Report No. 7, 57th Parliament - State Financial Institutions and Metway Merger Amendment Bill 2024


The committee tabled Report No. 7, 57th Parliament - State Financial Institutions and Metway Merger Amendment Bill 2024 on 31 May 2024. The Bill was passed in the Legislative Assembly on 14 June 2024 without amendment.

View: Parliamentary debate on the Bill
14 June 2024 - Transcript pages 94 - 95
The debate can be viewed by clicking on the movie icon within the transcripts.

About the Bill 

On 16 April 2024, the Hon Cameron Dick MP, Deputy Premier, Treasurer and Minister for Trade and Investment introduced the State Financial Institutions and Metway Merger Amendment Bill 2024. The Bill was referred to the Cost of Living and Economics Committee for detailed consideration.   

View: Explanatory speech
View: Bill 
View: Explanatory Notes   
View: Statement of compatibility 

purpose of the Bill

The primary objective of the Bill is to ensure certain conditions under part 6 of the State Financial Institutions and Metway Merger Act 1996 (Act) continue to apply to Suncorp Group Limited (Suncorp) once Suncorp bank is removed from the application of part 6.

Further information including written briefings, correspondence, response to submissions, transcripts and answers to questions taken on notice are available under the Related Publications tab.

Call for submissions

The committee invites submissions on any aspect of the Bill, from all interested parties.  Guidelines for making a submission to a parliamentary committee are available here:  Guide to making a submission. Please ensure your submission meets these requirements. 

The closing date for written submissions was Thursday, 2 May 2024 at 5:00PM. Submissions have now closed. 


The committee has held a public briefing on the Bill by officers of the Department of Treasury and Finance on 29 April 2024, and a public hearing was held on Friday, 17 May

See timeline below for further information.

Committee’s report

The committee is due to table its report on Friday 31 May 2024. The report will be published here on the webpage.

Once the committee’s report has been tabled, the Government has three months to respond to the report’s recommendations (if any). At that time, the Government Response will be published here on the webpage.


Submissions close:5:00pm, Thursday, 2 May 2024 - closed 
Public briefing:11:45am, Monday, 29 April 2024 - program - transcript - broadcast
Public hearing:10:00am, Friday, 17 May 2024 -program - transcript - broadcast 
Report due date:Friday, 31 May 2024 - report


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