Report No. 22, 49th Parliament –The role of the Queensland Parliament in Treaty Making

committee's report

The committee tabled its report on 19 April 2000.

View:      Report No. 22, 49th Parliament –The role of the Queensland Parliament in Treaty Making
View:      Government Response


On 28 October 1999, the Committee resolved to inquire into certain proposals regarding the role of the Queensland Parliament in treaty making.

The Committee’s inquiry emanated from a letter dated 31 August 1999 from the Hon Andrew Thomson MP, Chair of the Joint Standing Committees on Treaties (JSCOT), to the Speaker of the Queensland Parliament, the Hon Ray Hollis MLA.

In his letter, Mr Thomson urged the Queensland Parliament to consider implementing various proposals developed at a June 1999 seminar on the role of parliaments in treaty making (the ‘treaties seminar’) convened by the JSCOT in association with the Australasian Study of Parliament Group. The proceedings and outcomes of the seminar (which involved participants from most state and territory parliaments) are detailed in a JSCOT report - A seminar on the role of parliaments in treaty making.

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