Report No. 4, 55th Parliament – Health Legislation (Waiting List Integrity) Amendment Bill 2015

Committee Report

The committee tabled it's report no.4, 55th Parliament - Health Legislation (Waiting List Integrity) Amendment Bill 2015 on 14 September 2015.


Report No.4, 55th Parliament – Health Legislation (Waiting List Integrity) Amendment Bill 2015


Minister speech introducing the Bill into the Queensland Parliament


Health Legislation (Waiting List Integrity) Amendment Bill 2015


Explanatory Notes to the Health Legislation (Waiting List Integrity) Amendment Bill 2015

Inquiry Timeline

Public Hearing:

15 July 2015 – transcript

Submissions Closed:

8 July 2015 – see “View Submissions” tab above

Report Tabled:

14 September 2015 - report


On 19 May 2015, the Member for Caloundra, Mr Mark McArdle MP, introduced the Health Legislation (Waiting List Integrity) Amendment Bill as a Private members Bill into the Queensland Parliament. 

In accordance with Standing Order 131 of the Standing Rules and Orders of the Legislative Assembly, the Bill was referred to the Health and Ambulance Services Committee (the Committee) for detailed consideration.

The Committee reported to Parliament on 14 September 2015.


The main objectives of the Bill are to:

  • Establish the Health Ombudsman as the independent reviewer of the clinical waiting times for Queensland patients in the public health system.
  • Ensure the Health Ombudsman manages auditing of wait time matters in a transparent, accountable and public way. This is the legislative outcome of the previous Queensland Governments announcement of its intention to create a new independent body following the announcement of the wait time guarantee.
  • Provide certainty in clinical waiting times for Queensland Public Hospital patients and allay concerns as a result of being on a waiting list longer than necessary.
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