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Exhibited Animals Bill 2014 (LAPSED)
On 6 January 2015, the Acting Governor, by Proclamation, dissolved the Legislative Assembly of Queensland.
All Bills that have been introduced in the Legislative Assembly but are yet to be passed, including the Exhibited Animals Bill 2014, automatically lapse when the Legislative Assembly is dissolved.
about the bill
Hon Dr John McVeigh MP, Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, introduced the Exhibited Animals Bill 2014 to the Queensland Parliament on 14 October 2014.
In accordance with Standing Order 131, the Bill has been referred to the Agriculture, Resources and Environment Committee for consideration. The committee was to report to the House by 2 February 2015.
According to the Explanatory Notes, the objective of the Bill is to:
“provide for exhibiting and dealing with exhibited animals, while ensuring that animal welfare, biosecurity and safety risks are minimised. The Bill will consolidate and streamline provisions currently spread across several Acts with a cohesive, comprehensive and consistent risk-based regulatory framework for exhibited animals.”
View: Exhibited Animals Bill 2014
View:: Explanatory Notes
View: Minister's Explanatory Speech
Submissions closed on 12 November 2014.
Past Hearings and Briefings:
26 November 2014
- Public briefings by the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
- Public hearing
Link: Hansard transcript of proceedings: Public briefings and hearing held on 26 November 2014
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