Time to stop the stink of the waste industry in Ipswich

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
Danielle Mutton
PO Box 2102
Total Signatures - 2,242
Sponsoring Member: Mr Michael Berkman MP
Posting Date: 15/9/2023
Closing Date: 4/2/2024
Tabled Date: 13/2/2024
Responded By: Hon Leanne Linard MP on 14/3/2024
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

Queensland residents draws to the attention of the House the significant health and amenity impacts that the activities of private waste companies in Swanbank and New Chum are having on Ipswich residents.

The waste industry in Ipswich has a history of non-compliance with their environmental authority, and the local community has been suffering from noxious odours and air pollution for years. Previous measures put in place by the Department of Environment and Science have failed to improve the situation, and the constant oppression of the stench continues to take a toll on residents’ health and mental wellbeing.

Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to do all in its power to protect the health and safety of residents in the Ipswich region, including bringing about:

  • The declaration of an environmental health event in relation to air pollution created by the waste industry
  • The establishment of a panel of inquiry into the health impacts of the waste industry on residents
  • The immediate cessation of operations where non-compliance is shown
  • Have the regulator direct compost and mulching operations to enclose their facility
  • The State Government to direct Cleanaway at their New Chum landfill site to permanently close Cell 3B and commence rehabilitation
  • DES and the Odour Abatement Taskforce (OAT) to conduct proactive enforcement and compliance activities for waste operations
  • Quarterly public community meetings to be held by OAT and the Regulator DES
  • The establishment of air quality stations in suburbs where odour complaints have been lodged with the OAT.