Examination of Portfolio Subordinate Legislation


Section 93 (1) of the Parliament of Queensland Act 2001 provides that a portfolio committee is responsible for examining each Bill and item of subordinate legislation in its portfolio area to consider-

a)  the policy to be given effect by the legislation;
b)  the application of fundamental legislative principles to the legislation
c)  for subordinate legislation - its lawfulness.


The committee tabled the following report in 2024: 

Report No. 3, 57th Parliament - Subordinate Legislation tabled between 15 December 2023 and 18 March 2024 tabled on 5 April 2024
Report No. 5, 57th Parliament - Subordinate Legislation tabled between 19 March and 10 April 2024 tabled on 22 April 2024
Report No. 8, 57th Parliament-Subordinate legislation tabled between 11 April 2024 and 20 May 2024 tabled on 17 June 2024

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