Koala fencing on Old Cleveland Road
Eligibility - Electors in the Division of Chatsworth
Principal Petitioner:
Steve Minnikin MP
Unit 1, Millennium Business Centre
Millennium Bvd, CARINDALE QLD 4152
Unit 1, Millennium Business Centre
Millennium Bvd, CARINDALE QLD 4152
Total Signatures - 1,311
Sponsoring Member:
Mr Steve Minnikin MP
Posting Date:
Closing Date:
Tabled Date:
Responded By:
Hon Bart Mellish MP on 19/9/2024
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland
Queensland electors of the Electorate of Chatsworth draws to the attention of the House the deaths of koalas due to vehicular strikes near Bulimba Creek Bridge on Old Cleveland Road, Carindale, and the need for a koala movement solution to be implemented at this site.
Your petitioners therefore request the House to install safety fencing on both sides of Bulimba Creek (under the Old Cleveland Road Bridge), to provide safer passage for koalas to move between habitats on Old Cleveland Road at Carindale (4152).