESTER (Keppel—NPA) (6.10 p.m.): Basically, tonight the Opposition is here to yetagain reiterate that we need from this Parliament the ...
Speech byHon. V. LESTERMEMBER FOR KEPPELHansard 11 March 1999WATER INFRASTRUCTUREHon. V. P. LESTER (Keppel—NPA) (10.19 a.m.): Water infrastructure is the single mostimportant factor in Government job creation. I call on this Government to lift its freeze on ...
Speech byBILL FELDMANMEMBER FOR CABOOLTUREHansard 31 May 2000COMPETITION POLICY REFORM [QUEENSLAND] BILLMr FELDMAN (Caboolture—CCAQ) (9.55 p.m.), in reply: As was highlighted earlier, the debateon the Competition Policy Reform (Queensland) Repeal Bill has ...
Speech byBILL FELDMANMEMBER FOR CABOOLTUREHansard 31 May 2000FREEDOM OF INFORMATION AMENDMENT BILLMr FELDMAN (Caboolture—CCAQ) (10.41 p.m.): It is with pleasure that I rise to speak on theFreedom of Information Amendment Bill introduced by the honourable Mr ...
Speech byBILL FELDMANMEMBER FOR CABOOLTUREHansard 20 June 2000GST AND RELATED MATTERS BILLMr FELDMAN (Caboolture—CCAQ) (3.44 p.m.): It is with a little dismay and bewilderment that Ifind that I must rise and join this debate today—bewilderment that Howard ...
Speech byBILL FELDMANMEMBER FOR CABOOLTUREHansard 21 June 2000POLICE POWERS AND RESPONSIBILITIES AND OTHER ACTS AMENDMENT BILLMr FELDMAN (Caboolture—CCAQ) (10.02 p.m.): It is with pleasure that I rise to speak on thePolice Powers and Responsibilities and ...
Speech byBILL FELDMANMEMBER FOR CABOOLTUREHansard 22 June 2000CABOOLTURE ORAL HEALTH CLINICMr FELDMAN (Caboolture—CCAQ) (10.19 a.m.): I rise in the House today to inform the Ministerfor Health of a growing crisis at the Redcliffe and Caboolture Health ...
Speech byBILL FELDMANMEMBER FOR CABOOLTUREHansard 22 June 2000SUGAR INDUSTRY AMENDMENT BILLMr FELDMAN (Caboolture—CCAQ) (2.42 p.m.): Before I reiterate what the member for Lockyersaid in relation to proposed new section 128F, I note that it was reassuring to ...
Speech byBILL FELDMANMEMBER FOR CABOOLTUREHansard 22 June 2000DRUG INJECTING ROOMSMr FELDMAN (Caboolture—CCAQ) (6.45 p.m.): It is with pleasure that I rise to speak in supportof the motion moved by the member for Maroochydore. I know one thing: Queenslanders ...
Speech byBILL FELDMANMEMBER FOR CABOOLTUREHansard 19 July 2000FREEDOM OF INFORMATION AMENDMENT BILLMr FELDMAN (Caboolture—CCAQ) (8.31 p.m.): It is a pleasure to speak again on the Freedomof Information Bill 1999. Since we have not had occasion to speak to ...
Speech byBILL FELDMANMEMBER FOR CABOOLTUREHansard 20 July 2000BUDGET 2000Mr FELDMAN (Caboolture—CCAQ) (12.07 a.m.): It is with pleasure that I rise to take part in thedebate on the Appropriation Bills. The Budget 2000-01, the millennium Budget, has turned out ...
Speech byBILL FELDMANMEMBER FOR CABOOLTUREHansard 19 July 2000BRIBIE ISLAND INTERSECTIONMr FELDMAN (Caboolture—CCAQ) (10.04 a.m.): Presented here yesterday morning was apetition containing over 1,100 signatures requesting the provision of a roundabout at the ...
Speech byBILL FELDMANMEMBER FOR CABOOLTUREHansard 19 July 2000DRUGS MISUSE AMENDMENT BILLMr FELDMAN (Caboolture—CCAQ) (2.30 p.m.): It is with pleasure that I rise to speak on theDrugs Misuse Amendment Bill 2000. I will indicate right at the start that the ...
Speech byBILL FELDMANMEMBER FOR CABOOLTUREHansard 19 July 2000DIESEL REBATE SCHEMEMr FELDMAN (Caboolture—CCAQ) (6.05 p.m.): It is with pleasure that I rise to second themotion moved by the honourable member for Gladstone that this House calls on the ...
Speech byBILL FELDMANMEMBER FOR CABOOLTUREHansard 17 May 2000MENTAL HEALTH BILLMr FELDMAN (Caboolture—CCAQ) (3.02 p.m.): It is with pleasure that I rise to speak on theMental Health Bill. Changes to the old Mental Health Act have been necessary for some ...
Speech byBILL FELDMANMEMBER FOR CABOOLTUREHansard 18 May 2000MINISTER FOR PUBLIC WORKS AND MINISTER FOR HOUSINGMr FELDMAN (Caboolture—CCAQ) (10.27 a.m.): It is indeed a long lane that has no turning. Ithas only taken some 15 months for this to turn around. I ...
Speech byBILL FELDMANMEMBER FOR CABOOLTUREHansard 18 May 2000FIRST HOME OWNER GRANT BILLMr FELDMAN (Caboolture—CCAQ) (12.25 p.m.): The City Country Alliance will be supportingthe First Home Owner Grant Bill 2000 to introduce the First Home Owner Grant Scheme ...
Speech byBILL FELDMANMEMBER FOR CABOOLTUREHansard 18 May 2000QUEENSLAND COMPETITION AUTHORITY AMENDMENT BILLMr FELDMAN (Caboolture—CCAQ) (12.54 p.m.): Far be it from me to pass up the chance givento me by this debate to slam the guts out of National ...
Speech byBILL FELDMANMEMBER FOR CABOOLTUREHansard 18 May 2000CABOOLTURE POLICE STATIONMr FELDMAN (Caboolture—CCAQ) (7.14 p.m.): I rise tonight to speak on behalf of theoverworked Caboolture police who, despite the repeated promises of the Minister for Police, ...
Speech byBILL FELDMANMEMBER FOR CABOOLTUREHansard 31 May 2000TRAINING AND EMPLOYMENT BILLMr FELDMAN (Caboolture—CCAQ) (4.29 p.m.): It is with pleasure that I rise to speak on theTraining and Employment Bill. As has already been flagged, the City Country ...
Speech byBILL FELDMANMEMBER FOR CABOOLTUREHansard 16 May 2000PRODUCT LABELLINGMr FELDMAN (Caboolture—CCAQ) (6.43 p.m.): It is a pleasure to rise to support this motion. Itis also a pleasure to see a unified Parliament. As we all agree, the current labelling ...
Speech byBILL FELDMANMEMBER FOR CABOOLTUREHansard 13 April 2000MR S. BALSONMr FELDMAN (Caboolture—CCAQ) (7.22 p.m.): We here on this side of the House have waitedpatiently and watched the Attorney-General to observe if the laws of this State will be ...
Speech byDr DAVID WATSONMEMBER FOR MOGGILLHansard 20 June 2000STATE GOVERNMENT PERFORMANCEDr WATSON (Moggill—LP) (Leader of the Liberal Party) (11.50 a.m.): In the past four weeks,Queenslanders have witnessed not only the fiasco associated with the fuel tax ...
Speech byDr DAVID WATSONMEMBER FOR MOGGILLHansard 20 June 2000GST AND RELATED MATTERS BILLDr WATSON (Moggill—LP) (Leader of the Liberal Party) (2.58 p.m.): The GST and RelatedMatters Bill is drafted to facilitate the integration of the new Federal tax system ...
Speech byDr DAVID WATSONMEMBER FOR MOGGILLHansard 20 June 2000FUEL SUBSIDY SCHEMEDr WATSON (Moggill—LP) (Leader of the Liberal Party) (6.08 p.m.): I rise to second the motionmoved by the Leader of the Opposition. Queensland is being run by a Premier who makes ...
Speech byDr DAVID WATSONMEMBER FOR MOGGILLHansard 19 July 2000BRISBANE LIGHT RAIL PROJECTDr WATSON (Moggill—LP) (Leader of the Liberal Party) (10.13 a.m.): Queensland is being runby a can't do media tart in a can't do circus. Last week's backflip on ...
Speech byDr DAVID WATSONMEMBER FOR MOGGILLHansard 20 July 2000UNEMPLOYMENTDr WATSON (Moggill—LP) (Leader of the Liberal Party) (10 a.m.): Two years ago the Premierpromised the people of Queensland that he and his Ministers would go to bed every night and wake ...
Speech byDr DAVID WATSONMEMBER FOR MOGGILLHansard 20 July 2000BUDGET 2000Dr WATSON (Moggill—LP) (Leader of the Liberal Party) (12.14 p.m.): The Treasurer has signedhis own political death warrant. He survived the koala tollway, he survived net bet and he ...
Speech byDr DAVID WATSONMEMBER FOR MOGGILLHansard 31 May 2000MOTOR ACCIDENT INSURANCE AMENDMENT BILLDr WATSON (Moggill—LP) (Leader of the Liberal Party) (11.34 a.m.): I rise to speak on theMotor Accident Insurance Amendment Bill. In doing so, I inform the ...
Speech byDr DAVID WATSONMEMBER FOR MOGGILLHansard 1 June 2000TRAINING AND EMPLOYMENT BILLDr WATSON (Moggill—LP) (Leader of the Liberal Party) (3.38 p.m.): I rise to contribute to thedebate on the Training and Employment Bill 2000 and to develop in more detail ...
Speech byDr DAVID WATSONMEMBER FOR MOGGILLHansard 18 May 2000CENSURE OF MINISTER FOR PUBLIC WORKS AND MINISTER FOR HOUSINGDr WATSON (Moggill—LP) (Leader of the Liberal Party) (6.09 p.m.): I rise to second the motion.This Minister has form. He has a track ...
Speech byDr DAVID WATSONMEMBER FOR MOGGILLHansard 30 May 2000ELECTRICITY INDUSTRYDr WATSON (Moggill—LP) (Leader of the Liberal Party) (6.08 p.m.): I rise to second the motionmoved by the member for Callide. This Government makes a practice of deception and ...
Speech byDr DAVID WATSONMEMBER FOR MOGGILLHansard 31 May 2000GOODS AND SERVICES TAXDr WATSON (Moggill—LP) (Leader of the Liberal Party) (10.26 a.m.): There is a word thatdescribes the position adopted by the Treasurer, the Premier and that group of hypocrites ...
Speech byDr DAVID WATSONMEMBER FOR MOGGILLHansard 22 June 2000DAIRY INDUSTRY [IMPLEMENTATION OF NATIONAL ADJUSTMENT ARRANGEMENTS]AMENDMENT BILLDr WATSON (Moggill—LP) (Leader of the Liberal Party) (10.59 p.m.): Before I get into thedebate proper on the Dairy ...
Speech byDr DAVID WATSONMEMBER FOR MOGGILLHansard 18 July 2000CORPORATISATION OF STATE WATER SERVICESDr WATSON (Moggill—LP) (Leader of the Liberal Party) (10.22 a.m.): The Treasurer is about tolaunch yet another raid on yet another Government owned ...
Speech byDr DAVID WATSONMEMBER FOR MOGGILLHansard 20 July 2000UNEMPLOYMENTDr WATSON (Moggill—LP) (Leader of the Liberal Party) (6.10 p.m.): I rise to second the motionmoved by the Leader of the Opposition. There is no doubt that the Premier's 5% unemployment ...
Speech byDr DAVID WATSONMEMBER FOR MOGGILLHansard 22 August 2000ELECTORAL FRAUD; MS K. EHRMANNDr WATSON (Moggill—LP) (Leader of the Liberal Party) (10.22 a.m.): Electoral corruption withinthe ALP is not confined to the rank and file in Townsville. A ...
Speech byDr DAVID WATSONMEMBER FOR MOGGILLHansard 22 August 2000ELECTORAL FRAUDDr WATSON (Moggill—LP) (Leader of the Liberal Party) (5.38 p.m.): I am delighted that themember for Nicklin has seen fit to support my call for fundamental reform to help restore ...
Speech byDr DAVID WATSONMEMBER FOR MOGGILLHansard 21 June 2000THE CONSULTANCY BUREAUDr WATSON (Moggill—LP) (Leader of the Liberal Party) (10.24 a.m.): Queensland is now beingrun on political favours and downright deceit. Remember Peter Forster and The ...
Speech byDr DAVID WATSONMEMBER FOR MOGGILLHansard 21 June 2000TREASURER'S PERFORMANCEDr WATSON (Moggill—LP) (Leader of the Liberal Party) (6 p.m.): I move—"That this House condemns the Treasurer for his mismanagement of the State'saccounts, which has seen the ...
Speech byDr DAVID WATSONMEMBER FOR MOGGILLHansard 18 May 2000QUEENSLAND COMPETITION AUTHORITY AMENDMENT BILLDr WATSON (Moggill—LP) (Leader of the Liberal Party) (12.40 p.m.): I rise to participate indebate on the Queensland Competition Authority Amendment ...
Speech byDr DAVID WATSONMEMBER FOR MOGGILLHansard 22 August 2000FUEL PRICESDr WATSON (Moggill—LP) (Leader of the Liberal Party) (6.11 p.m.): I rise to second the motionthat this Parliament calls on the Premier to establish a commission of inquiry into petrol ...
Speech byDr DAVID WATSONMEMBER FOR MOGGILLHansard 23 August 2000ELECTORAL FRAUDDr WATSON (Moggill—LP) (Leader of the Liberal Party) (10.14 a.m.): It is time for the Premier toput up or shut up. In recent days he has tried to suggest that the proven electoral ...
Speech byHon. PETER BEATTIEMEMBER FOR BRISBANE CENTRALHansard 24 August 1999MINISTERIAL STATEMENTCompulsory Third-party InsuranceHon. P. D. BEATTIE (Brisbane Central— ALP) (Premier) (9.33 a.m.), by leave: In April of thisyear my Government ordered a sweeping ...
Speech byHon. PETER BEATTIEMEMBER FOR BRISBANE CENTRALHansard 24 August 1999MINISTERIAL STATEMENTState Emergency Service CadetsHon. P. D. BEATTIE (Brisbane Central— ALP) (Premier) (9.38 a.m.), by leave: There is littledoubt that the State Emergency Service ...
Speech byHon. PETER BEATTIEMEMBER FOR BRISBANE CENTRALHansard 24 August 1999MR DEPUTY SPEAKER'S RULINGHon. P. D. BEATTIE (Brisbane Central—ALP) (Premier) (5.12 p.m.): Let me oppose thisnonsense. Today, the Opposition is wasting the time of this Parliament on ...
Speech byHon. PETER BEATTIEMEMBER FOR BRISBANE CENTRALHansard 24 August 1999QUEENSLAND HEALTHHon. P. D. BEATTIE (Brisbane Central— ALP) (Premier) (6.09 p.m.): I second the amendmentmoved by the Minister for Health. Let us get this really clear even to the ...
