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Report No. 106, 57th Parliament - Review of the Crime and Corruption Commission's activities
Committee's report
The committee tabled its Report No. 106, 57th Parliament - Review of the Crime and Corruption Commission's activities on 30 June 2021.
View: Report
The government response to the report was tabled on 17 December 2021 and can be viewed here.
About the Review
The Parliamentary Crime and Corruption Committee (the committee) monitors and reviews the performance of the Crime and Corruption Commission (CCC).
Section 292(f) of the Crime and Corruption Act 2001 (CC Act) provides that the committee must review the activities of the CCC and report to the Parliament by 30 June 2021 about any action that should be taken in relation to the CC Act or the functions, powers and operations of the CCC (the Review).
In undertaking the Review, the committee examined the CCC’s overall performance over the last five years and consider its jurisdiction, responsibilities, functions and powers. In particular, the committee examined the CCC’s:
- corporate governance and organisational structure
- major crime function, including the investigation and prevention of major crime
- investigative powers and hearings
- corruption function, including:
- the application of the principles for performing its corruption functions, including the devolution principle
- the CCC’s handling of, and reporting on, complaints of corruption, and
- the CCC’s corruption prevention function,
- civil confiscation function
- telecommunication interception powers
- research and intelligence functions
- witness protection function
- broader role in the criminal justice system
- role in overseeing the police service including the management of police discipline and misconduct matters, and
- oversight arrangements, including the role of the responsible Minister, Committee, Parliamentary Crime and Corruption Commissioner and Public Interest Monitor.
In addition, the committee resolved to incorporate its Inquiry into the CCC’s performance of its functions to assess and report on complaints about corrupt conduct into its five-year review of the CCC’s activities. The committee addressed the issues raised in its previous inquiry, and made recommendations, in its report to Parliament on the five-year review of the CCC’s activities.
Submissions to the Review closed on 10 August 2020. Published submissions can be viewed under the "View Submissions" tab above.
Submissions closed: 10 August 2020
Public hearings: 26 March 2021 - program - broadcast part 1, part 2, part 3 - transcript
14 May 2021 - program - broadcast - transcript
Report tabled: 30 June 2021 - report
Related Publications
Publication Details | Type | Published Date | Tabled Date | Committee Name |
- 1 - Ken Mackenzie
- 2 - Mark Clark
- 3 - Number not allocated
- 4 - Gary Bourke
- 7 - Queensland Ambulance Service
- 8 - Anonymous
- 9 - Number not allocated
- 11 - Number not allocated
- 12 - Paul Gleeson
- 13 - Queensland University of Technology
- 14 - Department of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships
- 15 - South Burnett Regional Council
- 17 - Research and Policy House
- 18 - Queensland Health
- 19 - Department of Transport and Main Roads
- 20 - Queensland Rail
- 21 - Number not allocated
- 22 - Number not allocated
- 23 - Dan Morgan
- 24 - Queensland Ombudsman
- 25 - Queensland Police Union of Employees
- 26 - Queensland Corrective Services
- 27 - Crime and Corruption Commission, including supplementary submission
- 28 - Office of the Independent Assessor
- 29 - Parliamentary Crime and Corruption Commissioner
- 31 - Barry Thomas
- 32 - Paul Favell and Supplementary Submission
- 33 - Queensland Law Society
- 34 - Dr Colleen Lewis
- 35 - Number not allocated
- 36 - Clerk of the Parliament