Report No. 17, 56th Parliament - Fisheries (Sustainable Fisheries Strategy) Amendment Bill 2018

Committee's report

The committee tabled its report on 2 November 2018. The government's response to the committee's report was tabled on 28 February 2019. The Bill was passed by the Queensland Parliament on 28 February 2019.

View:Government Response
View:Debate of the Bill in Parliament:
Transcript 28/02/2019 (pages 539-554) and (pages 577-593)
The debate can be viewed by clicking on the movie icon within the transcripts.
View:Fisheries (Sustainable Fisheries Strategy) Amendment Bill 2018
View:Explanatory Notes
View:Explanatory Speech

About the Bill

On 4 September the Hon Mark Furner, Minister for Agricultural Industry Development and Fisheries introduced the Fisheries (Sustainable Fisheries Strategy) Amendment Bill 2018 into the Queensland Parliament.  The Bill was referred to the State Development, Natural Resources and Agricultural Industry Development Committee for detailed consideration.  

The explanatory notes provide that the aim of the bill is to:

  • modernise the objectives of the Fisheries Act 1994 and recognise the interests of key stakeholder groups;
  • clarify the roles of the Minister responsible for fisheries and the chief executive in the management of the State’s fisheries;
  • strengthen enforcement powers and penalties to address serious fisheries offences such as black-marketing;
  • reduce complexity and remove redundant provisions.


Submissions closed:26 September 2018
Public briefing:17 September 2018 - transcript
Public hearings:10 October 2018 - Cairns - transcript
 12 October 2018 - Scarborough - transcript
Report tabled:2 November 2018 - report
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