Speech byHon. PETER BEATTIEMEMBER FOR BRISBANE CENTRALHansard 25 August 1999MINISTERIAL STATEMENTTurkish EarthquakeHon. P. D. BEATTIE (Brisbane Central— ALP) (Premier) (9.32 a.m.), by leave: On behalf of allQueenslanders, I want to offer the people of Turkey ...
Speech byHon. PETER BEATTIEMEMBER FOR BRISBANE CENTRALHansard 27 August 1999TAB QUEENSLAND LIMITED PRIVATISATION BILLHon. P. D. BEATTIE (Brisbane Central— ALP) (Premier) (3.28 p.m.), in reply: I will start with thecomments made by the member for Nicklin. I am ...
Speech byHon. PETER BEATTIEMEMBER FOR BRISBANE CENTRALHansard 25 March 1999MINISTERIAL STATEMENTPremiers ConferenceHon. P. D. BEATTIE (Brisbane Central— ALP) (Premier) (9.40 a.m.), by leave: My ministerialstatement is in relation to the Premiers Conference on ...
Speech byHon. PETER BEATTIEMEMBER FOR BRISBANE CENTRALHansard 25 March 1999MINISTERIAL STATEMENTQueensland Film and Television IndustryHon. P. D. BEATTIE (Brisbane Central— ALP) (Premier) (3.18 p.m.), by leave: On 15 March, Iwas proud to share the stage with ...
Speech byHon. PETER BEATTIEMEMBER FOR BRISBANE CENTRALHansard 13 April 1999MOTION OF CONDOLENCEDeath of Mr D. J. SherringtonHon. P. D. BEATTIE (Brisbane Central— ALP) (Premier) (9.32 a.m.), by leave, without notice: Imove—"That this House desires to place on ...
Speech byHon. PETER BEATTIEMEMBER FOR BRISBANE CENTRALHansard 13 April 1999MINISTERIAL STATEMENTPremiers ConferenceHon. P. D. BEATTIE (Brisbane Central— ALP) (Premier) (10.05 a.m.), by leave: Last Friday inCanberra saw a turning point in Queensland's ...
Speech byHon. PETER BEATTIEMEMBER FOR BRISBANE CENTRALHansard 13 April 1999MINISTERIAL STATEMENTConstitutional Centenary Foundation, Gladstone ConventionHon. P. D. BEATTIE (Brisbane Central— ALP) (Premier) (10.11 a.m.), by leave: In two monthsthe City of ...
Speech byHon. PETER BEATTIEMEMBER FOR BRISBANE CENTRALHansard 14 September 1999MINISTERIAL STATEMENTEast Timor Hon. P. D. BEATTIE (Brisbane Central— ALP) (Premier) (9.34 a.m.), by leave: I know that Ispeak for all Queenslanders when I express concern and ...
Speech byHon. PETER BEATTIEMEMBER FOR BRISBANE CENTRALHansard 14 September 1999MINISTERIAL STATEMENTState BudgetHon. P. D. BEATTIE (Brisbane Central— ALP) (Premier) (9.36 a.m.), by leave: Later today I willpresent to this House my Government's second Budget. ...
Speech byHon. PETER BEATTIEMEMBER FOR BRISBANE CENTRALHansard 15 September 1999MINISTERIAL STATEMENTVisit by Chinese President, Jiang ZeminHon. P. D. BEATTIE (Brisbane Central— ALP) (Premier) (9.34 a.m.), by leave: Late last week,Queensland was privileged to ...
Speech byHon. PETER BEATTIEMEMBER FOR BRISBANE CENTRALHansard 15 September 1999MINISTERIAL STATEMENTIBM Call CentreHon. P. D. BEATTIE (Brisbane Central— ALP) (Premier) (9.38 a.m.), by leave: IBM's decision toestablish its Asia-Pacific help centre in ...
Speech byHon. PETER BEATTIEMEMBER FOR BRISBANE CENTRALHansard 15 September 1999SOUTH BANK CORPORATION AMENDMENT BILLHon. P. D. BEATTIE (Brisbane Central— ALP) (Premier) (11.32 a.m.): I move—"That the Bill be now read a second time."My Government is determined ...
Speech byHon. PETER BEATTIEMEMBER FOR BRISBANE CENTRALHansard 27 May 1999MINISTERIAL STATEMENTOverseas Visit Hon. P. D. BEATTIE (Brisbane Central— ALP) (Premier) (9.41 a.m.), by leave: I am pleased totable my report on my first official visit to the United ...
Speech byHon. PETER BEATTIEMEMBER FOR BRISBANE CENTRALHansard 8 June 1999MINISTERIAL STATEMENTElectricity Industry Hon. P. D. BEATTIE (Brisbane Central— ALP) (Premier) (9.32 a.m.), by leave: My Governmentwas elected on a commitment to generate jobs and ...
Speech byHon. PETER BEATTIEMEMBER FOR BRISBANE CENTRALHansard 8 June 1999MINISTERIAL STATEMENTAustralia TradeCoastHon. P. D. BEATTIE (Brisbane Central— ALP) (Premier) (9.37 a.m.), by leave: The StateGovernment has seized the chance to build a powerful ...
Speech byHon. PETER BEATTIEMEMBER FOR BRISBANE CENTRALHansard 8 June 1999AUSTRALIA ACTS (REQUEST) BILLHon. P. D. BEATTIE (Brisbane Central— ALP) (Premier) (2.30 p.m.): I move—"That the Bill be now read a second time."In November this year, Australians will ...
Speech byHon. PETER BEATTIEMEMBER FOR BRISBANE CENTRALHansard 21 July 1999LEGISLATIVE STANDARDS AMENDMENT BILLHon. P. D. BEATTIE (Brisbane Central— ALP) (Premier) (8.31 p.m.): This Government opposesthe private member's Legislative Standards Amendment Bill. ...
Speech byHon. PETER BEATTIEMEMBER FOR BRISBANE CENTRALHansard 22 July 1999MINISTERIAL STATEMENTHealth SystemHon. P. D. BEATTIE (Brisbane Central— ALP) (Premier) (9.36 a.m.), by leave: There is toomuch Federal bureaucracy, duplication and waste in the ...
Speech byHon. PETER BEATTIEMEMBER FOR BRISBANE CENTRALHansard 25 August 1999MINISTERIAL STATEMENTCourt Funding; EmploymentHon. P. D. BEATTIE (Brisbane Central— ALP) (Premier) (9.38 a.m.), by leave: The front page oftoday's Courier-Mail confirms that my ...
Speech byHon. PETER BEATTIEMEMBER FOR BRISBANE CENTRALHansard 25 August 1999MINISTERIAL STATEMENTIndustrial Relations; Film and Television IndustryHon. P. D. BEATTIE (Brisbane Central— ALP) (Premier) (9.42 a.m.), by leave: I am extremelypleased to inform the ...
Speech byHon. PETER BEATTIEMEMBER FOR BRISBANE CENTRALHansard 26 August 1999MINISTERIAL STATEMENTProperty MarketersHon. P. D. BEATTIE (Brisbane Central— ALP) (Premier) (9.32 a.m.), by leave: Honourablemembers will be aware of recent investigations into the ...
Speech byHon. PETER BEATTIEMEMBER FOR BRISBANE CENTRALHansard 16 September 1999MINISTERIAL STATEMENTSES Positions, Merit Selection Hon. P. D. BEATTIE (Brisbane Central— ALP) (Premier) (9.35 a.m.), by leave: On 24 August themember for Clayfield rose in this ...
Speech byHon. PETER BEATTIEMEMBER FOR BRISBANE CENTRALHansard 16 September 1999MINISTERIAL STATEMENTElectricity Generation ProjectsHon. P. D. BEATTIE (Brisbane Central— ALP) (Premier) (9.39 a.m.), by leave: There has beensome controversy recently over the ...
Speech byHon. PETER BEATTIEMEMBER FOR BRISBANE CENTRALHansard 26 August 1999MINISTERIAL STATEMENTCharter of Social and Fiscal ResponsibilityHon. P. D. BEATTIE (Brisbane Central— ALP) (Premier) (9.36 a.m.), by leave: My Governmentwas elected a little over a ...
Speech byHon. PETER BEATTIEMEMBER FOR BRISBANE CENTRALHansard 27 August 1999MINISTERIAL STATEMENTAboriginal and Torres Strait Islander InitiativesHon. P. D. BEATTIE (Brisbane Central— ALP) (Premier) (9.33 a.m.), by leave: Queensland'sAboriginal and Torres ...
Speech byHon. PETER BEATTIEMEMBER FOR BRISBANE CENTRALHansard 15 September 1999BURNETT REGIONHon. P. D. BEATTIE (Brisbane Central— ALP) (Premier) (6.16 p.m.): I move the followingamendment—"That all words after 'That this House' should be deleted and be ...
Speech byMr. R. CONNORMEMBER FOR NERANGHansard 8 June 1999YEAR 2000 INFORMATION DISCLOSURE BILLMr CONNOR (Nerang—LP) (5.42 p.m.): Before I speak specifically to the Bill, I think it isimportant to put on record some background to this year 2000 problem. I, ...
Speech byMr. R. CONNORMEMBER FOR NERANGHansard 11 June 1999INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS BILLMr CONNOR (Nerang—LP) (11.45 a.m.): Today we saw Queensland's unemployment rate hit8%. That is certainly not a trend that is consistent with the Government's statements, and I ...
Speech byMr. R. CONNORMEMBER FOR NERANGHansard 25 March 1999CRIMINAL JUSTICE COMMISSION; COMMENTS BY MINISTER FOR MAIN ROADSMr CONNOR (Nerang—LP) (7.11 p.m.): This morning in Parliament the Minister for Main Roadsmade certain comments. These involved matters ...
Speech byMr. R. CONNORMEMBER FOR NERANGHansard 15 April 1999WORKCOVER QUEENSLAND AMENDMENT BILLMr CONNOR (Nerang—LP) (3.53 p.m.): In speaking against the changes to WorkCoverproposed by the Government, I reiterate that the Opposition is all in favour of ...
Speech byMr. R. CONNORMEMBER FOR NERANGHansard 27 May 1999FISHERMEN'S HUTSMr CONNOR (Nerang—LP) (7.14 p.m.): Tonight, I rise to speak about fishermen's huts. Thismorning during question time the responsible Minister, Rod Welford, would not guarantee the ...
Speech byPHIL REEVESMEMBER FOR MANSFIELDHansard 16 September 19991999 STATE BUDGET Mr REEVES (Mansfield—ALP) (1.09 a.m.): I have much pleasure in rising in support of theBudget, which is a great Budget for Queensland and, in particular, for the people of my ...
Speech byPHIL REEVESMEMBER FOR MANSFIELDHansard 26 October 1999RP DATA PTY LTDMr REEVES (Mansfield—ALP) (11.40 a.m.): RP Data Pty Ltd's actions over the past few weekshave been nothing short of disgraceful. RP Data, an information services company, has been ...
Speech byPHIL REEVESMEMBER FOR MANSFIELDHansard 24 November 1999HEALTH LEGISLATION AMENDMENT BILLMr REEVES (Mansfield—ALP) (11.59 a.m.): It gives me great pleasure to support this Bill. Iwould like to refer to one aspect of the Bill, which is the amendment to ...
Speech byPHIL REEVESMEMBER FOR MANSFIELDHansard 30 November 1999QUEENSLAND SPORTS AWARDMr REEVES (Mansfield—ALP) (10.25 a.m.): Last night, along with a number of my colleagueson both sides of the House, I had the pleasure of attending the Sports Federation of ...
Speech byPHIL REEVESMEMBER FOR MANSFIELDHansard 1 December 1999PROSTITUTION BILLMr REEVES (Mansfield—ALP) (4.10 p.m.): I chose to speak on the Prostitution Bill so as torepresent the views of my community in this place. I also wished to demonstrate that, ...
Speech byPHIL REEVESMEMBER FOR MANSFIELDHansard 27 October 1999APPROPRIATION BILLEstimates Committee CReportMr REEVES (Mansfield—ALP) (4.07 p.m.): It is with great pleasure that I rise to speak to thereport of Estimates Committee C. Although I was a ...
Speech byPHIL REEVESMEMBER FOR MANSFIELDHansard 27 October 1999APPROPRIATION BILLEstimates Committee DReportMr REEVES (Mansfield—ALP) (5.25 p.m.): That is a hard act to follow. It is with pleasure that Irise to support the report of Estimates Committee D. I ...
Speech byPHIL REEVESMEMBER FOR MANSFIELDHansard 27 October 1999LIQUOR AMENDMENT BILLMr REEVES (Mansfield—ALP) (10.17 p.m.): Firstly, I must say that I have been absolutelyhorrified by the pathetic contributions of some of those opposite, but definitely not ...
Speech byPHIL REEVESMEMBER FOR MANSFIELDHansard 9 November 1999STADIUM CATERING SERVICESMr REEVES (Mansfield—ALP) (10.29 a.m.): As a person who has studied the economic impactof sporting events in particular areas for a number of years, I am a strong advocate ...
Speech byPHIL REEVESMEMBER FOR MANSFIELDHansard 10 November 1999ELECTIVE SURGERY WAITING LISTSMr REEVES (Mansfield—ALP) (6.20 p.m.): It gives me great pleasure to second theamendment moved by the Minister for Health. We came to Government almost 18 months ago ...
Speech byPHIL REEVESMEMBER FOR MANSFIELDHansard 11 November 1999COMMUNITY SERVICES LEGISLATION AMENDMENT BILLMr REEVES (Mansfield—ALP) (3.02 p.m.): I rise to support the Community Services LegislationAmendment Bill 1999. The Community Services Acts commenced ...
Speech byPHIL REEVESMEMBER FOR MANSFIELDHansard 23 November 1999RP DATAMr REEVES (Mansfield—ALP) (10.25 a.m.): Last month, the member for Mount Ommaney andI made the House aware of the actions of RP Data, which is taking a photograph of every single housein ...
Speech byPHIL REEVESMEMBER FOR MANSFIELDHansard 24 November 1999SETON COLLEGEMr REEVES (Mansfield—ALP) (10.03 a.m.): I rise today to speak about Seton College in myelectorate. Seton College is a Catholic co-educational high school that has a maximum enrolment ...
Speech byMr. R. CONNORMEMBER FOR NERANGHansard 3 March 1999CORRECTIVE SERVICES AND PENALTIES AND SENTENCES AMENDMENT BILLMr CONNOR (Nerang—LP) (9.49 p.m.): I rise to speak to the Corrective Services and Penaltiesand Sentences Amendment Bill mainly because ...
Speech byPHIL REEVESMEMBER FOR MANSFIELDHansard 26 August 1999HEALTH SERVICES Mr REEVES (Mansfield—ALP) (6.30 p.m.): I assure the House that I intend to actually talkabout health. Let the Opposition bleat about alleged cuts to our public hospitals. It needs ...
Speech byHon. R. WELFORDMEMBER FOR EVERTONHansard 25 May 1999MINISTERIAL STATEMENTCooperative Research CentresHon. R. J. WELFORD (Everton—ALP) (Minister for Environment and Heritage and Minister forNatural Resources) (9.59 a.m.), by leave: Last month my ...
