Report No. 17, 55th Parliament — Director of Child Protection Litigation Bill 2016

Committee Report

The Committee tabled its Report No. 17, 55th Parliament - Director of Child Protection Litigation Bill 2016 on 28 April 2016. The Bill was passed with amendment on 11 May 2016.

View:    Report No. 17, 55th Parliament - Director of Child Protection Litigation Bill 2016
View:    The Bill was debated in the Parliament on 11 May 2016 - transcript (page 1673).  
             The debate on the Bill can be viewed by clicking on the movie icon  within the transcript
View:    Government response - Report No. 17
View:    Minister’s speech introducing the Bill into the Queensland Parliament
View:    Director of Child Protection Litigation Bill 2016
View:    Explanatory notes to the Director of Child Protection Litigation Bill 2016

Inquiry timeline

Submissions closed:     Monday 14 March, 2016 - see "view submissions" tab above
Public briefing:             Wednesday 24 February 2016 - transcript
Public hearing:             Tuesday 5 April 2016 - transcript

About the Bill

On 16 February 2016 the Hon. Y D’ATH Member for Redcliffe and Attorney-General and Minister for Justice and Minister for Training and Skills introduced the Director of Child Protection Litigation Bill 2016 into the Queensland Parliament.  In accordance with Standing Order 131, the Bill was referred to the Health, Communities, Disability Services and Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Committee for detailed consideration. 

The Director of Child Protection Litigation Bill 2016 (Bill) implements recommendation 13.17 of the Commission.

The policy objectives of the Bill, as outlined in the explanatory notes, are as follows:

establish the Director of Child Protection Litigation (Director), an independent statutory officer, reporting to the Attorney-General and Minister for Justice; and

improve outcomes for children and families and provide greater accountability and oversight for child protection order applications that are being proposed by the chief executive (child safety) (as defined in schedule 1 of the Bill) by ensuring that applications filed in court are supported by good quality evidence, promoting efficiency and evidence-based decision making.

This Bill is complemented by the Child Protection Reform Amendment Bill 2016 which is also being considered by the Committee – Inquiry.

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