Protect our remaining floodplains to help retain insurability of our assets in vulnerable coastal communities

Eligibility - Queensland residents
Principal Petitioner:
Kathryn Hyman
36 Banksia Crescent
Total Signatures - 1,436
Sponsoring Member: The Clerk of the Parliament
Posting Date: 28/2/2024
Closing Date: 9/6/2024
TO: The Honourable the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland

Queensland residents draws to the attention of the House concerns with a development approval granted by the Sunshine Coast Regional Council on 14 December 2023 for an estate with a saline constructed waterbody on flood-prone land MCU 23/0113.

The development is a significant subdivision on undeveloped and constrained land adjacent to the Maroochy River. We consider that the application demonstrates that this development conflicts with state interests and provisions of the Planning Scheme in that it impacts conservation areas and off-site flood impacts. We hold concerns the council has not performed its responsibilities properly demonstrated by approving an application that is incomplete, conflicts with the Planning Scheme, and clearly demonstrates significant adverse impacts to state interests within the State Planning Policy 2017 (SPP).

This approval has impacted public perception in relation to due and proper process in decision-making by our local government.

Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to do all in its power to ensure that there is an efficient, effective and accountable planning and development assessment system, which is also a state interest, and we request by way of remedy the use of ministerial powers that are responsible for the policies, decisions and actions of departments and agencies to correct such errors brought to their attention.