Speech byHon. R. WELFORDMEMBER FOR EVERTONHansard 25 May 1999ACQUISITION OF LAND AMENDMENT BILLHon. R. J. WELFORD (Everton—ALP) (Minister for Environment and Heritage and Minister forNatural Resources) (3.30 p.m.): I move—"That the Bill be now read a second ...
Speech byHon. R. WELFORDMEMBER FOR EVERTONHansard 25 May 1999REGIONAL FOREST AGREEMENTHon. R. J. WELFORD (Everton—ALP) (Minister for Environment and Heritage and Minister forNatural Resources) (6.17 p.m.): I have pleasure in seconding the Deputy Premier's ...
Speech byHon. R. WELFORDMEMBER FOR EVERTONHansard 26 May 1999MINISTERIAL STATEMENTEnvironmental Management of MiningHon. R. J. WELFORD (Everton—ALP) (Minister for Environment and Heritage and Minister forNatural Resources) (10.06 a.m.), by leave: Before ...
Speech byHon. R. WELFORDMEMBER FOR EVERTONHansard 27 May 1999MINISTERIAL STATEMENTQueensland Parks and Wildlife ServiceHon. R. J. WELFORD (Everton—ALP) (Minister for Environment and Heritage and Minister forNatural Resources) (10 a.m.), by leave: When the ...
Speech byHon. R. WELFORDMEMBER FOR EVERTONHansard 27 May 1999REGIONAL FOREST AGREEMENTHon. R. J. WELFORD (Everton—ALP) (Minister for Environment and Heritage and Minister forNatural Resources) (6.20 p.m.): I second the amendment moved by the Deputy Premier. ...
Speech byHon. R. WELFORDMEMBER FOR EVERTONHansard 9 June 1999MINISTERIAL STATEMENTRural Water Use InitiativeHon. R. J. WELFORD (Everton—ALP) (Minister for Environment and Heritage and Minister forNatural Resources) (10 a.m.), by leave: The mark of a good ...
Speech byHon. R. WELFORDMEMBER FOR EVERTONHansard 9 June 1999REVOCATION OF STATE FOREST AREASHon. R. J. WELFORD (Everton—ALP) (Minister for Environment and Heritage and Minister forNatural Resources) (2.52 p.m.): I move—"(1) That this House agrees that the ...
Speech byHon. R. WELFORDMEMBER FOR EVERTONHansard 9 June 1999BURNETT WATER STORAGEHon. R. J. WELFORD (Everton—ALP) (Minister for Environment and Heritage and Minister forNatural Resources) (6.17 p.m.): I second the amendment. Is this not typical? The can't-do ...
Speech byHon. R. WELFORDMEMBER FOR EVERTONHansard 28 April 1999MINISTERIAL STATEMENTBlack Striped MusselsHon. R. J. WELFORD (Everton—ALP) (Minister for Environment and Heritage and Minister forNatural Resources) (10.03 a.m.), by leave: Over the last month ...
Speech byHon. R. WELFORDMEMBER FOR EVERTONHansard 28 April 1999PERFORMANCE OF MINISTERSHon. R. J. WELFORD (Everton—ALP) (Minister for Environment and Heritage and Minister forNatural Resources) (6.20 p.m.): The advent of the Beattie Labor Government has been ...
Speech byHon. R. WELFORDMEMBER FOR EVERTONHansard 20 July 1999MINISTERIAL STATEMENTLand ProtectionHon. R. J. WELFORD (Everton—ALP) (Minister for Environment and Heritage and Minister forNatural Resources) (10.10 a.m.), by leave: I wish to report today on ...
Speech byHon. R. WELFORDMEMBER FOR EVERTONHansard 20 July 1999SOUTH EAST QUEENSLAND REGIONAL FOREST AGREEMENTHon. R. J. WELFORD (Everton—ALP) (Minister for Environment and Heritage and Minister forNatural Resources) (6.21 p.m.): It is a pleasure to ...
Speech byHon. R. WELFORDMEMBER FOR EVERTONHansard 15 April 1999MINISTERIAL STATEMENTWhale WatchingHon. R. J. WELFORD (Everton—ALP) (Minister for Environment and Heritage and Minister forNatural Resources) (9.59 a.m.), by leave: A couple of years ago the ...
Speech byHon. R. WELFORDMEMBER FOR EVERTONHansard 27 April 1999MINISTERIAL STATEMENTLocust Control ProgramHon. R. J. WELFORD (Everton—ALP) (Minister for Environment and Heritage and Minister forNatural Resources) (9.58 a.m.), by leave: I am pleased to inform ...
Speech byHon. R. WELFORDMEMBER FOR EVERTONHansard 13 April 1999FORESTRY INDUSTRYHon. R. J. WELFORD (Everton—ALP) (Minister for Environment and Heritage and Minister forNatural Resources) (6.13 p.m.): I move the following amendment to the motion—"Remove ...
Speech byHon. R. WELFORDMEMBER FOR EVERTONHansard 25 March 1999MINISTERIAL STATEMENTParthenium WeedHon. R. J. WELFORD (Everton—ALP) (Minister for Environment and Heritage and Minister forNatural Resources) (10.07 a.m.), by leave: I wish to inform the House of ...
Speech byHon. R. WELFORDMEMBER FOR EVERTONHansard 29 April 1999MINISTERIAL STATEMENTMr G. QuaidHon. R. J. WELFORD (Everton—ALP) (Minister for Environment and Heritage and Minister forNatural Resources) (10.04 a.m.), by leave: In 1987, the Bjelke-Petersen ...
Speech byHon. RUSSELL COOPERMEMBER FOR CROWS NESTHansard 20 July 1999FORESTRY INDUSTRYHon. T. R. COOPER (Crows Nest—NPA) (11.30 a.m.): I wish to draw to the attention of theHouse the massive uncertainty created in the bush by the Beattie Labor Government. I ...
Speech byHon. RUSSELL COOPERMEMBER FOR CROWS NESTHansard 20 July 1999NATIVE TITLE (QUEENSLAND) STATE PROVISIONS AMENDMENT BILLHon. T. R. COOPER (Crows Nest—NPA) (4.07 p.m.): I do not take any pleasure in speaking inthis debate. I like to participate in the ...
Speech byHon. RUSSELL COOPERMEMBER FOR CROWS NESTHansard 22 July 1999CATTLE DIPPING FEESHon. T. R. COOPER (Crows Nest—NPA) (7.08 p.m.): Under a fee structure announced by theDPI, cattlemen across the State will pay a $30 call-out fee, $1 a head for up to 100 ...
Speech byHon. RUSSELL COOPERMEMBER FOR CROWS NESTHansard 17 August 1999INTERACTIVE GAMBLING (PLAYER PROTECTION) AMENDMENT BILLHon. T. R. COOPER (Crows Nest—NPA) (9 p.m.): I believe that the Opposition Leader has setout very clearly why this legislation is a ...
Speech byHon. RUSSELL COOPERMEMBER FOR CROWS NESTHansard 18 August 1999CADMIUM IN PEANUTSHon. T. R. COOPER (Crows Nest—NPA) (10.25 a.m.): The Beattie Government's betrayal ofQueensland's peanut industry and consumers has led to a doubling of the maximum ...
Speech byHon. RUSSELL COOPERMEMBER FOR CROWS NESTHansard 18 August 1999TAB PRIVATISATIONHon. T. R. COOPER (Crows Nest—NPA) (6.48 p.m.): This Government is stumbling from moralcrisis to moral crisis. This has been proven over the past few days and the past ...
Speech byHon. RUSSELL COOPERMEMBER FOR CROWS NESTHansard 9 June 1999BURNETT WATER STORAGEHon. T. R. COOPER (Crows Nest—NPA) (6.22 p.m.): As usual we hear from members on theother side of the House this endless rhetoric about how much they have done and are ...
Speech byHon. RUSSELL COOPERMEMBER FOR CROWS NESTHansard 10 June 1999DAIRY INDUSTRY DEREGULATIONHon. T. R. COOPER (Crows Nest—NPA) (10.26 a.m.): Despite the retention of the farm gateprice and supply management scheme in Queensland, dairy farmers remain ...
Speech byHon. RUSSELL COOPERMEMBER FOR CROWS NESTHansard 10 June 1999INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS BILLHon. T. R. COOPER (Crows Nest—NPA) (5.55 p.m.): I was going to say that it is a pleasure totake part in this debate, but I do not think that it is a pleasure at ...
Speech byHon. RUSSELL COOPERMEMBER FOR CROWS NESTHansard 27 April 1999GOVERNMENT ELECTION PROMISESHon. T. R. COOPER (Crows Nest—NPA) (6.25 p.m.): I will not offer the Deputy Premier my time.This Beattie Government, in less than 10 months in office, has ...
Speech byHon. RUSSELL COOPERMEMBER FOR CROWS NESTHansard 28 April 1999POLICE POWERS AND RESPONSIBILITIES AND OTHER ACTS (REGISTERS) AMENDMENT BILLHon. T. R. COOPER (Crows Nest—NPA) (2.40 p.m.): I wish to add a few comments to thecontributions that have been ...
Speech byHon. RUSSELL COOPERMEMBER FOR CROWS NESTHansard 28 April 1999KINGSTHORPE STATE SCHOOLHon. T. R. COOPER (Crows Nest—NPA) (11.09 p.m.): I raise an issue concerning theKingsthorpe school, just west of Toowoomba. Because of varying circumstances, the ...
Speech byHon. RUSSELL COOPERMEMBER FOR CROWS NESTHansard 29 April 1999PERFORMANCE OF MINISTERSHon. T. R. COOPER (Crows Nest—NPA) (6.40 p.m.): I support the motion, although it is withsome regret because most people seem to think that Henry is a good bloke. ...
Speech byHon. RUSSELL COOPERMEMBER FOR CROWS NESTHansard 25 May 1999QFMA; PILCHARD FISHERY TRIALHon. T. R. COOPER (Crows Nest—NPA) (11.50 a.m.): I wish to draw to the attention of theHouse the Minister for Primary Industries' bungled attempt to disguise the ...
Speech byHon. RUSSELL COOPERMEMBER FOR CROWS NESTHansard 25 May 1999REGIONAL FOREST AGREEMENTHon. T. R. COOPER (Crows Nest—NPA) (6.21 p.m.): I rise to support the motion, whichrepresents another positive attempt by the coalition to restore some logic to the ...
Speech byHon. RUSSELL COOPERMEMBER FOR CROWS NESTHansard 20 July 1999SOUTH EAST QUEENSLAND REGIONAL FOREST AGREEMENTHon. T. R. COOPER (Crows Nest—NPA) (6.26 p.m.): Of course, the Opposition will not besupporting the amendment even though it uses very fancy ...
Speech byHon. RUSSELL COOPERMEMBER FOR CROWS NESTHansard 20 July 1999SOUTH BURNETT MEATWORKS, MURGONHon. T. R. COOPER (Crows Nest—NPA) (7.02 p.m.): In February 1998, the coalition released areport titled "Meat Processing Industry at the Crossroads". That ...
Speech byHon. RUSSELL COOPERMEMBER FOR CROWS NESTHansard 22 July 1999UNIVERSITY OF QUEENSLAND; GATTON COLLEGEHon. T. R. COOPER (Crows Nest—NPA) (5.58 p.m.): I move—"That this Parliament condemns the progressive running down of the University ofQueensland ...
Speech byHon. RUSSELL COOPERMEMBER FOR CROWS NESTHansard 29 April 1999MEAT INDUSTRY AMENDMENT STANDARD (No. 1) 1999 Disallowance of Statutory InstrumentHon. T. R. COOPER (Crows Nest—NPA) (5.45 p.m.): I move—"That the Meat Industry Amendment Standard (No. 1) ...
Speech byHon. RUSSELL COOPERMEMBER FOR CROWS NESTHansard 19 August 1999OAKEY RACE CLUBHon. T. R. COOPER (Crows Nest—NPA) (7.04 p.m.): I want to place on the record of theParliament the efforts of some people involved in the Oakey Race Club. At the start of ...
Speech byHon. RUSSELL COOPERMEMBER FOR CROWS NESTHansard 24 August 1999KANGAROO SHOOTERSHon. T. R. COOPER (Crows Nest—NPA) (10.10 a.m.): First we had the dingo issue, whengraziers were accused of rorting the $10 dingo bounty by breeding and selling their own ...
Speech byHon. RUSSELL COOPERMEMBER FOR CROWS NESTHansard 25 August 1999SES POSITIONS, MERIT SELECTIONMr NUTTALL (Sandgate—ALP) (6.40 p.m.): In his motion before the House this evening, thehonourable member for Clayfield fails to recognise the realities of ...
Speech bySHAUN NELSONMEMBER FOR TABLELANDSHansard 7 December 1999GAMING MACHINE AND OTHER LEGISLATION AMENDMENT BILL (No.2)Mr NELSON (Tablelands—IND) (4.17 p.m.): I also commend the Minister for going ahead withrestrictions on the location of gaming ...
Speech bySHAUN NELSONMEMBER FOR TABLELANDSHansard 9 December 1999WATER RESOURCES AMENDMENT BILLMr NELSON (Tablelands—IND) (12.06 p.m.): I would like to take this opportunity to speak onthe Water Resources Amendment Bill. It would be correct to say that 50% ...
Speech byMr S. ROBERTSONMEMBER FOR SUNNYBANKHansard 9 March 1999TRANS-TASMAN MUTUAL RECOGNITION (QUEENSLAND) BILLMr ROBERTSON (Sunnybank—ALP) (3.09 p.m.): I rise to support the Trans-Tasman MutualRecognition (Queensland) Bill and some of the statements made ...
Speech byMr S. ROBERTSONMEMBER FOR SUNNYBANKHansard 23 March 1999NORTH QUEENSLAND BIOTECHNOLOGY INDUSTRY WORKSHOPMr ROBERTSON (Sunnybank—ALP) (7.06 p.m.): Last Tuesday it was my pleasure to be at theAustralian Institute for Marine Science in Townsville to ...
Speech byMr S. ROBERTSONMEMBER FOR SUNNYBANKHansard 28 April 1999NATIONAL SCIENCE WEEKMr ROBERTSON (Sunnybank—ALP) (10.20 a.m.): Yesterday, I had the great pleasure inmeeting Bryan Gaensler, the Young Australian of the Year, at the Clunies Ross Centre at the ...
Speech byMr S. ROBERTSONMEMBER FOR SUNNYBANKHansard 25 May 1999SMALL BUSINESS ADVISORY COUNCILMr ROBERTSON (Sunnybank—ALP) (12 p.m.): Last Wednesday, it was my great pleasure tochair the inaugural meeting of the recently appointed Queensland Small Business ...
Speech byMr S. ROBERTSONMEMBER FOR SUNNYBANKHansard 27 May 1999STATE DEVELOPMENT AND PUBLIC WORKS ORGANISATION AMENDMENT BILLMr ROBERTSON (Sunnybank—ALP) (12.08 p.m.): It is unlike the member to be so rude. I risein support of amendments to the State ...
Speech byMr S. ROBERTSONMEMBER FOR SUNNYBANKHansard 8 June 1999NELLY BAY DEVELOPMENT, MAGNETIC ISLANDMr ROBERTSON (Sunnybank—ALP) (6.24 p.m.): This morning, when I read the Courier-Mailarticle stating that the Leader of the Opposition had finally come to the ...
