Expand ammunition sales
Eligibility - Queensland citizensPO Box 56
Queensland citizens draws to the attention of the House that the Queensland Minister for Health and Ambulance Services’ health directive restricting Firearm Dealers on 28 March 2020 to sell ammunition to certain licensed firearms owners, without any prior consultation, poses a serious threat to the security of Queensland’s Food and Agricultural sectors.
The bulk of feral pest destruction occurs under a general shooters licence. The health directive results in an added financial stress and work on farmers at a time where they and the nation can least afford it. Many farmers are busy trying to produce their first crop in three years after drought, fire and floods and can ill-afford to pay for professional shooters to remove feral pests.
Restricting the culling of feral pests and banning licensed volunteers through ammunition restrictions, at a time where national food security is imperative, is dangerous on a number of fronts. Farmers need to be allowed to access their normal network of volunteer shooters.
Your petitioners therefore request the House to cause the Health Directive relating to licensed armourers and licensed dealers to be rescinded and amend dealer trading to enable sale to a person able to produce a Queensland firearms licence bearing the condition codes AC, RE, OC and a letter from a rural land owner requesting they conduct feral pest destruction on that land.