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Report No. 15, 57th Parliament - Termination of Pregnancy (Live Births) Amendment Bill 2024
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Committee’s report
The committee tabled Report No. 15, 57th Parliament - Termination of Pregnancy (Live Births) Amendment Bill 2024 on Friday, 20 September 2024.
View: Report
About the bill
On 20 March 2024, Mr Robbie Katter MP, Member for Traeger, introduced the Termination of Pregnancy (Live Births) Amendment Bill 2024 into the Queensland Parliament and referred it to the Health, Environment and Agriculture Committee for examination. The committee is required to report on its examination of the Bill within 6 months of its introduction.
View: Explanatory speech
View: Bill
View: Explanatory Notes
View: Statement of compatibility
The stated objective of the Bill is to enshrine in legislation the protections for babies born as a result of a termination of pregnancy procedure. The Bill is intended to remove any doubt that babies born in these circumstances are entitled to the same degree of medical care and attention as a baby born in any other way.
The Bill amends the Termination of Pregnancy Act 2018 (Act) to:
- insert a new section (section 9A) to apply when a termination results in a live birth
- state that nothing in the Act prevents a ‘relevant person’ for the termination from exercising any duty to provide the person who is born with medical care and treatment that is clinically safe and appropriate to the person’s medical condition
- clarify that the duty owed by a registered health practitioner to provide medical care and treatment to a person born as a result of a termination is no different than the duty owed to provide medical care and treatment to a person born other than as a result of a termination
- define ‘relevant person’ for a termination resulting in a person being born, as a registered health practitioner who performed the termination, and other practitioners, including students, present at the time.
Further information
When published, further information about public proceedings, transcripts, and other documents related to the inquiry can be accessed under the Related Publications tab.
Call for submissions
To view the submissions, click on the ‘View Submissions’ tab above.
The committee held a public briefing on the Bill on Monday, 29 April 2024.
The committee held a public hearing on Monday, 19 August 2024.
Committee’s report
The committee is required to table its report within 6 months of the introduction of the Bill. The report will be published here.
Submissions closed: | Monday, 13 May 2024 |
Public briefing: | Monday, 29 April 2024 - Program - Broadcast - Transcript |
Public hearing: | Monday, 19 August 2024 - Program- Broadcast - Transcript |
Report tabled: | Friday, 20 September 2024 |
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