Speech byMr S. ROBERTSONMEMBER FOR SUNNYBANKHansard 1 December 1999TOWNSVILLE INDUSTRIAL PARKMr REYNOLDS (Townsville—ALP) (6.23 p.m.): I take great pleasure in seconding theamendment. Let members make no mistake: the motion of the member for Burdekin is ...
Speech byHon. STEVE BREDHAUERMEMBER FOR COOKHansard 2 March 1999ADDRESS IN REPLYHon. S. D. BREDHAUER (Cook—ALP) (Minister for Transport and Minister for Main Roads) (5.20p.m.): Yesterday, Monday, 1 March 1999, the 50 km/h local speed limit was introduced in ...
Speech byHon. STEVE BREDHAUERMEMBER FOR COOKHansard 3 March 1999MINISTERIAL STATEMENTBrisbane Light Rail ProjectHon. S. D. BREDHAUER (Cook—ALP) (Minister for Transport and Minister for Main Roads)(9.59 a.m.), by leave: The Brisbane Light Rail Project recently ...
Speech byHon. STEVE BREDHAUERMEMBER FOR COOKHansard 4 March 1999MINISTERIAL STATEMENTRockhampton-Townsville Line Upgrade; Brisbane Airport Rail Link Project Hon. S. D. BREDHAUER (Cook—ALP) (Minister for Transport and Minister for Main Roads)(9.51 a.m.), by ...
Speech byMr S. ROBERTSONMEMBER FOR SUNNYBANKHansard 10 June 1999INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS BILLMr ROBERTSON (Sunnybank—ALP) (5.35 p.m.): We have heard 20 minutes of platitudes andnot one reference to the Bill before the House. We have not heard one reference to any ...
Speech byMr S. ROBERTSONMEMBER FOR SUNNYBANKHansard 14 September 1999QUEENSLAND INNOVATION STRATEGYMr ROBERTSON (Sunnybank—ALP) (10.25 a.m.): Queensland's innovation strategy,Innovation Queensland's Future, was made available for public comment on 13 July and ...
Speech byMr S. ROBERTSONMEMBER FOR SUNNYBANKHansard 14 September 1999SMALL BUSINESSMr ROBERTSON (Sunnybank—ALP) (11.40 a.m.): Before I talk about the important issue ofsmall business in this State, I wish to record my feelings about the presentation of the ...
Speech byMr S. ROBERTSONMEMBER FOR SUNNYBANKHansard 9 November 1999APEC TECHNOMARTMr ROBERTSON (Sunnybank—ALP) (6.30 p.m.): It is my great pleasure to follow the memberfor Nerang. I recall that this morning he rose to his feet and asked the insightful ...
Speech byMr S. ROBERTSONMEMBER FOR SUNNYBANKHansard 11 November 1999GOODS AND SERVICES TAXMr ROBERTSON (Sunnybank—ALP) (10.20 a.m.): Last Friday, I chaired a meeting of theQueensland Small Business Advisory Council. A major and ongoing agenda item is the ...
Speech byHon. STEVE BREDHAUERMEMBER FOR COOKHansard 9 March 1999MINISTERIAL STATEMENTPacific MotorwayHon. S. D. BREDHAUER (Cook—ALP) (Minister for Transport and Minister for Main Roads)(9.43 a.m.), by leave: This is a can-do Government focusing on jobs and ...
Speech byHon. STEVE BREDHAUERMEMBER FOR COOKHansard 10 March 1999MINISTERIAL STATEMENTRedbank Railway WorkshopsHon. S. D. BREDHAUER (Cook—ALP) (Minister for Transport and Minister for Main Roads)(9.54 a.m.), by leave: I am pleased to announce yet another jobs ...
Speech byHon. STEVE BREDHAUERMEMBER FOR COOKHansard 11 March 1999MINISTERIAL STATEMENTCaboolture-Maroochydore Corridor StudyHon. S. D. BREDHAUER (Cook—ALP) (Minister for Transport and Minister for Main Roads)(9.55 a.m.), by leave: The Caboolture-Maroochydore ...
Speech byHon. STEVE BREDHAUERMEMBER FOR COOKHansard 24 March 1999MINISTERIAL STATEMENTKarawatha Forest Park; Intelligent Traffic Signal SystemHon. S. D. BREDHAUER (Cook—ALP) (Minister for Transport and Minister for Main Roads)(9.55 a.m.), by leave: The ...
Speech byHon. STEVE BREDHAUERMEMBER FOR COOKHansard 24 March 1999TRANSPORT (SOUTH BANK CORPORATION AREA LAND) BILLHon. S. D. BREDHAUER (Cook—ALP) (Minister for Transport and Minister for Main Roads)(11.59 a.m.): I move—"That the Bill be now read a second ...
Speech byMr S. ROBERTSONMEMBER FOR SUNNYBANKHansard 24 March 1999MEMBER FOR CLAYFIELDMr ROBERTSON (Sunnybank—ALP) (10.18 a.m.): Yesterday the member for Clayfield made anumber of scurrilous, offensive and unsubstantiated allegations against not only the ...
Speech byMr S. ROBERTSONMEMBER FOR SUNNYBANKHansard 24 March 1999MCCULLOUGH STREET, PADSTOW ROADMr ROBERTSON (Sunnybank—ALP) (11.05 p.m.): Today's edition of that fine journal theSouthern Star contains an article claiming that the Federal member for Moreton, ...
Speech byMr S. ROBERTSONMEMBER FOR SUNNYBANKHansard 25 March 1999RAINWATER TANKSMr ROBERTSON (Sunnybank—ALP) (5.37 p.m.): It is with great pleasure that I second themotion moved by the member for Nicklin and congratulate him on bringing to this Parliament an ...
Speech byMr S. ROBERTSONMEMBER FOR SUNNYBANKHansard 23 November 1999DEPARTMENT OF STATE DEVELOPMENTMr ROBERTSON (Sunnybank—ALP) (6.32 p.m.): Tonight I rise in support of the amendmentmoved by the Premier and seconded by the Deputy Premier. Tonight we have ...
Speech byMr T. SULLIVANMEMBER FOR CHERMSIDEHansard 11 March 1999URBAN SPEED LIMITMr SULLIVAN (Chermside—ALP) (7.26 p.m.): I support the introduction of 50 km/h speed limitsin local streets, but I put to rest an urban myth that is taking hold. We have seen in ...
Speech byMr T. SULLIVANMEMBER FOR CHERMSIDEHansard 24 March 1999GAMING MACHINE AND OTHER LEGISLATION AMENDMENT BILLMr SULLIVAN (Chermside—ALP) (12.37 p.m.): I rise to support the Bill before the House. TheHouse is aware of the changes that were made to the ...
Speech byMr T. SULLIVANMEMBER FOR CHERMSIDEHansard 24 March 1999CORRECTIVE SERVICES AND PENALTIES AND SENTENCES AMENDMENT BILLMr SULLIVAN (Chermside—ALP) (10.40 p.m.): Tonight we have heard in this debate somedisgraceful comments made by the member for ...
Speech byMr T. SULLIVANMEMBER FOR CHERMSIDEHansard 14 April 1999HOLY SPIRIT NORTHSIDE AND PRINCE CHARLES HOSPITALMr SULLIVAN (Chermside—ALP) (11.12 p.m.): Last Thursday in my electorate of Chermside,an event occurred which will have long-term benefits for ...
Speech byMr T. SULLIVANMEMBER FOR CHERMSIDEHansard 15 April 1999WORKCOVER QUEENSLAND AMENDMENT BILLMr SULLIVAN (Chermside—ALP) (10.24 p.m.): I rise to support the WorkCover Amendment Bill.In this debate we have heard frequent references by Opposition members ...
Speech byMr T. SULLIVANMEMBER FOR CHERMSIDEHansard 27 April 1999RADIATION SAFETY BILLMr SULLIVAN (Chermside—ALP) (5.03 p.m.): I rise to support the Radiation Safety Bill 1999. Atthe outset I also would like to congratulate the Minister for bringing to ...
Speech byMr T. SULLIVANMEMBER FOR CHERMSIDEHansard 26 May 1999CHERMSIDE STATE SCHOOL SITEMr SULLIVAN (Chermside—ALP) (6.48 p.m.): Tomorrow, during the day and into the earlyhours of Friday morning, a significant event will occur in the history of the ...
Speech byMr T. SULLIVANMEMBER FOR CHERMSIDEHansard 26 May 1999WHELLER GARDENS, CHERMSIDEMr SULLIVAN (Chermside—ALP) (10.17 a.m.): In this, the International Year of Older Persons,it is appropriate and timely for this House to recognise the efforts of our aged ...
Speech byMr T. SULLIVANMEMBER FOR CHERMSIDEHansard 26 May 1999STOLEN GENERATIONMr SULLIVAN (Chermside—ALP) (4.05 p.m.): In rising to support this motion, I acknowledge thetraditional inhabitants on whose land this Parliament stands. Some people question why, ...
Speech byMr T. SULLIVANMEMBER FOR CHERMSIDEHansard 26 May 1999CHERMSIDE STATE SCHOOL SITEMr SULLIVAN (Chermside—ALP) (6.48 p.m.): Tomorrow, during the day and into the earlyhours of Friday morning, a significant event will occur in the history of the ...
Speech byMr T. SULLIVANMEMBER FOR CHERMSIDEHansard 27 May 1999LEADER OF THE OPPOSITIONMr SULLIVAN (Chermside—ALP) (7.16 p.m.): Yesterday in this House we saw a most patheticdisplay of ill will and bad temper tantrum. The Opposition Leader, in a most ...
Speech byMr TERRY SULLIVANMEMBER FOR CHERMSIDEHansard 21 July 1999AUSTRALIA ACTS (REQUEST) BILLMr SULLIVAN (Chermside—ALP) (4.13 p.m.): This Bill sets out the mechanism by which aconstitutional issue can be addressed if and hopefully when on 6 November this ...
Speech byMr TERRY SULLIVANMEMBER FOR CHERMSIDEHansard 21 July 1999SCHOOL UNIFORM BILLMr SULLIVAN (Chermside—ALP) (10.06 p.m.): A number of concerns have been raised in thisdebate. I will address some of the things that the previous speaker has referred to. A ...
Speech byMr TERRY SULLIVANMEMBER FOR CHERMSIDEHansard 25 August 1999PRINCE CHARLES HOSPITALMr SULLIVAN (Chermside—ALP) (11.23 p.m.): I wish to speak about the Prince CharlesHospital from two perspectives: that of a member of Parliament and as a family member ...
Speech byMr TERRY SULLIVANMEMBER FOR CHERMSIDEHansard 26 August 1999PRINCE CHARLES HOSPITAL MENTAL HEALTH SERVICEMr SULLIVAN (Chermside—ALP) (10.28 a.m.): In this House on Tuesday evening the memberfor Maroochydore claimed that six patients at the Prince ...
Speech byMr TERRY SULLIVANMEMBER FOR CHERMSIDEHansard 26 August 1999HEALTH SERVICEMr SULLIVAN (Chermside—ALP) (6.40 p.m.): I want to go straight to the heart of the matterhere tonight, because it clearly highlights the difference between this Labor Government ...
Speech byMr T. SULLIVANMEMBER FOR CHERMSIDEHansard 10 June 1999AUSTRALIAN REPUBLICMr SULLIVAN (Chermside—ALP) (10.24 a.m.): On 6 November Australia will vote onestablishing an Australian republic. If successful, the referendum will see an Australian head of ...
Speech byMr T. SULLIVANMEMBER FOR CHERMSIDEHansard 10 June 1999TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTUREMr SULLIVAN (Chermside—ALP) (6.39 p.m.): I rise to support the amendment moved by theTransport Minister. I would like to remind the House of two major public transport ...
Speech byMr T. SULLIVANMEMBER FOR CHERMSIDEHansard 11 June 1999INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS BILLMr SULLIVAN (Chermside—ALP) (2.55 p.m.): I rise to speak to the Bill before the House, whichaddresses the very heart of Labor policy. I came into the Labor Party through ...
Speech byMr TERRY SULLIVANMEMBER FOR CHERMSIDEHansard 19 August 1999CHERMSIDE HISTORICAL PRECINCTMr SULLIVAN (Chermside—ALP) (7.26 p.m.): I rise to inform the House that the Chermsidehistorical precinct is one step closer to fulfilling its role as being a ...
Speech byMr TERRY SULLIVANMEMBER FOR CHERMSIDEHansard 24 August 1999PRINCE CHARLES HOSPITALMr SULLIVAN (Chermside—ALP) (10.28 a.m.): This morning the member for Maroochydorespoke about the hospital system. One thing that she did mention was dishonesty. I ...
Speech byMr TERRY SULLIVANMEMBER FOR CHERMSIDEHansard 25 August 1999ROAD TRANSPORT REFORM BILLMr SULLIVAN (Chermside—ALP) (5.10 p.m.): I rise to support the Bill because of the benefits itwill provide to all Queenslanders. I intend to highlight some of the ...
Speech byMr T. SULLIVANMEMBER FOR CHERMSIDEHansard 8 June 1999CHARITABLE AND NON-PROFIT GAMING BILLMr SULLIVAN (Chermside—ALP) (3 p.m.): I support this Bill which contains sensible, practicalamendments. The original legislation was never intended to be a ...
Speech byMr T. SULLIVANMEMBER FOR CHERMSIDEHansard 8 June 1999CHERMSIDE AMBULANCE STATIONMr SULLIVAN (Chermside—ALP) (12.06 a.m.): Last week I had the privilege of handing overthe keys to a new emergency response vehicle to Teresa Powell, the officer in ...
Speech byMr T. SULLIVANMEMBER FOR CHERMSIDEHansard 9 June 1999QUEENSLAND ROSE OF TRALEEMr SULLIVAN (Chermside—ALP) (11.23 p.m.): The influence of the Irish people has spreadthroughout the Western World. As a result of the potato famines and other troubles, ...
Speech byMr T. SULLIVANMEMBER FOR CHERMSIDEHansard 11 March 1999USE OF PLAIN ENGLISH IN GOVERNMENT CORRESPONDENCEMr SULLIVAN (Chermside—ALP) (5.05 p.m.): I rise to second the motion. I believe that wordsare sometimes used to control the flow of information, ...
Speech byMr TERRY SULLIVANMEMBER FOR CHERMSIDEHansard 22 July 1999UNITED NATIONS YOUTH ASSOCIATIONMr SULLIVAN (Chermside—ALP) (10.24 a.m.): In April this year, senior students fromQueensland schools gathered at the University of Queensland under the auspices ...
Speech byTony ELLIOTTMEMBER FOR CUNNINGHAMHansard 16 September 1999WATER RESOURCES, RURAL QUEENSLANDMr ELLIOTT (Cunningham—NPA) (6.46 p.m.): I rise to support the motion moved by mycolleague, the member for Keppel. As the member for Callide said, those ...
