Report No. 13, 54th Parliament - Inquiry into Queensland Agriculture and Resource Industries


The Committee tabled it's report to the House on 30 November 2012. 
The final Report to the House is available here.

about the inquiry

This inquiry was referred to the committee by the Legislative Assembly on 7 June 2012. The terms of reference require the committee to report to the Legislative Assembly by 30 November 2012.

The terms of reference are that the Agriculture, Resources and Environment Committee investigate and report on methods to:

i) reduce regulatory requirements impacting on agriculture and resource industries in Queensland; and

ii) to further promote economic development while balancing environmental protections. 

Further, that the committee take public submissions and consult with key industry groups, industry participants, and relevant experts.

In its inquiry, the committee will focus on ‘methods’ to reduce regulatory requirements having regard to the need to promote economic development whilst balancing environmental protections.

The committee is to report to the Legislative Assembly by 30 November 2012.

The committee published an issues paper on 13 July 2012 to assist submitters.

This issues paper can also be found on the 'Related Publications' tab.


Submissions closed 17 August 2012 


Friday 17 August 2012Closing date for submissions.
Friday 16 November 2012Brisbane public hearing - detailed hearing program available here. - proof transcript
Friday 30 November 2012Report to the House - Final report available here.


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