Amendment and annulment of s.234 of the Local Government Act 2012 (Qld)

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
Gary Duffy
47 Blackall Street
Total Signatures - 439
Sponsoring Member: The Clerk of the Parliament
Posting Date: 28/8/2018
Closing Date: 13/11/2018
Tabled Date: 14/11/2018
Responded By: Hon Stirling Hinchliffe MP on 6/12/2018
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

Queensland citizens draws to the attention of the House that section 234 of the Local Government Regulation 2012 provides that a local government may enter into a contract for goods and services without first inviting written quotes or tenders if the contract is entered into under an LGA arrangement.

An LGA arrangement is an arrangement that has been entered into by LGAQ Ltd.; or a company (the associated company) registered under the Corporations Act, if LGAQ Ltd. is its only shareholder.

The LGAQ is a nucleus of lobbying activity, which is linked to political and policy making of local governments, employs and coaches political candidates for offices and staff for positions. Its company Peak Services awards public contracts and appoints staff members.

Section 234 of the Regulation breaches all aspects of public procurement principles and infringes on the subjective rights of businesses and the rights by any person or company to fair competitive access to public procurement of supply and services.

Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to call upon the Minister for Local Government to:

(1) Institute a review and inquiry into the activities of the LGAQ and its company Peak Services since 2012 to ensure that all persons have acted in the public interests; and

(2) Ensure the amendment of the Local Government Regulation 2012 by omitting s.234.