Report No. 26, 55th Parliament – Public Health (Medicinal Cannabis) Bill 2016

Committee Report

The Committee tabled its Report No. 26, 55th Parliament - Public Health (Medicinal Cannabis) Bill 2016 on 30 September 2016.

View:    Report No. 26, 55th Parliament - Public Health (Medicinal Cannabis) Bill 2016
View:    Minister’s speech introducing the Bill into the Queensland Parliament
View:    Public Health (Medicinal Cannabis) Bill 2016
View:    Explanatory notes to the Public Health (Medicinal Cannabis) Bill 2016

About the Bill

The policy objectives of the Bill, as outlined in the explanatory notes, is to create a new regulatory framework under which medicinal cannabis products may be prescribed and dispensed to patients in Queensland while also preventing their unauthorised use.

Inquiry Timeline

Submissions closed:Monday 11 July, 2016 - see "view submissions" tab above.
Public departmental briefing:Wednesday 15 June, 2016 - transcript   
Friday 9 September 2016 - Program   - Transcript
Public hearing date/s:Brisbane, Wednesday 17 August 2016 - Program - Transcript
Brisbane, Monday 29 August 2016 - Program - Transcript
Report tabled:30 September 2016 - report
Government response tabled:12 October 2016 - response

The Act

The Public Health (Medicinal Cannabis) Bill 2016 was passed with amendment on 12 October 2016.

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