Report No. 39, 56th Parliament - Disability Services and Other Legislation (Worker Screening) Amendment Bill 2020


The committee tabled its report on 2 August 2020.

View:     Report No. 39, 56th Parliament - Disability Services and Other Legislation (Worker Screening) Amendment Bill 2020
View:     Disability Services and Other Legislation (Worker Screening) Amendment Bill 2020
View:     Explanatory notes
View:     Statement of compatibility with human rights 

About the Inquiry

On 18 June 2020, Hon Coralee O’Rourke MP, Minister for Communities and Minister for Disability Services and Seniors, introduced the Disability Services and Other Legislation (Worker Screening) Amendment Bill 2020.  The House referred the Bill to the Health, Communities, Disability Services and Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Committee for detailed consideration.  The committee tabled its report on Monday 3 August 2020.  The report will be published here.

According to the explanatory notes, the objectives of the Disability Services and Other Legislation (Worker Screening) Amendment Bill 2020 (the Bill) are to:

  • support nationally consistent worker screening for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and the Intergovernmental Agreement on Nationally Consistent Worker Screening for the NDIS
  • enable Queensland to operate a state disability worker screening system for certain disability services that it continues to fund, or deliver, outside of the jurisdiction of the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission
  • streamline and strengthen the legislative framework for disability worker screening in Queensland, and
  • ensure the blue card system operates effectively and efficiently alongside the disability worker screening system and the strongest possible safeguards are maintained in relation to persons working with children with disability.

Public briefings and hearings

Committee hearings and briefings are generally open to the public and will be broadcast live on Parliament TV.  We advise, however, that (as a precautionary measure) public attendance at Parliamentary Committee proceedings is suspended from 16 March 2020 until further notice in accordance with the Parliamentary Service’s COVID-19 Response Plan, approved by Mr Speaker.  Footage will be available to view for 12 months after its live broadcast. Transcripts of the proceedings will be published in due course. Visitors are advised that they may be filmed by broadcast media and/or be included in photos taken by Parliamentary Service staff for purposes including posting on the Parliament’s website or social media sites. The Queensland Parliamentary Service is committed to protecting the images collected for this purpose in accordance with the Information Privacy Act 2009.


Submissions close               6 July 2020 - Submissions are available under the "View Submissions" tab . 
Public briefing                    23 June 2020 - program - broadcast - transcript
Public hearing & briefing  17 July 2020 - program - briefing transcript - briefing broadcast - hearing transcript - hearing broadcast: part 1 - part 2 - part 3

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