Report No. 71, 53rd Parliament - Options for modernising the oaths and affirmations of allegiance in the Constitution of Queensland Act 2001 and Report No. 70, 53rd Parliament - A Preamble for the Constitution of Queensland 2001

committee's reports

The committee tabled its reports on 3 September 2009.

View:  Report No. 71, 53rd Parliament - Options for modernising the oaths and affirmations of allegiance in the Constitution of Queensland Act 2001
View:  Government Response tabled on 3 December 2009
View:  Report No. 70 - A Preamble for the Constitution of Queensland 2001
View:  Government Response - tabled on 24 November 2009


On 23 April 2009 the Legal, Constitutional and Administrative Review Committee received the following referral from the Parliament:

1.     The Legal, Constitutional and Administrative Review Committee develop options for modernising the oaths or affirmation of allegiance as outlined in Schedule 1 of the Constitution of Queensland 2001 and a draft preamble for insertion in the Constitution of Queensland 2001 which contains:

i.        an aspirational statement on the commemoration of the 150th anniversary of the establishment of Queensland; and 

ii.      a statement of due recognition to Queensland's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. 

2.     In developing the draft preamble, regard should be had to ensuring that the text of the preamble does not purport to include information to be used as an aid in statutory interpretation. 

3.     Stakeholders should be consulted during the development of the draft preamble including the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Council. 

4.     The Committee report, including its proposed text for the preamble, to the Legislative Assembly by 6 June 2009. 

On 2 June 2009, the Legislative Assembly extended the reporting date from 6 June 2009 to 3 September 2009.

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