Call for the establishment of an Office of Employers Advocate

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
Mr Jorgen Gullestrup
State Secretary, CEPU
41 Peel Street
Total Signatures - 66
Sponsoring Member: Geoff Wilson MP
Posting Date: 16/12/2005
Closing Date: 16/6/2006
Tabled Date: 8/8/2006
Responded By: john Mickel on 12/10/2006
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland
Queensland citizens draw to the attention of the House: that during the Cole Royal Commission into the Building Construction Industry, Senior Construction Union officials provided evidence of significant problems in the industry: the use of sham sub-contracting arrangements, the high suicide rate, systematic rorts of workers entitlements, payroll tax, WorkCover payments, safety regulations, superannuation payments etc. Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to: support Union calls that the State Government establish an Office of Employer Advocate (Queensland Building Construction Industry) to protect the interests of honest employers who compete in the Qld Building & Construction Industry, where employer acts of perjury and breaches of building awards and agreements, Australian Taxation law, superannuation, payroll tax, health and safety, environmental laws, and workplace bullying are more the norm than the exception. The OEA (QBCI) should have strong coercive powers to gather evidence and prosecute non-complying contractors and/or their organisations. Fines should be in line with the Federal Government’s ABCC fines, ie: $22,000 for individual offences and $110,000 for their Employer Organisations and Company’s. Demerit points should be added to contractors’ Building Services Authority licences where they are found guilty of breaching Building Awards/Agreements (both State or Federal), any other state legislative requirements applicable to the Queensland Building & Construction Industry, or criminal acts