Speech byTony ELLIOTTMEMBER FOR CUNNINGHAMHansard 16 September 19991999 STATE BUDGETMr ELLIOTT (Cunningham—NPA) (10.12 p.m.): Before I say some nasty things about theBudget I will say a couple of pleasant things. As they say, "If you can't say anything nice, ...
Speech byTony ELLIOTTMEMBER FOR CUNNINGHAMHansard 27 October 1999APPROPRIATION BILLEstimates Committee DReportMr ELLIOTT (Cunningham—NPA) (5.29 p.m.): In this debate on the report of EstimatesCommittee D, I wish to concentrate on the Departments of ...
Speech byTony ELLIOTTMEMBER FOR CUNNINGHAMHansard 27 October 1999LIQUOR AMENDMENT BILLMr ELLIOTT (Cunningham—NPA) (8.47 p.m.): I rise to take part in this debate tonight because,quite frankly, I have seen over a long period at various venues and at different ...
Speech byTony ELLIOTTMEMBER FOR CUNNINGHAMHansard 28 October 1999APPROPRIATION BILLEstimates Committee GReportMr ELLIOTT (Cunningham—NPA) (3.22 p.m.): I would like to challenge the Minister for PrimaryIndustries here today. Before doing so, I would like to ...
Speech byTony ELLIOTTMEMBER FOR CUNNINGHAMHansard 25 November 1999ANZAC DAY AMENDMENT BILLMr ELLIOTT (Cunningham—NPA) (12.24 p.m.): I wish to make a few comments in relation tothis Bill. In common with other members of the Opposition, I support this Bill. I ...
Speech byTony ELLIOTTMEMBER FOR CUNNINGHAMHansard 7 December 1999FORESTRY AMENDMENT BILLMr ELLIOTT (Cunningham—NPA) (9.51 p.m.): As a member representing a country area whichalso contains forestry, I wish to make a few points about the cypress pine industry. ...
Speech byTony ELLIOTTMEMBER FOR CUNNINGHAMHansard 8 December 1999WATER RESOURCES AMENDMENT BILLMr ELLIOTT (Cunningham—NPA) (12.32 a.m.): In rising to take part in the debate, I wish tosupport the shadow Minister's comments in relation to the ability to trade ...
Speech byTony ELLIOTTMEMBER FOR CUNNINGHAMHansard 25 & 26 August 1999ROAD TRANSPORT REFORM BILLMr ELLIOTT (Cunningham—NPA) (5.49 p.m.): There are a few issues that I would like to raise inparticular. Firstly, I wish to support some remarks that were made by ...
Speech byTony ELLIOTTMEMBER FOR CUNNINGHAMHansard 26 August 1999ACQUISITION OF LAND AMENDMENT BILLMr ELLIOTT (Cunningham—NPA) (4.27 p.m.): I wish to make a few points about this Bill inmuch the same vein as the member for Warrego did. Many parts of our ...
Speech byTony ELLIOTTMEMBER FOR CUNNINGHAMHansard 11 June 1999INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS BILLMr ELLIOTT (Cunningham—NPA) (11.20 a.m.): I wish to touch on a few things here today.Honourable members on the other side of the House might all wonder why we are all so ...
Speech byTony ELLIOTTMEMBER FOR CUNNINGHAMHansard 22 July 1999MR SPEAKER'S RULINGMotion of DissentMr ELLIOTT (Cunningham—NPA) (3.07 p.m.): I believe that there is nothing we on this side ofthe House want more than to do just as previous speakers have ...
Speech byHon. T. McGRADYMEMBER FOR MOUNT ISAHansard 2 March 1999GORDONSTONE MINE DISPUTE; MEMBER FOR FITZROYHon. T. McGRADY (Mount Isa—ALP) (Minister for Mines and Energy and Minister Assisting theDeputy Premier on Regional Development) (6.31 p.m.): Some of ...
Speech byHon. T. McGRADYMEMBER FOR MOUNT ISAHansard 3 March 1999MINISTERIAL STATEMENTSustainable Energy; Kyoto ProtocolHon. T. McGRADY (Mount Isa—ALP) (Minister for Mines and Energy and Minister Assisting theDeputy Premier on Regional Development) (9.54 ...
Speech byHon. T. McGRADYMEMBER FOR MOUNT ISAHansard 9 March 1999LAND AND RESOURCES TRIBUNAL BILLHon. T. McGRADY (Mount Isa—ALP) (Minister for Mines and Energy and Minister Assisting theDeputy Premier on Regional Development) (5.39 p.m.): I am pleased to rise ...
Speech byHon. T. McGRADYMEMBER FOR MOUNT ISAHansard 10 March 1999BEATTIE LABOR GOVERNMENTHon. T. McGRADY (Mount Isa—ALP) (Minister for Mines and Energy) (6.51 p.m.): This debateis about the Government putting its financial credentials on the table and the ...
Speech byHon. T. McGRADYMEMBER FOR MOUNT ISAHansard 11 March 1999MINISTERIAL STATEMENTElectricity Industry Hon. T. McGRADY (Mount Isa—ALP) (Minister for Mines and Energy and Minister Assisting theDeputy Premier on Regional Development) (9.53 a.m.), by leave: ...
Speech byHon. T. McGRADYMEMBER FOR MOUNT ISAHansard 24 March 1999COAL MINING SAFETY AND HEALTH BILL MINING AND QUARRYING SAFETY AND HEALTH BILLHon. T. McGRADY (Mount Isa—ALP) (Minister for Mines and Energy and Minister Assisting theDeputy Premier on Regional ...
Speech byTony ELLIOTTMEMBER FOR CUNNINGHAMHansard 17 August 1999INTERACTIVE GAMBLING (PLAYER PROTECTION) AMENDMENT BILLMr ELLIOTT (Cunningham—NPA) (12.06 a.m.): I wish to make a couple of brief points. I thinkjust about everything that needs to be said has ...
Speech byTony ELLIOTTMEMBER FOR CUNNINGHAMHansard 24 August 1999MRS R. CORKEMr ELLIOTT (Cunningham—NPA) (10.29 a.m.): I express my sympathy and that of the entirecommunity of Goondiwindi at the recent loss of a very well-known identity in the area, Mrs Robyn ...
Speech byTony ELLIOTTMEMBER FOR CUNNINGHAMHansard 24 August 1999TOURISM LEGISLATION AMENDMENT BILLMr ELLIOTT (Cunningham—NPA) (12.53 p.m.): As a former Minister with responsibility fortourism, national parks, sport and the arts, I have pleasure in taking part ...
Speech byTony ELLIOTTMEMBER FOR CUNNINGHAMHansard 22 July 1999UNIVERSITY OF QUEENSLAND; GATTON COLLEGEMr ELLIOTT (Cunningham—NPA) (6.33 p.m.): It gives me much pleasure to rise in support ofthe motion moved in relation to the establishment of an international ...
Speech byTony ELLIOTTMEMBER FOR CUNNINGHAMHansard 14 September 1999BEATTIE STEALTH TAXMr ELLIOTT (Cunningham—NPA) (10.27 a.m.): I wish to draw the attention of the House to anexample of how the new BST, that is the Beattie stealth tax, will affect the small ...
Speech byHon. ANNA BLIGHMEMBER FOR SOUTH BRISBANEHansard 14 November 2000CHILDREN SERVICES TRIBUNAL BILL; COMMISSION FOR CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE BILLHon. A. M. BLIGH (South Brisbane—ALP) (Minister for Families, Youth and Community Careand Minister for ...
Speech byHon. ANNA BLIGHMEMBER FOR SOUTH BRISBANEHansard 15 November 2000LEGACY TRUST FUND BILLHon. A. M. BLIGH (South Brisbane—ALP) (Minister for Families, Youth and Community Careand Minister for Disability Services) (4.33 p.m.): I move—"That the Bill be ...
Speech byMr W. BAUMANNMEMBER FOR ALBERTHansard 1 March 2000POLICE STAFFING, ALBERT ELECTORATEMr BAUMANN (Albert—NPA) (11.18 p.m.): Last week Mrs Cheryl Cockin presented me with apetition requesting that the Police Minister urgently take action to ensure that ...
Speech byMr W. BAUMANNMEMBER FOR ALBERTHansard 16 March 2000TRANSPORT LEGISLATION AMENDMENT BILLMr BAUMANN (Albert—NPA) (5.30 p.m.): I rise to contribute to the debate on the TransportLegislation Amendment Bill. I am particularly interested in the proposed ...
Speech byMr W. BAUMANNMEMBER FOR ALBERTHansard 13 April 2000TOW TRUCK OPERATORS Mr BAUMANN (Albert—NPA) (7.26 p.m.): The New South Wales Government has recentlyintroduced a regulation under section 69(2) of the Tow Truck Regulations which requires that any ...
Speech byMr W. BAUMANNMEMBER FOR ALBERTHansard 1 June 2000QUEENSLAND POLICE SERVICEMr BAUMANN (Albert—NPA) (6.34 p.m.): In rising to support the motion moved by mycolleague the member for Toowoomba South, the shadow Minister for Police and Corrective ...
Speech byMr W. BAUMANNMEMBER FOR ALBERTHansard 20 July 2000BUDGET 2000Mr BAUMANN (Albert—NPA) (4.36 p.m.): In rising to speak to the Appropriation Bills, I would liketo point out that this Budget, presented by the Treasurer, demonstrates the length to which ...
Speech byMr W. BAUMANNMEMBER FOR ALBERTHansard 14 November 2000PROPERTY AGENTS AND MOTOR DEALERS BILLMr BAUMANN (Albert—NPA) (9.57 p.m.): In speaking to the Property Agents and Motor DealersBill, which the coalition is not supporting because of certain ...
Speech byBILL FELDMANMEMBER FOR CABOOLTUREHansard 1 March 2000DRUG REHABILITATION (COURT DIVERSION BILLMr FELDMAN (Caboolture—CCAQ) (12.50 p.m.): It is with pleasure that I rise to speak on theDrug Rehabilitation (Court Diversion) Bill 1999. Although both the ...
Speech byBILL FELDMANMEMBER FOR CABOOLTUREHansard 1 March 2000ANIMALS PROTECTION AMENDMENT BILLMr FELDMAN (Caboolture—CCAQ) (4.09 p.m.): I, too, thank the honourable member forLockyer for introducing the Animals Protection Amendment Bill, as it addresses ...
Speech byBILL FELDMANMEMBER FOR CABOOLTUREHansard 1 March 2000CRIMINAL JUSTICE COMMISSIONMr FELDMAN (Caboolture—CCAQ) (10.59 p.m.): Yesterday we saw where the BeattieGovernment's supposed openness and transparency has failed—it withheld information resulting ...
Speech byBILL FELDMANMEMBER FOR CABOOLTUREHansard 2 March 2000CABOOLTURE BUSINESS ENTERPRISE CENTREMr FELDMAN (Caboolture—CCAQ) (10 a.m.): It is not often that honourable members see merise in this House to thank the Federal Government for anything, so stand ...
Speech byBILL FELDMANMEMBER FOR CABOOLTUREHansard 15 March 2000POLICE POWERS AND RESPONSIBILITIES BILLMr FELDMAN (Caboolture—CCAQ) (12.13 p.m.): It is a pleasure to rise in this Chamber tospeak on matters concerning policing in Queensland, and in particular ...
Speech byBILL FELDMANMEMBER FOR CABOOLTUREHansard 11 April 2000IMPORTATION OF STEEL PRODUCTSMr FELDMAN (Caboolture—CCAQ) (10.24 a.m.) It is with great concern that we read in recentweeks about the massive tonnages of steel products flooding into Australia ...
Speech byBILL FELDMANMEMBER FOR CABOOLTUREHansard 12 April 2000ELECTORAL AMENDMENT BILLMr FELDMAN (Caboolture—CCAQ) (9.22 p.m.), in reply: It is with pleasure that I rise to speak insupport the Bill. I think the member for Greenslopes referred to people ...
Speech byBILL FELDMANMEMBER FOR CABOOLTUREHansard 13 April 2000STATE HOUSING AMENDMENT BILLMr FELDMAN (Caboolture—CCAQ) (3.52 p.m.): It is with pleasure that I rise to speak on theState Housing Amendment Bill and at this point I indicate the support of the ...
Speech byBILL FELDMANMEMBER FOR CABOOLTUREHansard 16 March 2000TEACHERSMr FELDMAN (Caboolture—CCAQ) (6.10 p.m.): Tonight it is a pleasure to second the motionmoved by the member for Gladstone. In common with her, I have been inundated with letters ...
Speech byBILL FELDMANMEMBER FOR CABOOLTUREHansard 1 March 2000VEGETATION MANAGEMENT LEGISLATIONMr FELDMAN (Caboolture—CCAQ) (6.45 p.m.): It is with pleasure that I rise to support themotion of the member for Barambah which was seconded by the member for ...
Speech byHon. ANNA BLIGHMEMBER FOR SOUTH BRISBANEHansard 9 November 2000MINISTERIAL STATEMENTDomestic Violence LawsHon. A. M. BLIGH (South Brisbane—ALP) (Minister for Families, Youth and Community Careand Minister for Disability Services) (10.03 a.m.), by ...
Speech byHon. D. HAMILLMEMBER FOR IPSWICHHansard 21 June 2000TREASURER'S PERFORMANCEHon. D. J. HAMILL (Ipswich—ALP) (Treasurer) (6.15 p.m.): This Government is proud of itsrecord of economic management. It stands in stark contrast to the shambles which was ...
Speech byHon. D. HAMILLMEMBER FOR IPSWICHHansard 19 July 2000GAMBLING LEGISLATION AMENDMENT BILLHon. D. J. HAMILL (Ipswich—ALP) (Treasurer) (11.48 a.m.): I move—"That the Bill be now read a second time."This Bill implements the high priority policy ...
Speech byHon. D. HAMILLMEMBER FOR IPSWICHHansard 19 July 2000DIESEL REBATE SCHEMEHon. D. J. HAMILL (Ipswich—ALP) (Treasurer) (6.10 p.m.): I am pleased to join this debate. Inso doing, I move the following amendment—"Delete all words after 'calls' and insert ...
Speech byHon. D. HAMILLMEMBER FOR IPSWICHHansard 20 July 2000UNEMPLOYMENTHon. D. J. HAMILL (Ipswich—ALP) (Treasurer) (6.20 p.m.): I rise to second the amendmentmoved by the Leader of the Opposition—sorry, by the Premier—Opposition members interjected.Mr ...
Speech byHon. D. HAMILLMEMBER FOR IPSWICHHansard 21 July 2000BUDGET 2000Hon. D. J. HAMILL (Ipswich—ALP) (Treasurer) (5.54 p.m.), in reply: I thank honourablemembers from both sides of the House who were able to identify the services and enhancements tothe ...
Speech byHon. D. HAMILLMEMBER FOR IPSWICHHansard 22 August 2000FUEL PRICESHon. D. J. HAMILL (Ipswich—ALP) (Treasurer) (6.20 p.m.): I second the amendment moved bythe Premier. I think it is important that all members understand just how serious the ...
Speech byHon. D. HAMILLMEMBER FOR IPSWICHHansard 4 October 2000REVENUE LAWS AMENDMENT BILLHon. D. J. HAMILL (Ipswich—ALP) (Treasurer) (11.32 a.m.): I move—"That the Bill be now read a second time." The Revenue Laws Amendment Bill 2000 makes a number of ...
