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Report No. 22, 57th Parliament - Inquiry into serious vilification and hate crimes
Committee's report
The committee tabled its Report No. 22, 57th Parliament - Inquiry into serious vilification and hate crimes on 31 January 2022.
View: Report
View: Interim Response
View: Government Response
About the Inquiry
On 21 April 2021 the Legislative Assembly agreed:
- That the Legal Affairs and Safety Committee inquire into and report to the Legislative Assembly on the:
- nature and extent of hate crimes and serious vilification in Queensland and whether there is evidence of increasing instances of serious vilification in Queensland
- effectiveness of section 131A of the Anti-Discrimination Act 1991 (the Act) and other existing Queensland laws responding to hate crimes.
- That the committee consider the:
- Options Paper: Serious vilification and hate crime: The need for legislative reform
- interaction of Queensland and Commonwealth legislation in relation to online vilification
- effectiveness of activities and programs of the Queensland Government (including the Queensland Police Service and Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions) and the Commonwealth Government responding to hate crime, including record keeping practices
- Human Rights Act 2019 (HR Act) and any rights which are engaged by the current law and any proposals for reform, including a human rights analysis under section 13 of the HR Act for any recommended legislative amendments, as well as constitutional limitations
- current legal framework and relevant reports, reviews and inquires in other Australian and international jurisdictions
- appropriateness of the conciliation-based anti-discrimination framework (s 124A of the Act).
- That the committee report to the Legislative Assembly by 31 January 2022.
Further information
Further information including written briefings from the department, the response to submissions, transcripts from proceedings and answers to questions taken on notice are under the Related Publications tab.
Submissions closed: | 22 October 2021 - See ‘View submissions’ tab. Click here to view video submissions. |
Public briefing: | 24 May 2021 - program - broadcast - transcript |
Public hearings: | 3 September 2021 - program - broadcast - transcript |
9 September 2021 - program - broadcast - transcript | |
10 September 2021 - program - broadcast - transcript | |
15 October 2021 - program - broadcast - transcript | |
Report tabled: | 31 January 2022 - Report |
Related Publications
Publication Details | Type | Published Date | Tabled Date | Committee Name |
- 1 - Queensland African Communities Council (QACC)
- 2 - Chloe Brockett
- 3 - Dr Kachina Allen
- 4 - Name withheld
- 5 - Confidential
- 6 - Australian Lawyers Alliance
- 7 - Isobel Barker
- 8 - Ranjit Singh
- 9 - Alessandra Prado Rezende
- 10 - eSafety Commissioner
- 11 - Confidential
- 12 - Joint submission - Christian Schools Australia and Adventist Schools Australia
- 13 - Peter Lloyd
- 14 - Imraan Khan
- 15 - Confidential
- 16 - James (Yaqub) Phillips
- 17 - Donnie Lee
- 18 - Department of Education
- 19 - Professor Katharine Gelber
- 20 - Confidential
- 21 - Professor Nicholas Aroney and Dr Paul Taylor
- 22 - Marina Chand
- 23 - Confidential
- 24 - Dr Mohammad Saad Khan
- 25 - TASC National Limited
- 26 - Name withheld
- 27 - Name withheld
- 28 - Maurice Blackburn
- 29 - Name withheld
- 30 - Queensland Jewish Board of Deputies Inc ( including amendments x 2)
- 31 - Queensland University of Technology
- 32 - Fair Go for Queensland Women
- 33 - IWD Brisbane Meanjin
- 34 - Queensland Program of Assistance to Survivors of Torture and Trauma
- 35 - Courage to Care
- 36 - Queensland Human Rights Commission
- 37 - Multicultural Australia
- 38 - Council of International Students Australia
- 39 - Elijah Buol OAM
- 40 - QCOSS
- 41 - Name withheld
- 42 - Queensland Chinese Forum
- 43 - Chinese Community Crime Prevention Consultative Committee
- 44 - Sikh Nishkam Society of Australia
- 45 - Queensland University of Technology Digital Media Research Centre
- 46 - Pacific Islands Council of Queensland Inc
- 47 - Name withheld
- 48 - Diana Zappone
- 49 - Name withheld
- 50 - Caxton Legal Centre Inc
- 51 - Vishva Hindu Parishad (VHP) Australia, Queensland Chapter
- 52 - Australian Muslim Advocacy Network
- 53 - Access Community Services
- 54 - Multicultural Youth Queensland
- 55 - Legal Aid Queensland
- 56 - Queensland Council for Civil Liberties
- 57 - LGBTI Legal Service Inc.
- 58 - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Service (QLD) Ltd
- 59 - Confidential
- 60 - Confidential
- 61 - Singapore Business Group (Australia) Inc
- 62 - Con Christopoulos
- 63 - Sharon Were
- 64 - Multicultural Queensland Advisory Council
- 65 - Confidential
- 66 - FamilyVoice
- 67 - Townsville Community Law Inc
- 68 - Freedom for Faith
- 69 - Australian Lawyers for Human Rights
- 70 - Roland Killick
- 71 - Equality Australia
- 72 - Australian Discrimination Law Experts Group
- 73 - Queensland Law Society
- 74 - Rainbow Families Queensland
- 75 - Queensland Advocacy Incorporated
- 76 - Townsville Islamic Society
- 77 - Queensland Council for LGBTI Health
- 78 - Brisbane Lions
- 79 - Rainbow On the Reef
- 80 - Alisha DeAraugo
- 81 - Joint Submission - Scarlet Alliance - Respect Inc and Australian Sex Workers Association
- 82 - Queensland Human Rights Commission Supplementary Submission (refer Submission No 36)