Inquiry into the Queensland Government’s health response to COVID-19 (LAPSED)

Committee's Interim Report

The committee tabled its report on 16 September 2020.

View:       Report No. 43, 56th Parliament - Interim Report: Inquiry into the Queensland Government's health response to COVID-19
View:       Government Response

Inquiry Lapsed

The 56th Queensland Parliament has been dissolved by proclamation dated 6 October 2020. Therefore the Inquiry into the Queensland Government’s health response to COVID-19 has lapsed.

At some time after the State election, a new parliament will commence and new committees will be appointed. The date of commencement is not yet known.

For bill inquiries, it will be a matter for the new parliament whether to make a fresh referral to a committee of any re-introduced bill.

If a new committee continues an inquiry commenced before the dissolution, it can have regard to evidence and submissions received by its predecessor committee.

Updated advice will be provided when more information is available.

About the Inquiry

On 22 April 2020, the Legislative Assembly referred an inquiry to the committee with the following terms of reference:

  1. That the Health, Communities, Disability Services and Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Committee inquire into and report to the Legislative Assembly on the Queensland Government’s Response to COVID-19 in relation to the health response only;
  2. That in undertaking the inquiry, the Committee should take into account the Australian Government’s health response to COVID-19 and its impacts on the Queensland Government’s response;
  3. That in conducting the inquiry the Committee is to be conscious of any requests for witnesses or materials and ensure that any requests do not unreasonably divert resources from the immediate COVID-19 response; and
  4. That the Committee report to the Legislative Assembly by no later than 3 months after the conclusion of the Public Health Emergency declared under the Public Health Act 2005 regarding COVID-19.


Public briefings23 June 2020 - program - broadcast - transcript 
3 July 2020 - media release - program - broadcast - transcript
Public hearings 13 July 2020 - program - broadcast part 1 - broadcast part 2 - transcript
19 August 2020 - program - broadcast: part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - transcript
Submissions closed3 July 2020. Submissions are available under the "View Submissions" tab.
Interim Report16 September 2020 






Committee hearings and briefings are generally open to the public and will be broadcast live on Parliament TV.  Footage will be available to view for 12 months after its live broadcast. 

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