Speech byHon. D. HAMILLMEMBER FOR IPSWICHHansard 4 October 2000JUPITERS CASINO AGREEMENT AMENDMENT BILLHon. D. J. HAMILL (Ipswich—ALP) (Treasurer) (11.44 a.m.): I move—"That the Bill be now read a second time."The Jupiters Casino Agreement Amendment Bill 2000 ...
Speech byHon. D. HAMILLMEMBER FOR IPSWICHHansard 4 October 2000FINANCIAL LEGISLATION AMENDMENT BILLHon. D. J. HAMILL (Ipswich—ALP) (Treasurer) (11.51 a.m.): I move—"That the Bill be now read a second time."The Financial Legislation Amendment Bill 2000 makes a ...
Speech byHon. D. HAMILLMEMBER FOR IPSWICHHansard 4 October 2000FUEL SUBSIDY AMENDMENT BILLHon. D. J. HAMILL (Ipswich—ALP) (Treasurer) (11.53 a.m.): I move—"That the Bill be now read a second time."The Fuel Subsidy Amendment Bill 2000 implements vital reforms ...
Speech byHon. D. HAMILLMEMBER FOR IPSWICHHansard 18 October 2000MINISTERIAL STATEMENTQueensland EconomyHon. D. J. HAMILL (Ipswich—ALP) (Treasurer) (9.49 a.m.), by leave: Queenslanders can lookforward to a bright and prosperous future over the next few years. ...
Speech byHon. D. HAMILLMEMBER FOR IPSWICHHansard 19 October 2000SUPERANNUATION AND OTHER LEGISLATION AMENDMENT BILLHon. D. J. HAMILL (Ipswich—ALP) (Treasurer) (11.30 a.m.): I move—"That the Bill be now read a second time."The purpose of the Bill is to amend ...
Speech byHon. D. HAMILLMEMBER FOR IPSWICHHansard 20 June 2000FUEL SUBSIDY SCHEMEHon. D. J. HAMILL (Ipswich—ALP) (Treasurer) (6.13 p.m.): I move the following amendment—"Delete all words after "House" and insert the following'(a) applauds the establishment by ...
Speech byHon. D. HAMILLMEMBER FOR IPSWICHHansard 5 October 2000MINISTERIAL STATEMENTMotor Accident Insurance CommissionHon. D. J. HAMILL (Ipswich—ALP) (Treasurer) (9.57 a.m.), by leave: I would like to inform theHouse of a significant new investment in ...
Speech byHon. D. HAMILLMEMBER FOR IPSWICHHansard 17 October 2000APPROPRIATION BILL (No. 2)Hon. D. J. HAMILL (Ipswich—ALP) (Treasurer) (12.31 p.m.): I move—"That the Bill be now read a second time."I rise today to introduce a supplementary Appropriation Bill ...
Speech byHon. D. HAMILLMEMBER FOR IPSWICHHansard 17 October 2000APPROPRIATION (PARLIAMENT) BILL (No. 2)Hon. D. J. HAMILL (Ipswich—ALP) (Treasurer) (12.33 p.m.): I move—"That the Bill be now read a second time."I rise today to introduce a supplementary ...
Speech byHon. D. HAMILLMEMBER FOR IPSWICHHansard 24 August 2000APPROPRIATION BILL, ESTIMATES COMMITTEE EHon. D. J. HAMILL (Ipswich—ALP) (Treasurer) (12.12 p.m.): It was interesting to listen to theravings of the Deputy Leader of the National Party complaining ...
Speech byHon. D. HAMILLMEMBER FOR IPSWICHHansard 21 June 2000MINISTERIAL STATEMENTCOAG Water ReformsHon. D. J. HAMILL (Ipswich—ALP) (Treasurer) (9.49 a.m.), by leave: The National CompetitionPolicy water reform agenda requires the State Government to ...
Speech byHon. D. HAMILLMEMBER FOR IPSWICHHansard 20 June 2000GST AND RELATED MATTERS BILLHon. D. J. HAMILL (Ipswich—ALP) (Treasurer) (5.50 p.m.), in reply: I thank honourablemembers for this most interesting and somewhat illuminating debate. As I indicated ...
Speech byDr DAVID WATSONMEMBER FOR MOGGILLHansard 14 November 2000ELECTORAL FRAUDDr WATSON (Moggill—LP) (Leader of the Liberal Party) (10.09 a.m.): I draw the attention of theHouse to a report in Saturday's Sydney Morning Herald under the headline "ALP loses ...
Speech byDr DAVID WATSONMEMBER FOR MOGGILLHansard 14 November 2000DR S. BLACKWOODDr WATSON (Moggill—LP) (Leader of the Liberal Party) (11.30 a.m.): I found it interesting todaythat the Premier failed on a couple of occasions to refute the newspaper article in ...
Speech byDr DAVID WATSONMEMBER FOR MOGGILLHansard 14 November 2000FUEL PRICESDr WATSON (Moggill—LP) (Leader of the Liberal Party) (10.37 a.m.): I formally second theamendment to the motion moved by the Leader of the Opposition. I thank the Premier for giving ...
Speech byDr DAVID WATSONMEMBER FOR MOGGILLHansard 15 November 2000BLACK RIVER AMBULANCE STATIONDr WATSON (Moggill—LP) (Leader of the Liberal Party) (11.09 p.m.): For some time now therehas been concern about the number of occasions on which only one officer ...
Speech byDr DAVID WATSONMEMBER FOR MOGGILLHansard 16 November 2000PROPERTY CRIMEDr WATSON (Moggill—LP) (Leader of the Liberal Party) (6.12 p.m.): I rise to second the motionthat this House condemns the Police Minister for his failure to stop the increasing ...
Speech byHon. D. WELLSMEMBER FOR MURRUMBAHansard 1 March 2000MINISTERIAL STATEMENTVocational Education and Training in SchoolsHon. D. M. WELLS (Murrumba—ALP) (Minister for Education) (10.18 a.m.), by leave: I table thenew joint policy statement for vocational ...
Speech byHon. D. WELLSMEMBER FOR MURRUMBAHansard 15 March 2000MINISTERIAL STATEMENTYear 3 LiteracyHon. D. M. WELLS (Murrumba—ALP) (Minister for Education) (10.09 a.m.), by leave: Theresults of the August Year 3 national benchmark tests, which I released ...
Speech byHon. D. WELLSMEMBER FOR MURRUMBAHansard 15 March 2000LIFE EDUCATION CENTRESHon. D. M. WELLS (Murrumba—ALP) (Minister for Education) (6.10 p.m.): I move the followingamendment—"That all words after 'Parliament' be deleted with a view to substituting ...
Speech byHon. D. WELLSMEMBER FOR MURRUMBAHansard 11 April 2000MINISTERIAL STATEMENTSchool Opinion SurveysHon. D. M. WELLS (Murrumba—ALP) (Minister for Education) (10.10 a.m.), by leave: There hasbeen a significant increase in confidence in our public school ...
Speech byHon. D. WELLSMEMBER FOR MURRUMBAHansard 12 April 2000MINISTERIAL STATEMENTEducation 2010Hon. D. M. WELLS (Murrumba—ALP) (Minister for Education) (10.01 a.m.), by leave: I wish toadvise the House of the 2010 program. In recent years, the proportion of ...
Speech byHon. D. WELLSMEMBER FOR MURRUMBAHansard 17 May 2000MINISTERIAL STATEMENTSchool Dress CodeHon. D. M. WELLS (Murrumba—ALP) (Minister for Education) (10.18 p.m.), by leave: On 30September 1998, the Ombudsman reported to Parliament that schools could ...
Speech byHon. D. WELLSMEMBER FOR MURRUMBAHansard 18 May 2000MINISTERIAL STATEMENTEducation Delegation to China and MalaysiaHon. D. M. WELLS (Murrumba—ALP) (Minister for Education) (9.56 a.m.), by leave: OnMonday, 17 April I attended a reception in Brisbane ...
Speech byHon. D. WELLSMEMBER FOR MURRUMBAHansard 22 August 2000MINISTERIAL STATEMENTStates Grants LegislationHon. D. M. WELLS (Murrumba—ALP) (Minister for Education) (10.06 a.m.), by leave: OurFederal colleague the Honourable Dr David Kemp has recently ...
Speech byHon. D. WELLSMEMBER FOR MURRUMBAHansard 23 August 2000APPROPRIATION BILL, ESTIMATES COMMITTEE DHon. D. M. WELLS (Murrumba—ALP) (Minister for Education) (4.54 p.m.): I thank the memberfor Charters Towers for his very gracious remarks. In the short ...
Speech byHon. D. WELLSMEMBER FOR MURRUMBAHansard 5 September 2000MINISTERIAL STATEMENTScience and SOSE SyllabusesHon. D. M. WELLS (Murrumba—ALP) (Minister for Education) (9.59 a.m.), by leave: I table theQueensland Years 1-10 science syllabus. It evolved ...
Speech byHon. D. WELLSMEMBER FOR MURRUMBAHansard 7 September 2000MACKAY; SUGAR INDUSTRYHon. D. M. WELLS (Murrumba—ALP) (Minister for Education) (6.13 p.m.): I move the followingamendment—"Delete all words after 'That' and insert the following—'this House ...
Speech byHon. D. WELLSMEMBER FOR MURRUMBAHansard 30 May 2000MINISTERIAL STATEMENTTeachersHon. D. M. WELLS (Murrumba—ALP) (Minister for Education) (10.08 a.m.), by leave: The StateGovernment has been engaged in negotiations with the Queensland Teachers Union ...
Speech byHon. D. WELLSMEMBER FOR MURRUMBAHansard 31 May 2000MINISTERIAL STATEMENTLearning and Development FoundationHon. D. M. WELLS (Murrumba—ALP) (Minister for Education) (9.57 a.m.), by leave: To becomethe Smart State, we need a smart work force. Yesterday ...
Speech byHon. D. WELLSMEMBER FOR MURRUMBAHansard 21 June 2000MINISTERIAL STATEMENTLiteracy and NumeracyHon. D. M. WELLS (Murrumba—ALP) (Minister for Education) (10.04 a.m.), by leave: I table theLiteracy and Numeracy Report for Years 3, 5 and 7 from the ...
Speech byHon. D. WELLSMEMBER FOR MURRUMBAHansard 8 September 2000MINISTERIAL STATEMENTLiteracyHon. D. M. WELLS (Murrumba—ALP) (Minister for Education) (9.51 a.m.): In the past year theBeattie Labor Government has provided $114m to improve literacy and ...
Speech byHon. D. WELLSMEMBER FOR MURRUMBAHansard 3 October 2000MINISTERIAL STATEMENTHigh School, Beaudesert ShireHon. D. M. WELLS (Murrumba—ALP) (Minister for Education) (12.39 p.m.), by leave: Flagstonewill be the site for the new high school for the ...
Speech byDr DAVID WATSONMEMBER FOR MOGGILLHansard 9 November 2000COOKE INQUIRYDr WATSON (Moggill—LP) (Leader of the Liberal Party) (6.24 p.m.): Queensland is being run bya Premier who has presided over rampant electoral corruption within the ALP for the best ...
Speech byHon. D. WELLSMEMBER FOR MURRUMBAHansard 16 March 2000TEACHERSHon. D. M. WELLS (Murrumba—ALP) (Minister for Education) (6.50 p.m.): Wherever this issuemay go, whatever the arguments, whatever the consequences and whatever the frustrations that ...
Speech byHon. D. WELLSMEMBER FOR MURRUMBAHansard 19 July 2000MINISTERIAL STATEMENTEducation Queensland InternationalHon. D. M. WELLS (Murrumba—ALP) (Minister for Education) (9.50 a.m.), by leave: Today I willlaunch Education Queensland International—a new ...
Speech byHon. PETER BEATTIEMEMBER FOR BRISBANE CENTRALHansard 18 August 1999TAB QUEENSLAND LIMITED PRIVATISATION BILLHon. P. D. BEATTIE (Brisbane Central— ALP) (Premier) (11.36 a.m.): I move—"That the Bill be now read a second time."This Bill is about ...
Speech byHon. PETER BEATTIEMEMBER FOR BRISBANE CENTRALHansard 18 August 1999TAB PRIVATISATIONHon. P. D. BEATTIE (Brisbane Central— ALP) (Premier) (6.17 p.m.): I move—"That all words after—'That this Parliament' be deleted and be replaced by the words—'Notes ...
Speech byHon. PETER BEATTIEMEMBER FOR BRISBANE CENTRALHansard 19 August 1999MINISTERIAL STATEMENTNative TitleHon. P. D. BEATTIE (Brisbane Central— Australian Labor Party) (Premier) (9.37 a.m.), by leave:What was thought impossible just 14 short months ago is ...
Speech byHon. PETER BEATTIEMEMBER FOR BRISBANE CENTRALHansard 19 August 1999MINISTERIAL STATEMENTBiotechnology Hon. P. D. BEATTIE (Brisbane Central— ALP) (Premier) (9.42 a.m.), by leave: A leadingVictorian biotechnology researcher says my Government's 10-year ...
Speech byHon. PETER BEATTIEMEMBER FOR BRISBANE CENTRALHansard 27 October 1999FORESTRY INDUSTRYHon. P. D. BEATTIE (Brisbane Central— ALP) (Premier) (6.18 p.m.): I move the followingamendment—"Delete all words after "That this House" and insert—'congratulates ...
Speech byHon. PETER BEATTIEMEMBER FOR BRISBANE CENTRALHansard 28 October 1999MINISTERIAL STATEMENTNative TitleHon. P. D. BEATTIE (Brisbane Central— ALP) (Premier) (9.32 a.m.), by leave: The QueenslandGovernment has been working hard to deliver a fair and ...
Speech byHon. PETER BEATTIEMEMBER FOR BRISBANE CENTRALHansard 28 October 1999MINISTERIAL STATEMENTSouth Bank ParklandsHon. P. D. BEATTIE (Brisbane Central— ALP) (Premier) (9.38 a.m.), by leave: The StateGovernment's development of South Bank Parklands has ...
Speech byHon. PETER BEATTIEMEMBER FOR BRISBANE CENTRALHansard 29 October 1999MINISTERIAL STATEMENTCairns Convention Centre ExtensionHon. P. D. BEATTIE (Brisbane Central—ALP) (Premier) (9.34 a.m.), by leave: I wish to advisethe House that tomorrow evening the ...
Speech byHon. PETER BEATTIEMEMBER FOR BRISBANE CENTRALHansard 29 October 1999SOUTH BANK CORPORATION AMENDMENT BILLHon. P. D. BEATTIE (Brisbane Central— ALP) (Premier) (11.23 a.m.), in reply: I thank membersfor their contributions to this debate. Firstly, I ...
Speech byHon. PETER BEATTIEMEMBER FOR BRISBANE CENTRALHansard 11 November 1999MINISTERIAL STATEMENTEconomyHon. P. D. BEATTIE (Brisbane Central— ALP) (Premier) (9.35 a.m.), by leave: After almost 17months of the Beattie Labor Government, Queensland is now ...
