In support of the Path to Treaty Act 2023
Eligibility - Queensland citizensPO Box 783
Queensland citizens draws to the attention of the House, standing in solidarity with the First Nations Peoples of Queensland, the concerns in the community since the Opposition withdrew its support for the need for the Path to Treaty Act 2023.
Australia formally endorsed the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) in 2009 and the Path to Treaty Act 2023 supports meeting the Declaration's "minimum standards for the survival, dignity and well¬ being of the Indigenous peoples of the world". Undertaking the Path to Treaty process serves to create a unified and reframed relationship between First Nations Peoples in Queensland and all Queenslanders. This is not a divisive act.
The process of Truth, Healing and Treaty provides a unifying opportunity to build a better, fairer and stronger Queensland, upholding the dignity and the respect due to the world's oldest continuous cultures, languages and knowledge. We believe the process will enrich all Queenslanders' sense of place and identity, particularly future generations.
As Allies of First Nations Peoples, we support the government in its integrity in establishing the First Nations Treaty Institute and the formal Truth-telling and Healing Inquiry. Promoting self-determination and co-design in developing and determining health, housing and other economic and social programs affecting Indigenous peoples and communities is overdue.
Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to remain committed to the full implementation of the Path to Treaty process regardless of the recent dissent following the outcome of the Voice Referendum.