Protection of Victoria Park in perpetuity

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
Susanne Bremner
2/36 Wyndham Street
Total Signatures - 2,700
Sponsoring Member: Mr Michael Berkman MP
Posting Date: 9/5/2024
Closing Date: 8/11/2024
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

Queensland Residents, draws to the attention of the House:

  • Victoria Park was established in 1864 for the purpose of a public park;
  • Since then, the 130 hectares initially set aside has been reduced to 64 hectares by re-designation to non-park uses;
  • This loss of area occurred despite significant portions of Victoria Park being heritage listed and with a Deed of Grant in Trust in place:
  • Brisbane is a rapidly growing city and it’s vital that precious open green space such as Victoria Park be protected for all time;
  • The March 2024 Quirk Report recommended that a 55,000 seat stadium be built in Victoria Park for the Olympics; and
  • Notwithstanding the government’s rejection of this idea, there has been continuing pressure from business interests and commentators for a stadium in the Park.

Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to: amend the City of Brisbane Act 2010 to protect Victoria Park in perpetuity by providing that the Council has the power to:

  • Control, manage and maintain Victoria Park as a public park and no other purpose whatsoever;
  • Do anything that is necessary or desirable for developing, managing, maintaining, promoting or using Victoria Park but at all times preserving the reserve as fully accessible public open green space; and
  • Permit the use of any part of Victoria Park, including the erection of any structure, on the conditions appropriate so long as the structure directly enhances the use of the reserve as fully accessible, public open green space.