Report No. 44, 57th Parliament - Inquiry into the Provision and Regulation of Supported Accommodation in Queensland

Committee’s report

The committee tabled its Report No. 44, 57th Parliament - Inquiry into the Provision and Regulation of Supported Accommodation in Queensland on 7 June 2024.

View: Report

The Government has three months to respond to the report’s recommendations. At that time, the Government Response will be published here.


Information for Residents: prepared by Queensland Advocacy for Inclusion (QAI) and Queenslanders with Disability Network (QDN)


On 26 October 2023 the Legislative Assembly agreed to a motion that the Community Support and Services Committee inquire into and report on the provision and regulation of supported accommodation in Queensland. 

The terms of reference call upon the Committee to consider

  1. residential services as defined under the Residential Services (Accreditation) Act 2002 and other shared living arrangements, including but not limited to:
    1. appropriateness of standards and their enforcement;
    2. provision of support services funded by the NDIS;
    3. provision of accommodation and support services to Queenslanders in this variety of settings, including if the current service delivery model by which level 3 residential services are provided is appropriate or alternative model/s that should be adopted and what role the NDIS should play in supporting these models;
    4. sustainability of proposed model/s, market constraints and potential impact on other government systems;
    5. resident wellbeing, including the differing needs of vulnerable population groups, and adequacy of current service delivery, quality and safeguards and oversight arrangements in place across all levels of government;
    6. the complex state and federal regulatory arrangements that apply.
  2. the Public Advocate’s report ‘Safe, secure and affordable’?: the need for an inquiry into supported accommodation in Queensland, its two overarching and 29 detailed questions;
  3. the views of residents and former residents, with a formal role for two independent non-government organisations to support residents to contribute their views on their services and support; and
  4. the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability and the Independent Review of the NDIS reports as appropriate.

Related publications

The Public Advocate of Queensland, ‘Safe, Secure and Affordable?’, The need for an inquiry into supported accommodation in Queensland, August 2023


Submissions closed:2 February 2024 - see ‘View submissions’ tab
Please note: Submission numbers not published under the ‘View Submissions’ tab have been accepted by the committee as confidential.
Public Briefing:

27 November 2023 - Broadcast - Transcript 

29 April 2024 - Broadcast - Transcript

Public Hearings:

Brisbane, 13 December 2023 - Broadcast Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Transcript

Brisbane, 23 February 2024 - Broadcast Part 1 - Part 2 - Transcript

Regional Hearings: -

Report:7 June 2024 - Report



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