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Report No. 1, 57th Parliament - Inquiry into the opportunities to improve mental health outcomes for Queenslanders
Committee’s report
The committee tabled its report on Monday 6 June 2022. The report is available here.
Section 107 of the Parliament of Queensland Act 2001 sets out the requirements for ministerial responses to committee reports. The Act provides a ministerial response to the committee’s recommendations must be tabled in the Legislative Assembly within three months of the report being tabled. The response is available here.
Submissions, hearing and briefing transcripts, and archived broadcasts for this inquiry contain information that some people may find disturbing. If the information causes you distress, the committee encourages you to contact any of the organisations listed here.
On Thursday 2 December 2021, the Mental Health Select Committee was established to conduct an inquiry into the opportunities to improve mental health outcomes for Queenslanders and report back to the House by Tuesday 31 May 2022. Media release dated 15 December 2021 about the launch of the inquiry is available here.
The terms of reference for the inquiry are:
- A select committee, to be known as the Mental Health Select Committee, be established to undertake an inquiry and report on the opportunities to improve mental health outcomes for Queenslanders. In undertaking the inquiry, the committee consider:
- the economic and societal impact of mental illness in Queensland;
- the current needs of and impacts on the mental health service system in Queensland;
- opportunities to improve economic and social participation of people with mental illness through comprehensive, coordinated, and integrated mental health services (including alcohol and other drugs and suicide prevention):
- across the care continuum from prevention, crisis response, harm reduction, treatment and recovery;
- across sectors, including Commonwealth funded primary care and private specialist services, state funded specialist mental health services, non-government services and services funded by the NDIS;
- the experiences and leadership of people with lived experience of mental illness, problematic substance use and suicidality and their families and carers;
- the mental health needs of people at greater risk of poor mental health;
- how investment by the Queensland government and other levels of government can enhance outcomes for Queenslanders requiring mental health treatment and support;
- service safety and quality, workforce improvement and digital capability;
- mental health funding models in Australia; and
- relevant national and state policies, reports and recent inquiries including the Productivity Commission Mental Health Inquiry Report.
- The committee have power to call for persons, documents and other items;
- The committee report to the Legislative Assembly by 31 May 2022;
- The committee consist of eight members of the Legislative Assembly: four members (including the Chairperson) appointed by the Leader of the House and four members appointed by the Leader of the Opposition;
- That, notwithstanding anything contained in standing orders, the appointment of members to the committee shall be by the Leader of the House and the Leader of the Opposition in writing to the Clerk with their appointments by 10 December 2021. The Clerk to table the letters of appointment.
- If the Leader of the Opposition does not appoint all required members as outlined in 4. by the date in 5., the select committee is still a fully constituted committee with the members appointed by the Leader of the House.
On 10 May 2022, the Legislative Assembly resolved to extend the reporting date for the Inquiry to Monday 6 June 2022.
Submissions closed on 4 February 2022. Submissions can be accessed under the “View Submissions” tab above.
Public BRIEFINGS AND hearings
The committee held public briefings and hearings for its inquiry into the opportunities to improve mental health outcomes for Queenslanders. Programs, Broadcasts and Transcripts are published under the Related Publications tab and listed below.