Speech byHon. PETER BEATTIEMEMBER FOR BRISBANE CENTRALHansard 11 November 1999PUBLIC SECTOR ETHICS AMENDMENT BILLHon. P. D. BEATTIE (Brisbane Central— ALP) (Premier) (9.57 p.m.), in reply: I would like torespond in some detail to the various points that were ...
Speech byHon. PETER BEATTIEMEMBER FOR BRISBANE CENTRALHansard 26 October 1999MINISTERIAL STATEMENTGovernment Owned Corporations, Executive RemunerationHon. P. D. BEATTIE (Brisbane Central— ALP) (Premier) (10.15 a.m.), by leave: I am pleased toinform the House ...
Speech byHon. PETER BEATTIEMEMBER FOR BRISBANE CENTRALHansard 26 October 1999PRIVILEGEPublic Service AppointmentsHon. P. D. BEATTIE (Brisbane Central— ALP) (Premier) (2.30 p.m.): I rise on a matter ofprivilege suddenly arising. The Leader of the Opposition ...
Speech byHon. PETER BEATTIEMEMBER FOR BRISBANE CENTRALHansard 26 October 1999CENSURE OF MINISTER FOR MINES AND ENERGYHon. P. D. BEATTIE (Brisbane Central— ALP) (Premier) (6.14 p.m.): I move—"Delete all words after 'this House' and insert the ...
Speech byHon. PETER BEATTIEMEMBER FOR BRISBANE CENTRALHansard 27 October 1999MINISTERIAL STATEMENTRepublic Hon. P. D. BEATTIE (Brisbane Central— ALP) (Premier) (9.34 a.m.), by leave: On 6 NovemberAustralians will vote in what is colloquially now called the ...
Speech byHon. PETER BEATTIEMEMBER FOR BRISBANE CENTRALHansard 27 October 1999MINISTERIAL STATEMENTRegional Australia SummitHon. P. D. BEATTIE (Brisbane Central— ALP) (Premier) (9.38 a.m.), by leave: Queensland doesnot have a Minister at the Regional Australia ...
Speech byHon. PETER BEATTIEMEMBER FOR BRISBANE CENTRALHansard 9 November 1999MINISTERIAL STATEMENTRoma Street ParklandHon. P. D. BEATTIE (Brisbane Central— ALP) (Premier) (9.41 a.m.), by leave: In a massiveredevelopment of Brisbane's former Roma Street ...
Speech byHon. PETER BEATTIEMEMBER FOR BRISBANE CENTRALHansard 9 November 1999APEC TECHNOMARTHon. P. D. BEATTIE (Brisbane Central— ALP) (Premier) (6.15 p.m.) I move—"All words after 'That this House' be deleted and the following be inserted—'applauds the way ...
Speech byHon. PETER BEATTIEMEMBER FOR BRISBANE CENTRALHansard 10 November 1999MINISTERIAL STATEMENTSmithsonian InstitutionHon. P. D. BEATTIE (Brisbane Central— ALP) (Premier) (9.34 a.m.), by leave: I am pleased toinform the House that the first stage of my ...
Speech byHon. PETER BEATTIEMEMBER FOR BRISBANE CENTRALHansard 10 November 1999MINISTERIAL STATEMENTUnemploymentHon. P. D. BEATTIE (Brisbane Central— ALP) (Premier) (9.37 a.m.), by leave: I am pleased tosee yet another Queensland academic believes it is ...
Speech byHon. PETER BEATTIEMEMBER FOR BRISBANE CENTRALHansard 10 November 1999AUSTRALIAN BROADCASTING CORPORATIONHon. P. D. BEATTIE (Brisbane Central—ALP) (Premier) (11.29 a.m.), by leave, without notice: Imove—"That the Parliament of Queensland calls on the ...
Speech byHon. PETER BEATTIEMEMBER FOR BRISBANE CENTRALHansard 23 November 1999MINISTERIAL STATEMENTBrisbane City Watch-houseHon. P. D. BEATTIE (Brisbane Central— ALP) (Premier) (9.35 a.m.), by leave: Later thismorning several of my ministerial colleagues and ...
Speech byHon. PETER BEATTIEMEMBER FOR BRISBANE CENTRALHansard 23 November 1999MINISTERIAL STATEMENTWallabies; Rugby World Cup and Bledisloe Cup Hon. P. D. BEATTIE (Brisbane Central— ALP) (Premier) (9.37 a.m.), by leave: Australia has aproud history of ...
Speech byHon. PETER BEATTIEMEMBER FOR BRISBANE CENTRALHansard 23 November 1999PARLIAMENTARY COMMISSIONER AND FREEDOM OF INFORMATION AMENDMENT BILLHon. P. D. BEATTIE (Brisbane Central— ALP) (Premier) (12.31 p.m.): I move—"That the Bill be now read a second ...
Speech byHon. PETER BEATTIEMEMBER FOR BRISBANE CENTRALHansard 23 November 1999DEPARTMENT OF STATE DEVELOPMENTHon. P. D. BEATTIE (Brisbane Central— ALP) (Premier) (6.17 p.m.): I move—"That all words after 'House' be deleted and substitute—'Congratulates the ...
Speech byHon. PETER BEATTIEMEMBER FOR BRISBANE CENTRALHansard 10 November 1999CONSTITUTION AMENDMENT BILLHon. P. D. BEATTIE (Brisbane Central— ALP) (Premier) (11.39 a.m.): I move—"That the Bill be now read a second time."Today I introduce a Bill that directly ...
Speech byHon. PETER BEATTIEMEMBER FOR BRISBANE CENTRALHansard 10 November 1999MINISTERIAL STATEMENTDr G. Davis; Comments by Member for ClayfieldHon. P. D. BEATTIE (Brisbane Central— ALP) (Premier) (11.47 a.m.), by leave: Yesterday, themember for Clayfield ...
Speech byHon. PETER BEATTIEMEMBER FOR BRISBANE CENTRALHansard 11 November 1999MINISTERIAL STATEMENTRemembrance DayHon. P. D. BEATTIE (Brisbane Central— ALP) (Premier) (9.33 a.m.), by leave: Today all ofAustralia will stop to remember those who fell in the ...
Speech byHon. PETER BEATTIEMEMBER FOR BRISBANE CENTRALHansard 27 October 1999APPROPRIATION BILLEstimates Committee AReport No. 2Hon. P. D. BEATTIE (Brisbane Central— ALP) (Premier) (12.36. The Opposition has sought touse the statement of reservations to ...
Speech byHon. PETER BEATTIEMEMBER FOR BRISBANE CENTRALHansard 12 November 1999MINISTERIAL STATEMENTTarong EnergyHon. P. D. BEATTIE (Brisbane Central— ALP) (Premier) (9.34 a.m.), by leave: Queensland hasa rapidly growing economy—the best in the nation. Under ...
Speech byHon. PETER BEATTIEMEMBER FOR BRISBANE CENTRALHansard 9 November 1999MINISTERIAL STATEMENTRe-enactment of Duyfken ExpeditionHon. P. D. BEATTIE (Brisbane Central— ALP) (Premier) (9.36 a.m.), by leave: I am happy toannounce today that Queensland will be ...
Speech byHon. R. E. BORBIDGEMEMBER FOR SURFERS PARADISEHansard 15 September 1999BURNETT REGIONHon. R. E. BORBIDGE (Surfers Paradise—NPA) (Leader of the Opposition) (6 p.m.): I move—"That this House calls on the Beattie Labor Government to assist the embattled ...
Speech byHon. R. E. BORBIDGEMEMBER FOR SURFERS PARADISEHansard 16 September 19991999 BUDGET SPEECHHon. R. E. BORBIDGE (Surfers Paradise—NPA) (Leader of the Opposition) (11.30 a.m.): This isan incredibly disappointing Budget to carry Queensland into the new ...
Speech byHon. R. E. BORBIDGEMEMBER FOR SURFERS PARADISEHansard 17 August 1999INTERACTIVE GAMBLING (PLAYER PROTECTION) AMENDMENT BILLAll StagesHon. R. E. BORBIDGE (Surfers Paradise—NPA) (Leader of the Opposition) (12.43 p.m.): Thisfurther compounds the scandal ...
Speech byHon. R. E. BORBIDGEMEMBER FOR SURFERS PARADISEHansard 27 October 1999APPROPRIATION (PARLIAMENT) BILLEstimates Committee AReport No. 1Hon. R. E. BORBIDGE (Surfers Paradise—NPA) (Leader of the Opposition) (11.31 a.m.): Inspeaking to Estimates Committee ...
Speech byHon. R. E. BORBIDGEMEMBER FOR SURFERS PARADISEHansard 27 October 1999APPROPRIATION BILLEstimates Committee AReport No. 2Hon. R. E. BORBIDGE (Surfers Paradise—NPA) (Leader of the Opposition) (12.42 p.m.): I donot think anyone believes this Premier any ...
Speech byHon. R. E. BORBIDGEMEMBER FOR SURFERS PARADISEHansard 27 October 1999FORESTRY INDUSTRYHon. R. E. BORBIDGE (Surfers Paradise—NPA) (Leader of the Opposition) (6.01 p.m.): Imove—"That this House condemns the Beattie Government for the loss of timber ...
Speech byHon. R. E. BORBIDGEMEMBER FOR SURFERS PARADISEHansard 29 October 1999SOUTH BANK CORPORATION AMENDMENT BILL Hon. R. E. BORBIDGE (Surfers Paradise—NPA) (Leader of the Opposition) (11 a.m.): TheOpposition will be supporting this legislation, but I will ...
Speech byHon. R. E. BORBIDGEMEMBER FOR SURFERS PARADISEHansard 26 October 1999MOTION OF CONDOLENCEDeath of Sir Charles WanstallHon. R. E. BORBIDGE (Surfers Paradise—NPA) (Leader of the Opposition) (9.47 a.m.): It is aprivilege to second the motion of ...
Speech byHon. R. E. BORBIDGEMEMBER FOR SURFERS PARADISEHansard 26 October 1999PUBLIC SERVICE APPOINTMENTSHon. R. E. BORBIDGE (Surfers Paradise—NPA) (Leader of the Opposition) (11.30 a.m.): I risetoday to speak about the corruption of due process in relation ...
Speech byHon. R. E. BORBIDGEMEMBER FOR SURFERS PARADISEHansard 26 October 1999CENSURE OF MINISTER FOR MINES AND ENERGYHon. R. E. BORBIDGE (Surfers Paradise—NPA) (Leader of the Opposition) (5.59 p.m.): Imove—"That this House censures the Minister for Mines and ...
Speech byHon. R. E. BORBIDGEMEMBER FOR SURFERS PARADISEHansard 27 October 1999GOVERNMENT OWNED CORPORATIONS, EXECUTIVE REMUNERATIONHon. R. E. BORBIDGE (Surfers Paradise—NPA) (Leader of the Opposition) (10.26 a.m.): ThePremier's unhinged performance in respect ...
Speech byHon. R. E. BORBIDGEMEMBER FOR SURFERS PARADISEHansard 18 August 1999TAB PRIVATISATIONHon. R. E. BORBIDGE (Surfers Paradise—NPA) (Leader of the Opposition) (6.12 p.m.): Inseconding the motion moved by the member for Moggill, I point out that it is ...
Speech byHon. R. E. BORBIDGEMEMBER FOR SURFERS PARADISEHansard 19 August 1999COMMISSIONS OF INQUIRY (QUEENSLAND CONSTITUTIONAL REVIEW COMMISSION)REGULATIONHon. R. E. BORBIDGE (Surfers Paradise—NPA) (Leader of the Opposition) (11.45 a.m.): Inseconding the ...
Speech byHon. R. E. BORBIDGEMEMBER FOR SURFERS PARADISEHansard 24 August 1999MR DEPUTY SPEAKER'S RULINGHon. R. E. BORBIDGE (Surfers Paradise—NPA) (Leader of the Opposition) (5.03 p.m.): Isecond the motion moved this afternoon by the honourable member for ...
Speech byHon. R. E. BORBIDGEMEMBER FOR SURFERS PARADISEHansard 17 August 1999CENSURE OF MEMBER FOR IPSWICHHon. R. E. BORBIDGE (Surfers Paradise—NPA) (Leader of the National Party) (6 p.m.): Imove—"That this House censures the Member for Ipswich and calls on ...
Speech byHon. R. E. BORBIDGEMEMBER FOR SURFERS PARADISEHansard 25 August 1999MINISTERIAL LEGAL EXPENSESHon. R. E. BORBIDGE (Surfers Paradise—NPA) (Leader of the Opposition) (10.10 a.m.): It isclear from statements made by the Premier and the Attorney-General ...
Speech byHon. R. E. BORBIDGEMEMBER FOR SURFERS PARADISEHansard 26 August 1999HEALTH SERVICESHon. R. E. BORBIDGE (Surfers Paradise—NPA) (Leader of the Opposition) (6.09 p.m.): Isecond the motion moved by the member for Maroochydore. I do so obviously with some ...
Speech byHon. R. E. BORBIDGEMEMBER FOR SURFERS PARADISEHansard 14 September 1999BEATTIE STEALTH TAXHon. R. E. BORBIDGE (Surfers Paradise—NPA) (Leader of the Opposition) (10 a.m.): Thismorning we have seen something quite unprecedented in this Parliament. We ...
Speech byHon. R. E. BORBIDGEMEMBER FOR SURFERS PARADISEHansard 25 August 1999TURKISH EARTHQUAKEHon. R. E. BORBIDGE (Surfers Paradise—NPA) (Leader of the Opposition) (9.35 a.m.): I joinwith the Premier in expressing the horror and sorrow of Queenslanders at ...
Speech byHon. R. E. BORBIDGEMEMBER FOR SURFERS PARADISEHansard 15 September 1999JOB CREATIONHon. R. E. BORBIDGE (Surfers Paradise—NPA) (Leader of the Opposition) (10.12 a.m.):Yesterday the Premier, likening himself to Solomon, modestly described his ...
Speech byHon. RUSSELL COOPERMEMBER FOR CROWS NESTHansard 25 March 1999CORRECTIVE SERVICES LEGISLATION AMENDMENT BILLHon. T. R. COOPER (Crows Nest—NPA) (12.29 p.m.): I take part in this debate to place on therecord the history of some of the things that ...
Speech byHon. RUSSELL COOPERMEMBER FOR CROWS NESTHansard 13 April 1999SERVICES TO RURAL AND REMOTE QUEENSLANDHon. T. R. COOPER (Crows Nest—NPA) (11.30 a.m.): In my opinion there are twoQueenslands—the Queensland of the south-east corner and coastal regions ...
Speech byHon. RUSSELL COOPERMEMBER FOR CROWS NESTHansard 13 April 1999FORESTRY INDUSTRYHon. T. R. COOPER (Crows Nest—NPA) (6.09 p.m.): I second the motion and commend it tothe House. In fact, I cannot see why all members of the House should not support it. ...
Speech byHon. RUSSELL COOPERMEMBER FOR CROWS NESTHansard 14 April 1999WORKCOVER QUEENSLAND AMENDMENT BILLHon. T. R. COOPER (Crows Nest—NPA) (3.25 p.m.): I, too, want to take part in this debate. Butfirstly, I must say that on nearly every occasion that I ...
