Report No. 40, 55th Parliament – Healthy Futures Commission Queensland Bill 2017 (LAPSED)

Healthy Futures Commission Queensland Bill 2017


On 23 May 2017, the House referred the Healthy Futures Commission Queensland Bill 2017 to the Health, Communities, Disability Services and Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Committee for consideration.

View: Bill

View: Explanatory Notes

View: Explanatory Speech

View: Report

The Bill

The explanatory notes state that the objective of the Bill is to establish the Healthy Futures Commission Queensland (the Commission) to:

  • support the capacity of children and families to adopt a healthy lifestyle, and
  • contribute to reducing health inequity for children and families.

The Bill provides that the Commission would be an independent statutory body, comprising of: a six member governing board; a chief executive officer and other staff.

The Bill provides that the Commission’s functions would be to:

  • support the capacity of children and families to adopt a healthier lifestyle, including by promoting healthy eating and regular physical activity
  • contribute to reducing health inequity for children and families
  • advocate for the necessary social conditions and environments to help children and families to adopt a healthy lifestyle and to reduce health inequity
  • develop partnerships or other arrangements with entities, such as industry or community organisations, universities, businesses, government bodies and local government
  • provide grants to entities the Commission considers appropriate, such as business, industry, community organisations, academia and local government, and
  • consult with entities the Commission considers appropriate.

The Bill establishes the Healthy Futures Queensland Fund to facilitate the grants and sponsorship role of the Commission.

Inquiry Timeline

Public Briefing:Wednesday, 14 June 2017 - program - transcript
Submissions Closed:Thursday, 15 June 2017 
Public Hearing:Tuesday, 27 June 2017 - program - transcript
Report Date:Monday, 24 July 2017


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