Thursday, 20 January 2022: Public briefing - Brisbane - program - broadcast part 1 - broadcast part 2 - transcript
Thursday, 27 January 2022: Site visit & public hearing - Coorparoo - program - transcript
Friday, 11 February 2022: Private hearing - Brisbane –
Friday, 11 February 2022: Public briefing & hearing - Brisbane – program - briefing broadcast - hearing broadcast - briefing transcript - hearing transcript
Wednesday, 16 February 2022: Public hearing - Brisbane – program - broadcast - transcript
Thursday, 17 February 2022: Public briefing & hearing - Brisbane – program - briefing broadcast - hearing broadcast - briefing transcript - hearing transcript
Friday, 18 February 2022: Public hearing - Brisbane– program - broadcast - transcript
Monday, 7 March 2022: Public hearing - Bundaberg – media release - program - transcript
Tuesday, 8 March 2022: Site visits - Hervey Bay - Community Mental Health Centre and Hervey Bay Hospital and Health Service
Tuesday, 8 March 2022: Public hearing - Hervey Bay - program - transcript
Wednesday, 9 March 2022: Site visits - Brisbane - Jacaranda Place and MATES in Construction
Thursday, 10 March 2022: Public hearing - Brisbane – program - broadcast - transcript
Friday, 11 March 2022: Public hearing - Brisbane – program- broadcast - transcript
Friday, 18 March 2022: Site visits - Gold Coast - Lavender Mother & Baby Unit, Gold Coast University Hospital and Goldbridge Rehabilitation Services
Friday, 18 March 2022: Public hearing - Gold Coast – program - transcript
Monday, 21 March 2022: Site Visits - Yarrabah Community
Tuesday, 22 March 2022: Site Visits - Cairns - Youth Empowered Towards Independence (YETI), Australian Red Cross and Cairns and Hinterland Hospital and Health Service
Tuesday, 12 April 2022: Public hearing - Brisbane – program - broadcast - transcript
Wednesday, 13 April 2022: Public hearing - Brisbane – program - broadcast - transcript
Wednesday, 20 April 2022: Public hearing - Kingaroy – program - transcript
Thursday, 28 April 2022: Public hearing - Brisbane – program - broadcast part 1 - broadcast part 2 - transcript
Friday, 29 April 2022: Public hearing - Brisbane – program - broadcast - transcript
Friday, 29 April 2022: Private hearing - Brisbane – transcript
Related Publications
Publication Details | Type | Published Date | Tabled Date | Committee Name |
- 1 - Michael Wright
- 2 - Tim Sayre
- 3 - Professor Dan Siskind
- 4 - Associate Professor James Morton AM
- 5 - Bob Green
- 6 - Family Drug Support (FDS)
- 7 - Dr Richard Lakeman
- 8 - Darryl Nelson
- 9 - Joe Rocco
- 10 - Lorna Pitt
- 11 - Name withheld
- 12 - Lived Experience Australia
- 13 - Dr Stefanie Roth
- 14 - Dr Lesley van Schoubroeck
- 15 - David Harris
- 16 - Dave Cheethman
- 17 - Name withheld
- 18 - Name withheld
- 19 - David Murray
- 20 - John Favaro
- 21 - Adrian Carroll
- 22 - Name withheld
- 23 - Darryl Nelson
- 24 - Karen Hvidding
- 25 - Suicide Prevention Australia
- 26 - Robyn Knight
- 27 - OzHelp
- 28 - Youth Empowered Towards Independence (YETI)
- 29 - Mental Health Review Tribunal
- 30 - Shane Bouel - script for audio submission
- 31 - Elizabeth O'Keefe
- 32 - Shane Hicks
- 33 - Niall McLaren
- 34 - Confidential
- 35 - Tropical Brain and Mind Foundation
- 36 - Cassie Greco
- 37 - Jonathan Nicholls
- 38 - Occupational Therapy Australia
- 39 - Name withheld
- 40 - Diabetes Queensland
- 41 - Anglicare Southern Queensland
- 42 - Youth Flourish Outdoors Ltd
- 43 - Outback Futures
- 44 - Confidential
- 45 - Tori Clough
- 46 - Office of the Public Guardian
- 47 - J D Thompson
- 48 - Queensland Network of Alcohol and Other Drug Agencies Ltd
- 49 - Dietitians Australia
- 50 - Melissa Costin
- 51 - Australian Counselling Association
- 52 - Exercise and Sports Science Australia
- 53 - Care Opinion Australia
- 54 - Justine Lawson
- 55 - Lionel Kerr
- 56 - Sonya Hill
- 57 - Roses in the Ocean
- 58 - Nikita Kotlarov
- 59 - World Wellness Group
- 60 - Therese Anderson
- 61 - Chris Lightbody
