Personal vaporisers and related products should not be regulated under the Tobacco Act 2008

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
Shane Kerrigan
48 Esplanade
Total Signatures - 474
Sponsoring Member: Stephen Bennett MP
Posting Date: 28/10/2014
Tabled Date: 28/10/2014
Responded By: Hon Lawrence Springborg MP on 28/11/2014
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

The petition of residents of the State of Queensland draws to the attention of the House personal vaporisers by definition and design are not smoking products. They contain no tobacco, no combustion and no smoke. Legislating personal vaporisers as a smoking product would be a major step in the wrong direction for Queensland Health.


Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to conduct a thoroughly informed review of the Health Legislation Amendment Bill in regard to personal vaporisers. Care must be taken so as not to group this alternative that has the potential to save thousands of lives under an Act designed to protect us from the deadly tobacco smoke that these tobacco harm-reduction alternatives are designed to save us from. We ask for your support by not regulating personal vaporisers as smoking products under the Tobacco Act.