Scarborough Boat Harbour Draft Master Plan
Eligibility - Residents of the State of Queensland17 Second Avenue
Queensland residents draws to the attention of the House the Scarborough Boat Harbour Draft Master Plan and the planning and consultation process of the Department of Transport and Main Roads.
Your petitioners hold significant concerns around DTMR consultation processes and the heavily criticised Draft Master Plan for Scarborough Harbour, including:
- A poor consultation and engagement process that doesn’t reflect inclusivity, mutual respect nor understanding of what the community values, resulting in a lack of trust in TMR and its processes.
- Limited evidence of 2021 community feedback in the Plan.
- Negative impacts upon the economic and safety wellbeing of residents and local businesses.
- Substantial concern a plan will be finalised before community and businesses are able to ascertain how current concerns have been addressed.
- Significant and obvious infrastructure impacts of increased traffic, roads, congestion, parking, regular tidal and storm water inundation over local roads.
- Environmental impacts upon wildlife and habitat and significant loss of greenspace.
- The absence of information on exactly how contaminated dredge spoil will be handled in the future.
Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to do all in its power to cease any current Scarborough Boat Harbour planning conducted by DTMR and restart the planning process in a more open, transparent and collaborative manner, involving all key stakeholders including local residents, onsite and adjacent businesses and City of Moreton Bay, to help develop an environmentally, sustainable and community supported plan that maximises the opportunities and use of this unique area for community, visitors and future generations.