- 62 - Name withheld
- 63 - Australian Psychological Society
- 64 - batyr Australia Limited
- 65 - Kristine Simmonds
- 66 - headspace
- 67 - Zero Suicide Institute Australasia
- 68 - Department of Developmental Disability Neuropsychiatry, UNSW Medicine and Health
- 69 - Alcohol and Drug Foundation
- 70 - Confidential
- 71 - Rural Health Connect
- 72 - Name withheld
- 73 - Orygen
- 74 - yourtown
- 75 - QulVAA
- 76 - Dr. Narelle Dawson-Wells
- 77 - Confidential
- 78 - Brisbane Housing Company Limited
- 79 - Mind Australia Limited
- 80 - Queensland Lived Experience Workforce Network
- 81 - Common Ground Queensland
- 82 - Queensland Police Service
- 83 - Wesley Medical Research
- 84 - Confidential
- 85 - DVConnect
- 86 - QPASTT
- 87 - Brisbane South Primary Health Network
- 88 - Mental Illness Fellowship Australia
- 89 - Springfield City Group
- 90 - Inala Primary Care
- 91 - The Migrant Centre Organisation Inc trading as Thriving Multicultural Communities (TMC)
- 92 - Citizens Commission on Human Rights
- 93 - Wesley Medical Research & Outback Futures - joint submission
- 94 - Julieann Conway
- 95 - Palliative Care Queensland
- 96 - Eating Disorders Queensland
- 97 - MATES in Construction
- 98 - GROW Australia
- 99 - Professor Neeraj Gill
- 100 - Dr Amy MacMahon MP, Member for South Brisbane
- 101 - Arafmi Ltd and Carers Queensland
- 102 - Peach Tree
- 103 - Australian Association of Social Workers
- 104 - Australian Medical Association of Queensland
- 105 - Peer Participation in Mental Health Services
- 106 - Name withheld
- 107 - Primary Health Networks Queensland
- 108 - Allan Fels
- 109 - Rebecca Sferco
- 110 - Australian Association of Psychologists Inc
- 111 - Triple P International Pty Ltd
- 112 - Queensland Nurses and Midwives Union
- 113 - Workers' Psychological Support Service
- 114 - Prevention United
- 115 - Australian College of Mental Health Nurses
- 116 - PEP Health
- 117 - Name withheld
- 118 - Deaf Connect
- 119 - Queensland Alliance for Mental Health
- 120 - Australian College of Nurse Practitioners
- 121 - Queensland Catholic Education Commission
- 122 - Christine Newton
- 123 - Wellways Australia
- 124 - Australian Veterinary Association
- 125 - Cancer Council Queensland
- 126 - Lung Foundation Australia, Arthritis Queensland and Cancer Council Queensland - joint submission
- 127 - Queensland Aboriginal and Islander Health Council (QAIHC)
- 128 - Queensland Family & Child Commission
- 129 - Mater Young Adult Health Centre
- 130 - Mater Intellectual Disability and Autism Service (MIDAS), Mater and the Queensland Centre for Intellectual and Developmental Disability (QCIDD), Mater Research Institute-UQ
- 131 - Micah Projects
- 132 - Name withheld
- 133 - Mental Health Lived Experience Peak Queensland
- 134 - The Salvation Army
- 135 - Queensland Sexual Violence Network
- 136 - Ramsay Mental Health
- 137 - Institute for Urban Indigenous Health (IUIH)
- 138 - Office of the Health Ombudsman
- 139 - Aged and Disability Advocacy Australia
- 140 - The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (RANZCP) Queensland Branch
- 141 - Australian Research Alliance for Children and Youth & Thriving Queensland Kids Partnership - Joint submission
- 142 - Kim Taylor
- 143 - The Public Advocate
- 144 - Mater Health - Perinatal Mental Health
- 145 - Queensland Council for LGBTI Health
- 146 - Rainbow Families Queensland
- 147 - Grace Homestead Recovery Centre
- 148 - Q Shelter
- 149 - Name withheld
- 150 - Queensland Health
- 151 - Queensland Mental Health Commission
- 152 - Drug ARM Queensland
- 153 - Fishability QLD
- 154 - YFS Ltd
- 155 - Office of Industrial Relations, Department of Education
- 156 - Confidential
- 157 - Jonty Bush MP, Member for Cooper
- 158 - Sisters Inside Inc
- 159 - Mia Pattison
- 160 - Moira McNeil
- 161 - e-Mental Health in Practice (eMHPrac), Queensland University of Technology
- 162 - National Disability Insurance Agency
- 163 - Department of Environment and Science
- 164 - Bravehearts