Exit 38 upgrade

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
Cr Mark Hammel
6 Faciles Road
Total Signatures - 477
Sponsoring Member: Mr Michael Crandon MP
Posting Date: 4/4/2024
Closing Date: 28/4/2024
Tabled Date: 30/4/2024
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

Queensland residents draws to the attention of the House the need to expedite upgrades of Exit 38 at Yatala. For many years, congestion has been a serious safety issue and has a huge impact on the quality of life of residents of the Northern Gold Coast and those employed in local businesses, who are forced to spend more time in traffic and less time at home with their families. As well, the congestion has a serious financial impact on business. 

The urgency of this upgrade is compounded by the commencement of construction of the $500m Visy glass manufacturing and recycling facility, which is relocating, by 2025, from its Brisbane River site, paving the way for the International Broadcasting Centre for the 2032 Olympic Games. Coupled with this is the possibility of the Queensland Harness Racing Facility at Norwell Road Norwell, with up to 200 events per year, adding to the congestion.

This project has massive implications for traffic congestion, already experienced at Exit 38, with costs to the economy incalculable.

Your petitioners, therefore, request the House do all in its power to ensure the government provides, as a matter of utmost urgency, the upgrade, and improvements to the operation of Exit 38 of the M1, both for safety and economic reasons.