Speech byHon. R. WELFORDMEMBER FOR EVERTONHansard 9 December 1999WATER RESOURCES AMENDMENT BILLHon. R. J. WELFORD (Everton—ALP) (Minister for Environment and Heritage and Minister forNatural Resources) (3.59 p.m.), in reply: I thank all members for their ...
Speech byHon. RUSSELL COOPERMEMBER FOR CROWS NESTHansard 2 March 1999NATURAL DISASTER ASSISTANCE Hon. T. R. COOPER (Crows Nest—NPA) (7.15 p.m.): Farmers across many areas ofQueensland have suffered at the hands of the elements over the past 12 months—from ...
Speech byHon. RUSSELL COOPERMEMBER FOR CROWS NESTHansard 10 March 1999CORRECTIVE SERVICES AND PENALTIES AND SENTENCES AMENDMENT BILLHon. T. R. COOPER (Crows Nest—NPA) (9.13 p.m.): The contribution of the member forAshgrove epitomises the argument from the ...
Speech byHon. RUSSELL COOPERMEMBER FOR CROWS NESTHansard 11 March 1999WATERHon. T. R. COOPER (Crows Nest—NPA) (10.11 a.m.): I raise the policy issue of water in ourState's dams and its usage. Some of these dams are used for domestic purposes only. I ...
Speech byHon. RUSSELL COOPERMEMBER FOR CROWS NESTHansard 3 March 1999MINISTER FOR RACINGHon. T. R. COOPER (Crows Nest—NPA) (6.21 p.m.): I second the motion. As a previous RacingMinister who came through the two-stage process with the racing industry between ...
Speech byHon. RUSSELL COOPERMEMBER FOR CROWS NESTHansard 4 March 1999FLOODSHon. T. R. COOPER (Crows Nest—NPA) (7.18 p.m.): Tonight I refer to the damage caused inthe Esk and Crows Nest shires by the recent floods. I acknowledge Mrs Crystal Stark of Blue ...
Speech byHon. RUSSELL COOPERMEMBER FOR CROWS NESTHansard 9 March 1999SUGAR, BANANA AND PAWPAW INDUSTRIESHon. T. R. COOPER (Crows Nest—NPA) (12.09 p.m.): Queensland's $2.2 billion sugar industryis in dire straits. In just over 12 months, world sugar prices ...
Speech byHon. R. WELFORDMEMBER FOR EVERTONHansard 7 December 1999TREE-CLEARING GUIDELINESHon. R. J. WELFORD (Everton—ALP) (Minister for Environment and Heritage and Minister forNatural Resources) (6.20 p.m.): I second the amendment moved by the Premier. In ...
Speech byHon. R. WELFORDMEMBER FOR EVERTONHansard 8 December 1999VEGETATION MANAGEMENT BILLHon. R. J. WELFORD (Everton—ALP) (Minister for Environment and Heritage and Minister forNatural Resources) (11.34 a.m.): I move—"That the Bill be now read a second ...
Speech byHon. RUSSELL COOPERMEMBER FOR CROWS NESTHansard 11 March 1999RURAL QUEENSLANDHon. T. R. COOPER (Crows Nest—NPA) (5.53 p.m.): I move—"That this Parliament moves to protect and promote the future of rural Queensland, itsindustries and its jobs by:(a) ...
Speech byHon. RUSSELL COOPERMEMBER FOR CROWS NESTHansard 23 March 1999QLMA FEES, BUTCHERSHon. T. R. COOPER (Crows Nest—NPA) (10.28 a.m.): The Opposition is gravely concerned forthe future of family butchers and small meat industry businesses under the ...
Speech byHon. RUSSELL COOPERMEMBER FOR CROWS NESTHansard 23 March 1999QLMA FEES; BUTCHERSHon. T. R. COOPER (Crows Nest—NPA) (7.20 p.m.): This morning I touched briefly on theOpposition's grave concerns for the future of the family butcher, small meat ...
Speech byHon. RUSSELL COOPERMEMBER FOR CROWS NESTHansard 25 March 1999CONSULTATION WITH RURAL QUEENSLANDERSHon. T. R. COOPER (Crows Nest—NPA) (10.28 a.m.): Recently the Leader of the Opposition,Mr Borbidge, and I toured Townsville, Tully, Ingham, Innisfail, ...
Speech byHon. R. WELFORDMEMBER FOR EVERTONHansard 1 December 1999MINISTERIAL STATEMENTEnvironmental NuisanceHon. R. J. WELFORD (Everton—ALP) (Minister for Environment and Heritage and Minister forNatural Resources) (10.08 a.m.), by leave: The Beattie ...
Speech byHon. R. WELFORDMEMBER FOR EVERTONHansard 7 December 1999MINISTERIAL STATEMENTParthenium WeedHon. R. J. WELFORD (Everton—ALP) (Minister for Environment and Heritage and Minister forNatural Resources) (9.44 a.m.), by leave: One of the most serious ...
Speech bySHAUN NELSONMEMBER FOR TABLELANDSHansard 8 June 1999STATE DEVELOPMENT AND PUBLIC WORKS ORGANISATION AMENDMENT BILLMr NELSON (Tablelands—IND) (10.03 p.m.): It took the Australian Labor Party less than 24hours to prove me right. On Sorry Day I called ...
Speech bySHAUN NELSONMEMBER FOR TABLELANDSHansard 9 June 1999WEAPONS AMENDMENT BILLMr NELSON (Tablelands—IND) (8.40 p.m.): I apologise to the member for Nicklin. I do not havea list, and I was last on the list previously. Any member of this House who refers ...
Speech bySHAUN NELSONMEMBER FOR TABLELANDSHansard 11 June 1999INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS BILLMr NELSON (Tablelands—IND) (11 a.m.): Last night as the coalition stood in here anddefended the working man in this State, that den of inequity, the Stranger's Bar, rang ...
Speech bySHAUN NELSONMEMBER FOR TABLELANDSHansard 17 August 1999INTERACTIVE GAMBLING (PLAYER PROTECTION) AMENDMENT BILLMr NELSON (Tablelands—IND) (11.32 p.m.): I rise to speak on the Interactive Gambling (PlayerProtection) Amendment Bill. I have a few points ...
Speech bySHAUN NELSONMEMBER FOR TABLELANDSHansard 24 August 1999TOURISM LEGISLATION AMENDMENT BILLMr NELSON (Tablelands—IND) (3.23 p.m.): I support the Bill before the House. However, indoing so, I suppose I have to disagree with the member for Burleigh on a ...
Speech bySHAUN NELSONMEMBER FOR TABLELANDSHansard 25 August 1999SCHOOL UNIFORM BILLMr NELSON (Tablelands—IND) (9.32 p.m.): Like most members of this House, I support thewearing of school uniforms—there are many good reasons for wearing school uniforms—but ...
Speech bySHAUN NELSONMEMBER FOR TABLELANDSHansard 15 September 1999COMMUNITY-BASED REFERENDUM BILLMr NELSON (Tablelands—IND) (8.54 p.m.): I rise to speak on the Community-BasedReferendum Bill. It was an absolute pleasure to hear the contribution of the ...
Speech bySHAUN NELSONMEMBER FOR TABLELANDSHansard 16 September 19991999 STATE BUDGETMr NELSON (Tablelands—IND) (1 a.m.): I would have liked to believe everything that thePremier said in his Budget Speech. Unfortunately, there have been some very worrying ...
Speech bySHAUN NELSONMEMBER FOR TABLELANDSHansard 26 October 1999SUGAR INDUSTRY BILLMr NELSON (Tablelands—IND) (3.21 p.m.): The tablelands is an incredibly diverse agriculturalarea. We grow everything from tea, coffee, milk, cheese, sugar, mangoes, beef and ...
Speech bySHAUN NELSONMEMBER FOR TABLELANDSHansard 27 October 1999APPROPRIATION BILLEstimates Committee CReportMr NELSON (Tablelands—IND) (4.49 p.m.): It is quite interesting that I get to speak after theMinister for Transport, the member for Cook, because I ...
Speech bySHAUN NELSONMEMBER FOR TABLELANDSHansard 27 October 1999LIQUOR AMENDMENT BILLMr NELSON (Tablelands—IND) (10.39 p.m.): I rise in support of the Bill tonight not because ofwhat it might do or what it could do but because of what it is meant to do more ...
Speech bySHAUN NELSONMEMBER FOR TABLELANDSHansard 14 April 1999ANZAC DAY TRADING HOURSMr NELSON (Tablelands—IND) (6.46 p.m.): I fully support the motion moved by the member forGladstone but I also agree 100% with the member for Kallangur. I think it is quite ...
Speech bySHAUN NELSONMEMBER FOR TABLELANDSHansard 28 April 1999TRANSPLANTATION AND ANATOMY AMENDMENT BILLMr NELSON (Tablelands—IND) (8.30 p.m.): Tonight I will keep my contribution brief. I am a littlealarmed at the amazing rate at which the speaking list to ...
Speech bySHAUN NELSONMEMBER FOR TABLELANDSHansard 26 May 1999STOLEN GENERATIONMr NELSON (Tablelands—IND) (3.46 p.m.): Can anyone name the person who stood at Meewaand defended this land, the true owners of which have been acknowledged by members of this ...
Speech bySHAUN NELSONMEMBER FOR TABLELANDSHansard 1 December 1999PROSTITUTION BILLMr NELSON (Tablelands—IND) (4.33 p.m.): The Prostitution Bill is a very difficult topic on whichto speak. I am a young person; I am only 26 years of age. I have not lived what ...
Speech bySHAUN NELSONMEMBER FOR TABLELANDSHansard 25 November 1999JUSTICE LEGISLATION BILLSMr NELSON (Tablelands—IND) (5.32 p.m.): I will keep my comments in relation to the JusticeLegislation (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill (No. 2) brief. Suffice to say ...
Speech bySHAUN NELSONMEMBER FOR TABLELANDSHansard 26 November 1999PRIMARY INDUSTRY BODIES REFORM BILLMr NELSON (Tablelands—IND) (4.06 p.m.): I will take only a few moments to talk about the Bill,because all of the issues have been discussed already. My ...
Speech bySHAUN NELSONMEMBER FOR TABLELANDSHansard 23 November 1999LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND OTHER LEGISLATION AMENDMENT BILL (No. 2)Mr NELSON (Tablelands—IND) (5.23 p.m.): It has been said here today that local governmentis the closest government to the people. ...
Speech bySHAUN NELSONMEMBER FOR TABLELANDSHansard 10 November 1999FAMILY SERVICES AMENDMENT BILLMr NELSON (Tablelands—IND) (5.58 p.m.): I do not think that the Family Services AmendmentBill is a difficult subject at all. In fact, I think it is a very simple ...
Speech bySHAUN NELSONMEMBER FOR TABLELANDSHansard 11 November 1999COMMUNITY SERVICES LEGISLATION AMENDMENT BILLMr NELSON (Tablelands—IND) (2.39 p.m.): It is pleasing to see that this Government is takingwhat I consider to be a very small step in the right ...
Speech bySHAUN NELSONMEMBER FOR TABLELANDSHansard 24 August 1999GILLIES HIGHWAYMr NELSON (Tablelands—IND) (10.26 a.m.): I would like to speak about the Gillies Highway.We have two access routes to the tablelands. One is the Kuranda Range and the other is the ...
Speech byHon. TOM BARTONMEMBER FOR WATERFORDHansard 28 April 1999MINISTERIAL STATEMENTPolice Beat ProgramHon. T. A. BARTON (Waterford—ALP) (Minister for Police and Corrective Services) (9.52 a.m.),by leave: I rise with pleasure this morning to tell this House ...
Speech byHon. TOM BARTONMEMBER FOR WATERFORDHansard 28 April 1999POLICE POWERS AND RESPONSIBILITIES AND OTHER ACTS (REGISTERS) AMENDMENT BILLHon. T. A. BARTON (Waterford—ALP) (Minister for Police and Corrective Services) (3.17 p.m.),in reply, I will begin by ...
Speech byHon. TOM BARTONMEMBER FOR WATERFORDHansard 28 April 1999WEAPONS AMENDMENT BILLHon. T. A. BARTON (Waterford—ALP) (Minister for Police and Corrective Services) (9.20 p.m.):From the outset, I would like to reaffirm the Beattie Government's commitment to ...
Speech byHon. TOM BARTONMEMBER FOR WATERFORDHansard 29 April 1999MINISTERIAL STATEMENTCorrective Services PortfolioHon. T. A. BARTON (Waterford—ALP) (Minister for Police and Corrective Services) (9.56 a.m.),by leave: The Labor Party went to the 1998 State ...
Speech byHon. TOM BARTONMEMBER FOR WATERFORDHansard 24 March 1999CORRECTIVE SERVICES AND PENALTIES AND SENTENCES AMENDMENT BILLHon. T. A. BARTON (Waterford—ALP) (Minister for Police and Corrective Services) (8.59 p.m.):To begin, let me fully endorse the ...
Speech byHon. TOM BARTONMEMBER FOR WATERFORDHansard 25 March 1999CORRECTIVE SERVICES LEGISLATION AMENDMENT BILLHon. T. A. BARTON (Waterford—ALP) (Minister for Police and Corrective Services) (12.56 p.m.),in reply: I certainly want to thank all of the ...
Speech byMr TIM MULHERINMEMBER FOR MACKAYHansard 16 September 1999WATER RESOURCES, RURAL QUEENSLANDMr MULHERIN (Mackay—ALP) (6.41 p.m.): Talk about political doublespeak: those opposite arepast masters at it. It is a bit rich having the coalition talking ...
Speech byMr TIM MULHERINMEMBER FOR MACKAYHansard 17 September 19991999 STATE BUDGETMr MULHERIN (Mackay—ALP) (2.46 p.m.): It is a pleasure to speak in support of the Budget.The record $16.8 billion Budget has been prepared on a full accrual accounting basis ...
Speech byMr TIM MULHERINMEMBER FOR MACKAYHansard 28 October 1999APPROPRIATION BILLEstimates Committee EReportMr MULHERIN (Mackay—ALP) (12.06 p.m.): In speaking to the report of Estimates CommitteeE, I thank the deputy chair and member for Hinchinbrook, Marc ...
Speech byMr TIM MULHERINMEMBER FOR MACKAYHansard 28 October 1999MINISTER FOR MINES AND ENERGYMr MULHERIN (Mackay—ALP) (6.22 p.m.): Our Government is determined to provideQueensland with a world-class electricity industry characterised by reliability, ...
Speech byMr TIM MULHERINMEMBER FOR MACKAYHansard 30 November 1999RETIREMENT VILLAGES BILLMr MULHERIN (Mackay—ALP) (5.55 p.m.): The retirement village industry in Queensland iscurrently governed by the Retirement Villages Act 1988. In the past 10 years there ...
Speech byHon. TOM BARTONMEMBER FOR WATERFORDHansard 4 March 1999POLICE POWERS AND RESPONSIBILITIES AMENDMENT BILLHon. T. A. BARTON (Waterford—ALP) (Minister for Police and Corrective Services) (3.08 p.m.),in reply: Firstly, I thank everybody who has made a ...